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Tousen's Jutsu List

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Tousen's Jutsu List Empty Tousen's Jutsu List

Post by EyeJays Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:09 pm

The Jutsu Profile

Character Information

Character Name: Tousen Takamatsu

Character Tier: 1 - 1

Character Application: [Link to your approved character application]


Ninjutsu: Grandmaster
Taijutsu: Grandmaster
Genjutsu: Master
Strength: Master
Agility: Grandmaster
Endurance: Master
Medical: Adept
Kenjutsu: Master
Summoning: Untrained
Fuuinjutsu: Adept
Chakra Capacity: Master
Chakra Efficiency: Master

Jutsu List

Lightning Release

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Lariat/Double Lariat

Jutsu Type: Nin-Taijutsu, Combination jutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank: A

Jutsu Description: A powerful taijutsu technique whereby the user charges at their opponent, striking them with a Lariat move, which can be coated in chakra. A successful strike can blow away a target's entire chest with a direct hit, which may not kill them right away, but will ultimately kill them if they are not treated. The attack is rather straightforward, but very quick, powerful and is easily capable of knocking down an opponent. The double lariat is a combination attack whereby two users simultaneously strike from the front and behind, creating a scissor effect at/near light speed. Both users must use the exact same amount of opposing strength or the target will merely bend. When successfully performed, the force of the technique will decapitate the target.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Elekiter

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:
Jutsu Description: The user concentrates lightning in their palm/s to shock the opponent up close, temporarily applying a stunning effect.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Lightning Ball

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user creates spheres of electrical energy and launches them at the enemy. When they make contact with the enemy, the spheres electrocute them and throw them back. This technique can also be used in rapid succession or to fire multiple balls at once.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release Bullet: Powerful Breath

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user creates a condensed surge of lightning in their fist. Upon doing so, the user thrusts it forward, unleashing a powerful lightning bolt. It can also be conducted by a water source to hit multiple targets.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Electromagnetic Murder

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: A Lightning Release technique that allows the user to create a wave of electricity from their hands. The user can vary its power from a small surge to shock an opponent to a powerful stream of lightning capable of ripping through solid rock.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Heavenly Formation Lightning

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user strikes with lightning bolts. The bolts can be produced either from storm clouds or the user themselves. Additionally, the bolts can be channelled through structures so as to strike at targets from multiple sources.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Lightning Rod

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: After coming into physical contact with the opponent, the user raises their arm into the air, generating a powerful bolt of electricity which travels through their body, transferring the electricity to the body of the opponent.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Thunderbolt

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user extends one or both arms, releasing a high discharge through said palms, targeting multiple opponents simultaneously. It is possible to increase the power using this technique in combination with a water source.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Thunder

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: With the flick of their wrist the user is capable of firing countless small sparks of lightning towards a target.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Thunder Binding

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:
C, Supplementary

Jutsu Description: This technique lets the user create a three-sided wall of electricity to bind their opponent. The user must have three conductors to stick in the ground to create the points. Furthermore, once the enemy is inside, if they come into contact with the wall they will be electrocuted. The only way the technique can be broken is if an outside party were to strike one of the walls with a strong enough attack, which will then deactivate the other walls.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Spider Web

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: After kneading chakra in the body and converting it to lightning, the user places their hand on the ground, releasing a surge of electricity around them in the form of a web, which electrocutes anyone caught in its vicinity.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Shadow Clone Technique

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to make a shadow clone infused with lightning. Because it is a shadow clone, it is able to perform techniques and interact with the environment. If the clone is injured, it will revert to its natural lightning-state, at the same time electrocuting whatever makes contact with it. Unlike a regular shadow clone, however, it does not send chakra back to the user upon reverting to lightning.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: False Darkness

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user emits lightning in the shape of a spear from its mouth, which then pierces the enemy. Its destructive power is great enough to even pierce through rock, meaning it has a high killing potential. The user can increase the number of spears to attack multiple enemies. This, coupled with the sheer speed of the lightning, makes it a difficult technique to evade. This technique is capable of being focused into a straight beam, similar to a laser.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Overdrive

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:
A, Supplementary

Jutsu Description: By utilising Lightning Release, the user can speed up the signals that are sent from the brain to the muscles to increase the user's striking speed. The technique also gives the user cutting capabilities from barehanded attacks.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Rat Violent Quake

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user releases a discharge of electricity that fires several destructive disks of electricity which home in on the targets.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Thunderclap Arrow

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user moulds, then shapes lightning-natured chakra. They can then throw the lightning as a projectile-based attack.

