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Post by Quacko Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:20 pm

The Jutsu Profile
Character Information

Character Name: Sumiko Sarutobi.
Character Tier: 3-1
Character Application:


Taijutsu: Adept.

Ninjutsu: Adept.

Genjutsu: Beginner.

Strength: Beginner.

Agility: Expert.

Endurance: Expert.

Chakra Capacity: Expert.

Chakra Efficiency: Beginner.

Fuinjutsu: Beginner.

Medical: Beginner.

Weapons Mastery: Beginner.

Summoning: Beginner.

Jutsu Name: Body Replacement
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: With this technique, users replace their own body with some other object, generally with a block of wood, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise. Despite it being basic ninjutsu taught at the Academy, it is seen as a useful art that can be applied in a variety of situations as it allows for a swift getaway from danger. The technique even allows a restrained shinobi to escape capture. This technique can only be used 4 times per thread.

Jutsu name: Cloak of Invisibility Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to take a cloak or a piece of cloth to blend into an object, making them invisible. While only a basic skill it's been shown that some users were able to effectively camouflage themmselves without the use of a pre-prepared cloth and freely move about, all while blending in with their surroundings.

Jutsu Name: Clone Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description:  A ninjutsu that creates an intangible copy of one's own body, without any substance. Since the clone itself doesn't have the ability to attack, and thus can only be used to confuse the enemy, it is mainly used in combination with other ninjutsu. It's a basic technique, but depending on one's ingenuity, it can be used effectively. The clones may not dissipate when they come into contact with something. These clones can be easily distinguished by people with dōjutsu. A person with normal eyes can also distinguish the clones from the original since the clones do not have shadows and will not disrupt the area around themselves with their movement (i.e. won't kick up dust, crush grass, etc.).

Jutsu Name: Enclosing Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: Using this technique, a wide variety of objects and even living things can be stored within scrolls and can be released when the scroll is opened or meets a specific condition. It is possible to seal ninjutsu into a scroll which would activate and try to hit anyone that tried to read the scroll upon opening it. To save chakra, instead of sealing a natural element into a scroll that was created through chakra, one could just use pre-existing nature elements, like water from an ocean, and seal it within the scroll. Though a scroll is the most common use of sealing something, as demonstrated by Ajisai in the anime, this technique can be used to seal things into a small sheet of paper too.

Jutsu name: Unsealing Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: A technique used by shinobi to unseal what was sealed within a scroll, or in the anime, a sheet of paper.

Jutsu name: Rope Escape Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: A basic technique taught at the Academy. It allows a ninja to free themselves if they have been tied up. Sasuke demonstrated this when Naruto tied him up and gagged him. How this is done is unknown.

Jutsu Name: Tree/Wall Climb Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: Tree Climbing Practice is a training method used to gain more skills with chakra control. This training involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, the user will lose their footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, the user will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree to break around the point of contact and the user will fall. The concept of this exercise is similar to magnetics. This is evidenced when a user was able to attract a kunai thrown his direction to his feet and then throw it at an enemy by kicking the kunai while releasing his chakra's hold on the kunai.

Jutsu Name: Water Walking Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: This training method is used to gain better chakra control. To do this, the user has to be emitting a constant stream of chakra from the bottom of their feet and using the repellent force to walk across the water's surface. This technique is more difficult to master than the Tree Climbing Practice because the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly. It has also been shown that one can use their chakra to "skate" across the water surface, like an ice skater, instead of just walking or running. And, as noted by some, the more one trains this technique the more they reach a state where they stand on water without even noticing it or basically even trying. It doesn't have to just be at the feet. A user under water can focus chakra on their hands or any other body part that makes contact with the surface of the water. If they were submerged, they can climb atop the water as if they were climbing out of a pool.

Jutsu Name: Transformation Technique
Jutsu Rank: E
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: Given all the missions ninja are assigned to - battle, intelligence gathering, diversions - this is a priceless ninjutsu. It is typically used to change into people other than oneself, but one also has the ability to change into animals, plants, and even inanimate objects like weapons. This gives this technique an abundance of uses. The transformation of a skilled shinobi will be exactly like the genuine article, so it will be impossible to tell the two apart. On the other hand, a transformation performed by an inexperienced person will have obvious discrepancies. It will be impossible to deceive anyone with it. This is one of the most basic ninjutsu, as such most shinobi know how to perform it. The transformation technique is considered to be among the more difficult E-ranked techniques since it requires constant emission of chakra while mentally maintaining the form. On top of that, the user would be, most likely, interacting with the environment. This puts mental strain on an inexperienced ninja. Thus, the best way to determine if it is indeed a transformation is to cause this strain upon the user; though this is not always successful.


Jutsu name: Body Flicker
Jutsu Rank: D.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu.
Jutsu Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent.

Jutsu name: Chakra Flow.
Jutsu Rank: C.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu. Ninjutsu.
Jutsu Description: Refers to both the flowing of chakra through an object as well as any technique that increases the potency of a weapon by flowing chakra through it. Ordinarily, elemental chakra is used to flow through bladed weapons in order to either dramatically increase their various pre-existing properties, or to gain additional advantageous effects. Usually, the user must be touching the tool to initiate chakra flow but not always, and direct contact with the weapon is not necessary to maintain chakra flow. Some techniques such as the variations of chakra mode and earth sphere are used to increase close quarter offense or defense by flowing chakra directly through the user's body. However, whether through an individual's body or weapon, the exact effects observed are entirely dependent upon the respective nature and amount of the chakra used.

Jutsu name: Kai (Release)
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: Kai, or Release, basically allows the user to disrupt their own chakra flow to the point of breaking Genjutsu placed on them, assuming they can even realize they are in one, however this is still limited by the users own chakra pool and chakra control. [You can determine whether or not you can detect a Genjutsu to break it based off your character's skill in Genjutsu and your opponent's skill.]

