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Senju Mitsuko

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Senju Mitsuko Empty Senju Mitsuko

Post by Alysstrasza Mon Sep 11, 2023 7:44 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Mitsuko Senju
Clan: Senju
Alias/Bingo Book Title: N/A
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Personality: Lawful Neutral is called the "Judge" or "Disciplined" alignment. A Lawful Neutral character typically believes strongly in Lawful concepts such as honor, order, rules and tradition, and often follows a personal code. Characters of this alignment are neutral with regard to good and evil. This does not mean that Lawful Neutral characters are amoral or immoral, or do not have a moral compass, but simply that their moral considerations come a distant second to what their code, tradition, or law dictates. They typically have a strong ethical code, but it is primarily guided by their system of belief, not by a commitment to good or evil.

Due to the code of ethics she follows and believes in with her full heart, Mitsuko can come off as a difficult person to read. Certain things may make total sense to people while other things seem completely out of character if they don't know her that well. Mitsuko's code is the only thing that will stick with her until either she finally dies or time stops being a thing, whichever comes first; either way, her code is all she cares about to the highest extent, and while she will make an effort to help other people get stronger or care about them, they will never matter to her like her code does.

Mitsuko enjoys being surrounded by people regardless of whether or not she knows them, because she enjoys hearing all their stories and tones of voice and how much they've grown... but for some reason, she always ends up alone in the end. She has difficulty holding friendships and relationships, and even rivalries eventually burn up. While this does make her sad and lonely, she tries to not let it bother her and simply smiles at the next person she sees and tries again.

Despite her desire to be with groups of people, or even just one good friend, Mitsuko doesn't know how to express herself when she's upset or angry... well, when she's angry that usually gets expressed by punching something, a lot, but when she's emotionally hurt or upset or sad, she doesn't know how to express that feeling to someone else, and while she attempts to it never comes out right and she ends up being alone again. This makes her semi-reclusive, and sometimes she's forced to convince herself that it's worth it to try again because every time she gets hurt she ends up alone, and it's a never-ending cycle that kills her slowly on the inside.

Perhaps one of her biggest weaknesses, though, is that even when people stop caring about Mitsuko, she continues to care about them. People who've once been close to her will know that no matter what happens, she will always take an active interest in people's protection and will sacrifice nearly anything to keep her friends safe, even if they don't remember she exists. Mitsuko's unnatural care towards other people, at least in her eyes, is one reason she doesn't understand why no one remains for long, and why it upsets her when people inevitably walk away.

While on a mission or in a fight, Mitsuko seems to become a completely different person. All she cares about is efficiency, ending things as quickly as possible so that she can return to being care-free. This is not true when she's in a duel or a spar, but if she's fighting for her life (or the life of someone else), Mitsuko will stop at nothing to end it as fast as possible. She does not enjoy fighting the same way other people do, and while she is very good at sparring and training other people, that's because she never needs to fatigue herself by using any of her techniques, so she can spar for extended periods of time with no sweat.

Due to Mitsuko's slow development of a Family and caricaturized views of what that should be, she is highly protective of the people she cares about, and will even ignore direct orders if she believes they have the slightest chance of hurting her loved ones. While she goes to great lengths to care about everyone she meets to an extent, the few who actually get deep into her heart will stay there forever, and she is more loyal to her family than she will ever be to the village of Konohagakure.

The rare occasions when Mitsuko is not pushed away by the people whom she loves are met with an unwavering loyalty and disregard for her own safety in lieu of theirs. Those people, whom Mitsuko views as her true family, are under her direct protection; in the event that anything happens to these people, Mitsuko takes it as a personal failure on top of their own passing in regards to emotional instability, and a single death of someone she loves can spiral Mitsuko out of control. Aside from doing anything she can to directly protect them, Mitsuko will go out of her way to make sure these people are able to handle themselves as well, and will train them with everything in her arsenal.
Loyalty: Konohagakure; The Hokage
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Genin
Village: Konohagakure no Sato

Physical Profile

Senju Mitsuko YaiBla7
Genin Apperance: [Click Picture for Full Size]
Height: 4'7" [140cm]
Weight: 92.5 lbs [42kg]
Piercing blue eyes and jet black hair compliment Mitsuko's fair skin, which is devoid of tattoos or scars. She wears combat tape over her torso, forearms, and legs, wears black pants, and a small poncho to keep herself dry. She prefers to feel the unabated wind on her skin when fighting, hence the lack of clothing.

Senju Mitsuko Vm9G4tE
Chūnin Appearance: [Click Picture for Full Size]
Height: 5'4" [166cm]
Weight: 128 lbs [58kg]
Mitsuko wears a long black coat with a white stripe on the right side of it. The coat has a hood which she can use for a little extra anonymity while traveling. Her arms are bandaged up, as is her torso. She wears asymmetric pants, with the right leg being shorter than the left leg. The right leg is also where she keeps the majority of her ninja tools, though some are also kept under her coat behind her. Her belt features her forehead protector prominantly on display.

Senju Mitsuko Qseasd1
Jōnin Appearance: [Click Picture for Full Size]
Height: 6'0" [183cm]
Weight: 165 lbs [75kg]
Mitsuko has long straight black hair and piercing blue eyes, wears a long black coat with a cropped white tanktop shirt underneath. Her arms are bandaged up, but her coat is open. She wears asymmetric pants, with the right leg being shorter than the left leg, and muted colors so she can blend in with shadows better. Her coat also has a hood she can throw up for anonymity.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style:
Although fully proficient with Ninjutsu, Mitsuko vastly prefers trusting in her own physical body to perform any given task, and has a tendency to forget Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are even options sometimes. Due to her experience with strategy games, she can plan very quickly when things go well, but if something happens that's completely outside of her realm of expectations it can take her a moment to react. Real life is not as clean as board games, and she needs to understand that. Regardless, her actual fighting style itself is very fluid and acrobatic, rarely if ever attacking the same way twice. This can be equally beneficial or harmful, as sometimes the only way to win is to infact attack the same way twice in a row, and her staunch refusal to do so could endanger someone one day. Regardless she sees it was a strength, a way she is superior to her opponents.

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{Placeholder Text}

Elemental Affinity: Suiton [Water]

Weapons/Ninja Tools:
[Stored in Pouch on Right Leg]
20 x Kunai
10 x Senbon
20 x Shuriken
10 x Explosive Tags
05 x Smoke Bombs

[Stored in Pouch on Back of Belt]
05 x Wireless Radio
04 x [Zōketsugan]
04 x [Hyōrōgan]
01 x Personal Mirror
01 x Mobile Phone
01 x Bingo Book
01 x Personal Book [Varies per Thread]

Past Profile

Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:


Posts : 525
Join date : 2022-08-05

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Senju Mitsuko Empty Re: Senju Mitsuko

Post by Ika Mon Sep 11, 2023 8:04 pm

Approved 3-2


Posts : 1683
Join date : 2021-08-15

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