Wind Release

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Breakthrough/Great Breakthrough

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:
D - C, Supplementary

Jutsu Description: After gathering chakra in their stomach, the user expels it as a gust of wind. This technique is powerful enough to blow away everything within the user's immediate vicinity. This technique can also be used for supplementary purposes, such as creating a vortex of wind to save a falling ally.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Air Bullets

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: This technique shoots multiple bullets of air at the victim with intense speed. The bullets also have great power, enough to subdue a whole group of shinobi.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Air Current Wild Dance

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user creates and controls air currents from the palms of their hands. The technique is able to easily whip up loose dust in the area. It is also performed to create a controllable dust storm.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Divine Mountain Wind

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: This technique creates a huge vortex of wind to blast at a target. Can be used in combination with fire and earth techniques to create an inferno capable of trapping opponents within.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Gale Palm

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: A wind release technique where the user either increases their velocity, or by clasping their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale, with enough momentum to knock over a person. When used in conjunction with kunai or shuriken, the tools' lethality increases with higher speed.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Whirlwind Fist

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: A technique where the user clads their fist with wind chakra to form a typhoon that is a revolving blade of wind. Upon impact against an individual, the technique pierces their body and blows them away with a shock wave.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Blade of Wind

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user emits chakra from their fingertips, creating an invisible sword out of wind to attack opponents with. Because opponents cannot see the blade, in conjunction with a skilled user, there is little an opponent can do to defend against this technique.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: A stronger version of the 'Vacuum Sphere' technique, where the user instead chooses to compress the entirety of the previously inhaled breath into a single large, crushing sphere of wind chakra that they then proceed to expel from their mouth.

Jutsu Name:
Wind Release: Vacuum Wave

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user takes a deep breath and spins while exhaling, compressing the released air into a solitary blade of wind that covers a substantial area around the user, due to their circular motion. The resulting sharpened blast is large enough to slice through multiple targets located at a significant distance from the user, causing grievous injuries to those hit.

Yin Release

Jutsu Name:
Demonic Illusion: Hell-viewing technique

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: This technique subjects targets to visions of their greatest fear, regardless of whether or not they're aware that they're afraid of it. This "fear" can be something that the target is actually scared of or merely the one image that they least want to see.

Jutsu Name:
Interrogation Genjutsu

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: A genjutsu used to break the will of his captured target, to make them give as much information as possible. However, if the target has strong will, the technique will be useless and shall subside.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Illusion: Flash Pillar

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

Jutsu Element:
Yin & Lightning

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user discharges electricity through their entire body in the form of an extremely bright light to disorientate their target's vision. Once this is done, the user can implant images in their head. Can be used collaboratively with other shinobi to completely overwhelm a target/s sense of sight.

Jutsu Name:
Demonic Illusion: Tree-binding Death

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The target experiences the illusion of a tree coiling around them, preventing them from moving. Because targets are immobile yet still conscious, this technique is a useful way to perform interrogations. Alternatively, users can simply kill the immobilised targets.

Jutsu Name:
Bringer of Darkness Technique

Jutsu Type: Genjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: The user places a hallucinatory darkness on a target's eyesight, causing them to see nothing but black; it likens the sensation to being at the bottom of a deep hole. Because the target cannot see, they are very vulnerable to attack. Although this handicap is dangerous, it is not insurmountable, as a keen-sensed target may be able to predict an incoming attack via touch or smell.


Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Red Thunder

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description:
Tousen extends his arms from both sides and channels the Crimson Lightning from his fists, shocking anybody nearby.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Crimson Panther

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: After generating crimson lightning from their body, Tousen releases it in the form of a panther to shock anyone that comes into contact with it. Its quick movement allows it to be used to take out multiple opponents. On or near water sources, the effective range of this technique is increased.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Double Panther

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: After creating a shadow clone, Tousen and his clone both use the 'Crimson Panther' technique to attack the target simultaneously.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Raijin's Talons

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: Tousen gathers lightning chakra to his fingers and rushes towards his opponent. Tousen then unleashes a flurry of thrusting attacks (upto 128 consecutive) at or near light speed. Should any of the strikes make direct contact, the chakra will disperse producing small, chidori-adjacent blasts; this effect continuing so long as the technique/combo is active. The speed and precise nature of this attack is devastating and, as a result, all-the-more difficult to avoid.

Jutsu Name:
Lightning Release: Crimson Cutter

Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: Tousen first gathers lightning chakra to his hand, which can then be used to either shoot a bolt of electricity from his hand or as a close ranged piercing attack. The technique was invented by Tousen as a means of both replicating the Chidori/Lightning Cutter all-the-while negating the tunnel vision that affects Chidori/Lightning Cutter users without a Sharingan to aid them.

Jutsu Name:
Crimson Lightning Release Chakra Mode

Jutsu Type: Nin-taijutsu

Jutsu Element:

Jutsu Rank:

Jutsu Description: Tousen wraps his body in a layer of Crimson Lightning chakra that is used to electrically stimulate his nervous system. The technique speeds up neural synapses to react faster to danger and to push physical prowess even beyond the standard Lightning Release Chakra Mode, allowing for tremendous raw speed.

Last edited by EyeJays on Thu May 02, 2024 11:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Tousen's Jutsu List Empty Re: Tousen's Jutsu List

Post by Ika Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:53 pm



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