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Takamatsu Tousen | Storm Jōnin

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Takamatsu Tousen | Storm Jōnin Empty Takamatsu Tousen | Storm Jōnin

Post by EyeJays Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:11 pm

The Shinobi Profile

General Information

Name: Tousen Takamatsu

Clan: Clanless

Alias/Bingo book name: "White Death" & "Bloody Bolt"

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Personality: To the onlooker, it would appear as though Tousen is strong but silent in nature. Whilst this statement bears some truth in that his very presence seemingly commands the attention of those around him, his penchant for mutism coupled with his vacant nonchalance conveying only apathy, it is ultimately equivocal in nature. These traits are merely pieces of a grander suit of armor that serves to guard him at his very core. Whilst it may appear that Tousen is somewhat socially inept, he is reserved, subconsciously 'vetting' those who would seek to interact with him so as to gauge their persona. Past experiences have taught him well in that regard, as his circle of so-called friends is practically non-existent, the very idea of bonds in and of itself but a pipe dream. 

Tousen considers himself a man of action, placing greater stock in one's actions in a world filled with arrogant boasts and empty threats.

However, should anyone truly manage to shatter the barrier that surrounds him they will find that he is fiercely loyal and a true kindred spirit, rekindling the remnants of his benevolence that so rarely appears but for the tending of his plants.

Loyalty: Storm Village

Rank: Jōnin

Torture & Interrogation Division

Village: Ongaku No Mura (satellite village, land of storms)

Physical Profile


Takamatsu Tousen | Storm Jōnin EovSLla

Height: 6'0"

Weight: 155 lbs

Physical Traits: His village's headband rests upon his throat, neatly wrapped and carefully folded so that the emblem is visible when viewed from the front. Resting at the tip of his nose and guarding his left eye is a monocle, bearing numerous magnification lenses all secured with a brass sliding-clasp mechanism for ease of transition, gradually decreasing in size and providing Tousen with a greater amount of focus as and when required.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Tousen's fighting style is based on Wing-chun, in that it relies on attack and defense being both interwoven and simultaneous. Although primarily a reactive and defensively-focused fighting style, it works well for Tousen as it allows him to ensure all 'gaps' within his combat efficacy are reliably covered. Taijutsu being the proverbial 'chink' in his armor, this style allows him to effectively manage opponents should they move in close and seek to capitalise on an opening.

Elemental Affinities: Lightning, Yin, & Wind

Weapons/Ninja Tools: [Swords, puppets, sealing tools, poisons, etc. All shinobi are assumed to be proficient in the use of kunai, shuriken, wire, explosive tags, and sealing scrolls. Only mention them here if your character has notable expertise with those tools.] Tousen is particularly proficient in the use of blades, utilising a ninjato which he keeps sheathed at the small of his back; partially obscured by the obi that wraps around his waist. He often channels his lightning abilities through the blade itself so as to enhance the cutting power and potential attack range/radius.

Past Profile

- Born and raised in Ongaku No Mura, a musicians' hamlet on the outskirts of Storm Village.
- Eldest of two children, himself and his sister [Shū Takamatsu].
- Studied and practiced the bamboo flute & shamisen w/ his parents: [Dōku Takamatsu] father & [Mayu Takamatsu] mother.
- Returned home one day to discover the remains of his family, bound, tortured and killed.
- Even as a youth, the event forced Tousen into a state of maturity practically overnight, he promptly began investigating their murders.
- Murderer was revealed to be his uncle [Goro Takamatsu] having slewn them in a fit of rage as a result of jealousy; jealous of their land, perceived wealth and his own spouse's infertility, having wanted Tousen's mother to be a surrogate to provide him with an heir/s.
- Goro was executed by a rogue Storm nin [Hamada Keshi] before he could harm Tousen.
- Tousen & Hamada left Ongaku No Mura, Tousen becoming Hamada's apprentice.
- For three years, Tousen trained under Hamada's supervision and guidance, displaying almost prodigious abilities.
- Tousen would learn everything but Ninjutsu, so as to protect his identity and/or alibi when he entered the Storm Village's academy.
- Hamada would eventually abandon Tousen, not wanting to corrupt the already hate-driven child into a life on the run.
- Tousen fell into another bout of depression, having seen Hamada as somewhat of a brotherly figure.
- Tousen found his way to the Storm Village, was enrolled into the academy and granted both accommodations and a weekly allowance as a result of his being an orphan.
- Outside of the Arashikage, none were immediately aware of his information. Tousen used this to his advantage, smoothly inserting himself into the background.
- Tousen excelled in the classes, particularly taijutsu & buki-jutsu as a result of his prior training.
- What Tousen lacked ninjutsu techniques, he made up for it with an intimate understanding of chakra and its innerworkings.
- Despite his lack of ninjutsu, Tousen managed to claw his way to the top 10 class rankings.
- Tousen treated his home as both a library and gymnasium. He was constantly reading borrowed scrolls from the library in between working out and drilling his katas.
- After many arduous months, Tousen managed to gain and understanding and mastery of the academy jutsu, setting his sights on [C] techniques in the future.
- As a result of his skills and efforts, Tousen was moved ahead a year in the academy.
- It was here that Tousen met Hayate, a fellow classmate, a rivalry developing as a result of mutual dislike.
- Tousen graduated from the academy, officially a [Genin] of the Storm Village.
- With his Jōnin sensei's guidance, Tousen learned that his primary affinity was lightning.
- Tousen quickly set out to expand his repertoire, hunting down any and all scrolls as well as recommended individuals with whom he was to study beneath.
- Tousen was promoted to [Chūnin] following an excellent result of the exams with his squad.
- Eager to find a particular niche within the corps, Tousen eventually pursued an avenue into the T&I division.
- The subject intrigued him, the extraction of information through suffering, pain and torture resonating with his darker, deeper desires following his past.
- T&I would become his proverbial 'nucleus', the culmination of his efforts, and his future career.
- Tousen later reunited with Hamada, as a result of the latter being his target for a mission involving the capture/execution of discovered nukenin.
- Tousen managed to gain the upper-hand during the engagement with Hamada, but not without an injury.
- Tousen would stage the scene and proceed to add further injuries to himself so as to conceal his own efficacy and their previous ties.
- Tousen eventually attained the rank of [Tokubetsu Jōnin], alongside a frighteningly meteoric rise within the T&I division.

Side Notes:


Posts : 58
Join date : 2024-03-12
Age : 26
Location : Wales, UK

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Post by Ika Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:23 pm

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Post by Ika Thu May 02, 2024 9:30 pm

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