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Shiori Ashina

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Shiori Ashina Empty Shiori Ashina

Post by OnyxLockdown Tue Aug 17, 2021 11:40 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Shiori Ashina
Clan: Ashina
Alias/Bingo book name: Demon Dancer, That Bitch, A Badger
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Personality: On the outside, Shiori can seem aloof and downright judgemental to those who meet her for the first time, leading to her being the queen of bad first impressions. With the bitter exterior, one might think to find a warm heart and some degree of kindness. While these things indeed dwell within her, they are often drowned out by self worth issues, lasting childhood trauma, and a deeply introverted personality. Also enjoys stiff drinks to a problem at degree. In spite of all this, when it counts, Shiori can put on a professional face. In times where it's required, she can appear heatless to send messages to other clans or nations should the situation require it.

During fights, Shiori remains large the same, though slaps a callous demeanor on top of is, keeping an eye on opponents moves to find a way to deliver devastating blows. She tends to take every fight fairly seriously regardless of whether it's a fight to the death or sparring.
Loyalty: Arashikage, Ashina Clan
Rank: Jonin
Occupation: Direct Servant of the Arashikage
Village: Arashigakure

Physical Profile

Appearance: Seal of Yomi consists of 8 black dots that run down the length of her spine from the base of her neck to her tailbone. These glow yellow depending on which demon is being summoned. Arms covered in floral tattoos, left arm with Sakura blossoms, right arm with red spider lilies.

Usually wears sleeveless top with a scarf that covers the lower half of her neck. Light armor plating sewn into top. Dark Baggy pants only tied down at the shins by shin guards and tabi. Black note extending up to elbow and too the fingers.

Character Appearance:

Height: 6'
Weight: 160

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: While fairly skilled in both Kenjutsu and Taijutsu, she prefers the former as many clan techniques revolve around swordplay. Beyond this, she is fairly skilled in ninjutsu as well, with enough knowledge of genjutstu to recognize most of them when used on her.

Her preferred elements are water and lightning, with a tendency to use the first as a setup for the second. Whether it consists of a direct water jutsu followed by lighting, or laying water traps and firing lightning at opponents once the traps have been sprung, she prefers these two in tandem.

Should she find a fight not winnable by the usual means, she draws upon a specific set of Ashina techniques that call on the 8 Lightning God's of Yomi. By allowing herself to be partially possessed by a few of them, she can boost defensive capabilities, rely on new offensive techniques, or become significantly faster.
Elemental Affinity: Lightning, water, fire, earth, ice
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Katanas:
Arashigakure not at war:
Suijingiri - straight blade katana with a blacked steel blade and gold oval guard covered in waves and sea monster imagery.
Tenguhane - Chisa Katana with a matte black blade with small rectangular guard. 5 parallel notches located at the base of the back of the blade.

Arashigakure at war:

In general:
Rope dart

Past Profile

History: Born with her twin Saya as the only children of Suzuka Ashina, matriarch of the clan. No one knew the father's identity, though some believed Suzuka had conceived them upon conspiring with the demons that gifted the clan with the power they are known for.

While Shiori was withdrawn, analytical, and introverted, Saya was more outgoing, upbeat, and manipulative. In a way, both girls seemed to represent exaggerated aspects of their mother. In spite of their different personalities, the girls remained close. While the clan seemed to adore Says, Suzuka has quietly decided that Shiori had more potential and would likely be her successor.

It was through Saya that Shiori would encounter Suzume. Initially she saw her as nothing more than a peasant girl who had the nerve to be better than her. Rivalry would eventually turn to friendship however, that would last for some time.

After graduation, however, Suzume disappeared, and Suzuka would reveal that in order for the girls to fully inherit their clan's Kekkei Genkai, one of them would have to die so the other could achieve it's full power. With the knowledge that their mother was dead serious, and would likely sooner kill both and start again with new children than fight with them over this, the two sisters turned blades on each other. The end was as Suzuka had predicted with Shiori weeping over Saya's dead body.
Side Note: Owns a pet tiger named Haru. if Shiori uses any Jutsu that takes the form of an animal, they resemble Haru.
Roleplay Sample:


Posts : 119
Join date : 2021-08-16

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Shiori Ashina Empty Re: Shiori Ashina

Post by Ika Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:48 pm

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Join date : 2021-08-15

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