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Ojirō, Sabigakure's Nokosaregumo

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ojiro - Ojirō, Sabigakure's Nokosaregumo Empty Ojirō, Sabigakure's Nokosaregumo

Post by Bisket Wed Aug 18, 2021 8:48 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information
Name: Ojirō (小代, lit. "Little Substitute")
Alias/Bingo book name: Nokosaregumo no Sabigakure (残され雲のさび隠れ, lit. "Sabigakure's Perpetual Cloud") ((Named due to his usage in ash/smoke screen techniques.))
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Personality: Ojirō has a tendency to come off as an unwilling and uncaring person due to the rather stern expressions that always seem to be on his face. On the outside it seems he has no regard for others but himself, and thinks of himself as a superior being over all that see him. After all the hardships he had to to go through early in life he had to toughen himself, thus making him seem on some occasions as a cold person. This trait of his has caused him to scare away several people who had originally wanted to befriend him. This shinobi used to believe that he is quite the independent person and didn't need any from them in the first place, but as he has gotten older, he started to realize that this is a grave mistake and that friends are an essential part to life. Ojirō is a level headed person, and even in times of great emotional and physical pain he can keep himself looking collected. He has gained a habit of training off all his problems. If the pain of an event or situation is too great, he may need a moment of solitude to clear his mind out. Just like any other stubborn man, he doesn't like talking about things and would rather deal with the problem himself.

Loyalty: Sabigakure, Sabikage, Land of Dust
Rank: Jonin
| Sabikage Advisor
Occupation: Shinobi
Village: Sabigakure

Physical Profile


Character Appearance:

Height: 5 ' 11" | 180.3cm
Weight: 215 lb | 97.5 kg

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Ojirō is rarely one to start fights, unless it’s in the ring, but when he has to, he tends to use guerilla tactics. Ambush the opponent with traps, then get in close and strike fast while they are disoriented and confused. Utilizing the medical training he had drilled into him from a young age, Ojirō knows exactly where the weakest parts of the human body are and will focus on those areas so he can do the most damage in the shortest amount of time. If he manages to get in close, the amount of damage he can cause a person is devastating. But not everyone wants to let a Chunin into their personal space, so Ojirō is able to use both his weapon of choice and elemental ninjutsu to attack from a distance. Ojirō has been using his katana for a very long time and has become quite proficient in wielding it. He’s never had formal training, and it shows, but he’s still quite deadly and able to cover it in fire in wind chakra, the weapon is great for mid-to-close range fighting. When it comes to long range fighting, Ojirō can unleash a virtual storm of elemental attacks on his opponents. He favors fire-based attacks but is proficient in Fuuton as well. Ojirō will use them to overcome and crush his enemies into the dust.

Elemental Affinity: Katon (Fire Release), Fuuton (Wind Release)
Weapons/Ninja Tools:
20 Kunai
15 Shuriken
10 Explosive Tags
5 Pepper Bombs

Past Profile

History: As a child, Ojirō had a normal life, spending most of his time with his best friend Hibiki. The two on the outside were inseparable, much like siblings. It was rare to see them apart. As the two had grew older, their fascination with seeing the world grew. However, around the age of 9, Hibiki had contracted an illness which cause him to become bedridden. Many doctors had tried to cure his illness, but none were successful. When he could, Ojirō would stop by to see his friend, as the two would watch the younger children and older adults fly kites from Hibiki's bedroom window. As the day soon turned into night, Ojirō would leave his friends side to return home, to help his father, who was a renowned surgeon during the war. Ojirō had become quite adept at creating prosthetics from his time aiding his father during the war. While Hibiki's parents fought on the front lines, he was instructed to stay with Ojirō and provide medical aid. With times now becoming more peaceful, the need to extensive surgeries were dwindling which caused Ojirō's father to come less and less stable.

A fateful day would soon arrive as Ojirō's father would pass the reigns of his trade to his son. As Ojirō's first surgery was underway, the complexity of the procedure would prove too much for the boy. As the patient passed during the operation. Ojirō's father reassured his son that things like this would happen, as it was the bane of the trade. However, unbeknownst to Ojirō, his father had made hallow promises of curing Hibiki's disease, and selfishly charged his parents a heavy sum of money, in order to merely get back on his feet, having no desire to actually save the boy. As Ojirō collected himself, he would prepare the body for the coroner. It was at this moment when the identity of the patient would be revealed to him.

Struct with an unrelenting wave of emotions, Ojirō would begin to go into a rage, it would be during this time that Ojirō's father would spill his guts to him, confessing everything to Ojirō. Outraged, Ojirō would take the money that his father had "stolen" from Hibiki's parents and report to them what had occurred. However, the blame was instead put upon Ojirō, for his inability to act when the time was right, and stop the procedure from even beginning. The dawn of the next day would bring many angry settlers to Ojirō's family's doorstep, and Ojirō was forced into exile from the small village that had been his home for all his life.

Last edited by Bisket on Wed Oct 06, 2021 12:31 pm; edited 4 times in total

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Age : 28
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ojiro - Ojirō, Sabigakure's Nokosaregumo Empty Re: Ojirō, Sabigakure's Nokosaregumo

Post by Ika Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:55 pm

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Join date : 2021-08-15

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