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Suzuki Kunikunosaku

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Suzuki Kunikunosaku Empty Suzuki Kunikunosaku

Post by Necro Sun Aug 29, 2021 10:35 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Suzuki Kunikunosaku
Clan: N/A
Alias/Bingo book name: Zangyaku kōi (Atrocity) | Kuni
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Personality: After having a run-in with unique teammates, teachers, and interesting first meets with the lot known as her acquaintances; Kunikunosaku had an Identity crises trying to figure her part in the grand scheme of things after receiving Jiongu and falling a literal victim to it. As a result of this crisis, she has developed two polar identities. Rather than remaining together, her mind now occupies three minds. One not being her own, but the other two were one split in half, dividing them a part as much as possible despite being one in the same. The two are...


A strong willed girl, Kunikunosaku is the original personality the girl has. While she sees herself as separate from the other minds inhabiting her body, Kunikunosaku is the second strongest identity compared to the other. She is easily the most tired of them, indicated in her mannerisms and speech pattern. She made a 180, now despising and fearing both Jiongu and what she has become; she advocates to beating the symbiont, not for control over it but to one day truly separate herself from it, even if it means she dies. Hating her actions after attaining this curse, Kunikunosaku has sworn to fight her demons long and hard enough to achieve her pretty dark dream, until then, she is only there for the ride. Much of her personality has carried over from before the incident. This identity needs a triggered shift to have control, this shift is caused by a key word being uttered. "Kunikunosaku", "Puritiwan", "Nezumi", "Mikatakujira", "Dream", "Pest", "Star", "Better", "Who".

Zangyaku kōi:

It is the identity leader within Kunikunosaku's body. Zangyaku kōi is currently the most powerful identity, a rogue created by Kunikunosaku's care for Jiongu. Zangyaku kōi easily cares only about Jiongu and how to best care for it. So it can control the symbiont in order to use its power and become one with it. Zangyaku kōi has unprecedented control over Jiongu yet still falters to its cries and screams. As it shares combat abilities with Kunikunosaku, this persona is also the apex fighter of mentalities, seamlessly raking attack after attack to show its worth both as a shinobi and as leader of the body. While it does maintain some care to how it appears, it's mostly a means to an end. While there exists care in this personality, it excels at being taciturn and violent. If a job needs to be done, or a duty without inhibitions, Zangyaku kōi usually preforms without fail, most being attributed to Kunikunosaku; mainly because it sees itself the success Kunikunosaku never lived to see. This identity needs no triggered shift to have control but they are words to wake it up. "Hearts"; "Zangyaku kōi"; "Bitch"; "Kunekune"; "Monster"; "Shrimp"; "Pint"; and "Brat".
Loyalty: Arashigakure/Storm
Rank: Chūnin
Occupation: Arashigakure Kunoichi
Village: Arashi no Kuni

Physical Profile

Appearance: The bare basics of Kunikunosaku are that she stands at five feet six inches. She was born with blonde hair and light blue eyes, however, coming to learn Jiongu, Kunikunosaku's hair faded white and her eyes darkened to Magenta hue. She has grown over her more peculiar phases and now adorns a red and black gi. Arm sheaths are only present to cover her mess of arms from extraneous use of her gained kinjutsu.

Character Appearance:

Height: 5'6" (170.67 Centimeters)
Weight: 91.5 lbs (41.5 Kilograms)

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Growing into her own, learning the limits and capabilities of her kinjutsu, Jiongu. Kunikunosaku has learned her fighting style mirrors a KILL or BE KILLED strategy. Using her enhanced strength and a versatility in multiple jutsu arts, when Kunikunosaku attacks, goes straight for the kill. Utilizing both her increased strength and durability, the girl does not shy, in fact actually rushes her opponents in close range combat; despite having no true affinity in either Taijutsu nor Bukijutsu. This does not lock her out of attempting, especially coupling the fact the girl has learned many techniques to turn the tide of battle. As a Ninjutsu combatant, while she does have extraneous avenues of attacking from distal ranges, her far more effective ninjutsu are all close-ranged.

For being such an aggressive fighter and a large enunciation on killing, the Kunoichi has a much more relaxed, tank-esque defense. Capable of withstanding most blows that can put other shinobi in the hospital, or even 6 feet under, Kunikunosaku uses this pretty arrogantly when openly fighting, typically locking in opponents to shift into a very fast-paced offense. She is very well capable of blocking and using threads as cushions. Despite her heavy offensive arsenal, the Kunoichi has many defensive/evasion maneuvers. To put the worst together, Kunikunosaku utilizes fear tactics both in combat and merely existing, further aiding her potential onslaught.

Most of her supplementary arts are geared to incapacitating opponents, stunning, or trapping them for a quick kill. This does not mean elongated combat is suitable against her, the quick kills are mercy to her opponent as she has the ability to fight longer and far more harder. As for stealth, Kunikunosaku even has jutsus to aid against the art of detection and further techniques to aid her in both quick and stealth assassinations.
Elemental Affinity: Doton (Earth) | Fūton (Wind)
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Two Wakizashi
5 Kunai
10 Explosive Tags
10 Shuriken


Posts : 15
Join date : 2021-08-28
Age : 26

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Suzuki Kunikunosaku Empty Re: Suzuki Kunikunosaku

Post by Ika Sun Aug 29, 2021 12:46 pm

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Join date : 2021-08-15

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