Jutsu name: Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater in the ground's surface.

Jutsu name: Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled individually with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.

Jutsu name: Fire Release: Mist Blaze Dance Technique
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: The user creates a flammable gas in their lungs by mixing air and chakra, and blows it out. When it comes into contact with fire or a spark, the gas ignites into a large fireball.

Jutsu name: Fire Release: Flame Bullet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: This technique is executed by the user gathering oil in their mouth which is created by chakra, spitting it out, and igniting it. This technique simply shoots a flame bullet at the enemy. If the amount of oil that is prepared is kept down, the time it takes to invoke the technique is reduced. This allows the enemy to be stricken unaware, allowing the oil-containing flame bullet to burn them up completely. It is also possible to shoot out a series of flame bullets by partitioning the oil, or a continuous flamethrower.

Jutsu name: Earth Release: Earth Shore Return
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: The user strikes the ground with their hands, and is able to manipulate it into creating a wall infront of them. The defense is not perfect, as it can be penetrated by anything B-Rank or Higher, and going around it is always an option as well. Alternatively, the user can use this jutsu to move Earth out of the way, if something on it is approaching them or anything similar to that extent.

Jutsu name: Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: This technique changes earth into fine sand by channelling chakra into it, allowing the user to dig through it like a mole. This effect goes around the body (not just the hands), making it just large enough for a person to move through. The user can pinpoint where they are, despite being underground, by sensing the magnetic forces. They can also sense what is happening on the surface and use that information to launch a surprise attack on the enemy; one can also hide deep in the ground, escaping to a depth where the enemy can't reach. It also appears that after digging, the ground can be returned to its original state, leaving no trace of where the user entered the earth. When combined with clone techniques, the user can use the clone to lure their enemies into a trap or false sense of security before launching a surprise attack from below.

Jutsu name: Earth Release: Subterranean Voyage
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: A technique that transforms the earth surrounding the user into a fluid, allowing them to close in on the enemy with high speed by swimming underground. Since being under the ground is a blind spot, the target has no warning; allowing the user to launch a surprise attack. By using this technique in conjunction with a weapon, it also gains great effect as an "assault ninjutsu".

Jutsu name: Earth Release: Earth Spear
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Description: The user flows earth-natured chakra through all or parts of their body, causing it to become noticeably darker, all while increasing their defensive power to become as hard as diamond. As such, this allows the user to easily be able to withstand most attacks with little to no damage, with the exception of Lightning Release ninjutsu. Furthermore, the destructive power of physical attacks is increased, making this a great all-purpose technique.

Jutsu name: Jinchuuriki Chakra Cloak - Stage 1(4 Tailed Version.)
Jutsu Rank: C.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu.
Element: Chakra.
Jutsu Description: Grants a Speed + Strength + Chakra Capacity boost (1 level), minor damage reduction, tails start showing and your physical form is still visible through the chakra. By calling on the chakra of their Bijuu the Jinchuuriki Forms a dense shroud of chakra around the jinchūriki. The shroud, a translucent red with bubbles of chakra (reminiscent of boiling liquid) forming all along it, provides a degree of physical protection, but can also harm the user if used to a certain extent. The physical changes experienced in the initial transformation become more pronounced in Version 1 forms. The shroud that encompasses the jinchūriki vaguely resembles the corresponding tailed beast; paws of chakra form around their hands and, in the case of Gyuki, chakra-horns form on his head. Because chakra is malleable, the shroud can extend beyond the reach of the jinchūriki, often used to create chakra-arms that allow them to interact with their environment.
Duration: 5 Posts (Ups to 7 posts when Sumiko gets partial transformation)

Jutsu name: Yōton: Scorching Stream Rock Technique(熔遁・灼河流岩の術, Shakugaryūgan no Jutsu)
Jutsu Rank: C.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu | Kekkei Genkai.
Jutsu Description: The user expels a large amount of lava from their mouth, which quickly solidifies into multiple boulders of molten rock that are fired towards the target with tremendous force. Due to their composition, the boulders can melt through most objects with ease, and because a considerable number are dispersed over a wide range in quick succession, they are also difficult to avoid.

Jutsu name: Yōton:
Jutsu Rank: C.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu | Kekkei Genkai.
Jutsu Description:

Jutsu name: Yōton: Monkey Arson Fist
Jutsu Rank: B.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu | Kekkei Genkai | Taijutsu
Jutsu Description: The offensive route of Sumiko's unique taijutsu is akin to Arhat Fist, her style utilizes powerful palm strikes and punches. Every strike contains immaculate precision as well. The base fighting style is formidable enough on its own, but is often used to compliment Sumiko's "Partial Lava Release Chakra Mode." At its core, it's a derived version of the "Scorching Armoured Fist." Once the user's limbs are enveloped in molten lava, successful strikes not only deal blunt damage but burn the area of impact as well. Unlike the parent technique, punches that miss their strike do not burn.

Jutsu name: Yōton: Hellish Presence
Jutsu Rank: B.
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu | Kekkei Genkai.
Jutsu Description: The user inhales, and after molding chakra inside of their stomach spews out lava with tremendous force and formidable speed. Rather than completely solidifying into molten rock, the lava remains in a semi-liquid, mud-like form. It travels along the ground and simultaneously spreads over a distance of (Need range). Since the technique travels at a formidable speed and force, it topples over small trees, and makes avoiding it in some terrains difficult. The main advantage of the technique is that it remains in a mud-like form, making it stagnant; if the intention of direct impact does not produce desirable results, then it acts as a deterrent, cutting off an area.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2021-08-16

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