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Shingetsu Hatake Jutsu (Modded)

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Shingetsu Hatake Jutsu (Modded) Empty Shingetsu Hatake Jutsu (Modded)

Post by Jello Sun Oct 29, 2023 8:43 pm

The Jutsu Profile
Character Information
Character Name: Shingetsu Hatake
Character Tier: 2-3
Character Application: App
Taijutsu: Adept
Ninjutsu: Master
Genjutsu: Adept
Strength: Novice
Agility: Expert
Endurance: Adept

Chakra Capacity: Master
Chakra Efficiency: Master
Weapons Mastery: Novice
Fuuinjutsu: Adept
Medical: Novice
Summoning: Untrained

Selected Perks:
Dojutsu (⬤⬤⬤)

(List Jutsus Here)

Jutsu Name: Edge Projection Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu/Kenjutsu
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: A hastily crafted idea imparted upon Shingetsu Hatake by Rei Uchiha. Utilizing a flow of wind chakra across the edge of a chakra-sensitive blade allows the user to extend the reach of any basic sword strike, distance determined by amount of chakra imbued and the arc of strike.

This technique is difficult to see, causing only a minor disturbance on the extended portion of the edge.

Jutsu Name: Body Flicker
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent.

Jutsu Name: Chakra Wing
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Element: Chakra
Jutsu Rank: c
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: be used in lieu of fans for wind techniques to produce gales or wind forces, such as increasing leaps or gliding for a short period. They are not large and cannot produce flight or anything like that.

Jutsu Name: Fire Release: Exploding Flame Shot
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fire
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By creating a spark from their hands, this technique allows the user to throw multiple balls of flames, which are able to either cause fiery explosions on impact or set the target on fire. The user can create up to seven balls of flames at a time.

Jutsu Name: Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fire
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A basic fire jutsu, where the user exhales a flame breath from their mouth. This technique can be used in conjunction with certain Doton techniques to ignite projectiles, as well as ignite shuriken or kunai when thrown to make them more devastating.

Jutsu Name: Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fire
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique is executed by the user gathering oil in their mouth which is created by chakra, spitting it out, and igniting it. This technique simply shoots a flame bullet at the enemy. If the amount of oil that is prepared is kept down, the time it takes to invoke the technique is reduced. This allows the enemy to be stricken unaware, allowing the oil-containing flame bullet to burn them up completely. It is also possible to shoot out a series of flame bullets by partitioning the oil, or a continuous flamethrower.

Jutsu Name: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fire
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface.

Jutsu Name: Fire Release: Mist Blaze Dance Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fire
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a flammable gas in their lungs by mixing air and chakra, and blows it out. When it comes into contact with fire or a spark, the gas ignites into a large fireball.

Jutsu Name: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fire
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled individually with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

Jutsu Name: Leaf Great Whirlwind
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: While spinning, the user delivers a series of kicks. As they spin faster, they are lifted from the ground, allowing them to kick different areas of their target: first a low kick, then a middle kick, then a high kick. These are finished off with a heel drop. As a result of the spinning, targets cannot see the incoming kicks until just before they're struck.

Jutsu Name: Rasengan
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Rasengan does not require hand seals to perform and is considered to be the highest form of shape transformation. Once it is formed, it also does not require any additional chakra to sustain it, which means that there is no definite limit to how long the Rasengan can be used. Though the Rasengan's shape is consistent from user to user, its size varies from only barely large enough to be noticeable to much larger than the user's hand. With greater experience with the Rasengan comes a larger size.

Jutsu Name: Sensing Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Chakra
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Sensing Technique allows sensor type shinobi to mold chakra and change it to the sensor type. This enables them to detect and track down targets through their chakra signatures. The range of this technique varies between sensors and the rank of this jutsu used will increase the range as well. D-Rank starts with your immediate area, and S-Rank could cover an entire village. The more range you try to give to the technique the more chakra is consumed, the longer the technique is used the more chakra is consumed, and the more targets the user tries to track at once also increases chakra consumed. It is more practical to only track up to three targets or less at a time because of this chakra drain drawback.

Jutsu Name: Shadow Clone Jutsu
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yang
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Kage Bunshin technique is the evolved form of the bunshin technique, though rather than making illusory clones the clones made via this technique are solid, and can perform jutsu's. In fact visually even to most dojutsu's the clones do not vary at all from their caster. However the clones are not perfect copies, the clones made start at 50% of the users strength and that gets split across the total amount of clones made meaning if you make 5 clones they are each at 10% of the user's strength. Another Difference is that these clones each can only take 1-2 hits before being dispursed, all of the knowledge gained and a portion of their remaining chakra are sent back to the user. This can allow the technique to be used to expedite training, but just like reserves and knowledge are transferred so to is the exhaustion.

Jutsu Name: Sharingan Copy
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Dojutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Uchiha
Jutsu Description: Users of this technique can copy any non-bloodline restricted technique below their rank that is used against them in combat so long as they meet the elemental requirements for the techniques. This technique can only be used to permanently copy a technique up to once per topic so long as you meet the requirements, and have an open slot, Though it can be used to copy attacks for counters. Mind you that while the Sharingan will allow you to use techniques you do not know, and do not have the elemental proficiency for, if you do not have the required skills/levels to use a technique you can not copy it. Choose at the end of topic what you kept.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Beast Tearing Palm
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A powerful technique of Wind nature chakra that can cut and slash through nearly any material. Activated by summoning chakra into their right hand, the user then swipes a slicing chakra wave controlled by their will and thoughts. This technique can be used in a rapid-fire, successive motion, and takes on a subtle glow of the user's chakra.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Dust Wind Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user generates a gust of wind usually with a fan and layers the surrounding area in a blast of sand, dirt, and other small debris. This layer of debris accumulates on nearby trees and other surfaces making it much more difficult for others to get a good footing, and the initial gust can temporarily blind opponents by lodging the debris in their eyes.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Gale Palm
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A simple technique whereby when the user clasps their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale. This technique, when used as an isolated attack, has the power to easily knock over a human. Though the true value comes from using it together with projectile weapons like shuriken or kunai. Their speed, power, and ability to wound or even kill are all increased several times.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Wind Release: Great Breakthrough is a technique that creates a gust of wind, whose scale and usage varies depending on the user. If used by a superior shinobi, it has enough destructive power to knock down a large tree. The wind from the squall can blow away all things in the user's line of sight. The technique can also be used in the form of a devastation stream of wind expelled from the user's mouth. There is also a variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Great Sickle Weasel Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique is a more powerful version of the Sickle Weasel Technique: many air currents collide to create vacuum pockets that slashes the opponents, with enough power to slice down many trees in a forest. This technique can deflect both physical and sound wave attacks and attack at the same time, making it both an offensive and defensive technique.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Passing Typhoon
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a large gust of wind that travels upward and outward, blowing away weather conditions in lieu of clear skies. This technique has been shown to be powerful enough to dispel the Hiding in Mist Technique that Kirigakure is famous for, but has limited use in regards to combat.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Rotating Shuriken
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By infusing wind-natured chakra into shuriken, the user can make them spin, as well as control them in the air.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Sickle Weasel Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Using this technique the user freely manipulates the air in front of them, usually using their hands a fan or something else to create the initial air flow, before the jutsu causes it to become many air currents which collide and create vacuum pockets. The person enveloped by this induced gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet. Advanced users have also shown the ability to manipulate the form of the gale, creating a tornado to envelop and lift an opponent, while also cutting them several times. Masters are skilled and accurate enough to cut away the armor of a samurai without injuring the wearer.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Spiralling Wind Ball
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to breathe wind-infused chakra into the palm of their hand, shaping it into a small, whirlwind-like ball. Then the user will shoot it at their opponent. This technique seems to be very fast and powerful, as it is capable of smashing through thick rock. They can be launched in rapid succession.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user swings their sword and a gust of wind is released in the arc that it was swung in. The technique is strong enough to stop projectiles that are thrown at the user.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Using their chakra or a ninja tool such as a war fan to manipulate or create an external source of wind, the user can create one to several blades of wind, which are capable of slicing through their target with ease.


Posts : 369
Join date : 2023-07-22

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