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Hisui Shiki's Jutsu List

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Hisui Shiki's Jutsu List Empty Hisui Shiki's Jutsu List

Post by Shiki Sat May 25, 2024 10:38 pm

The Jutsu Profile
Character Information
Character Name: Hisui Shiki
Character Tier: 3-4
Character Application: App
Taijutsu: Adept
Ninjutsu: Novice
Genjutsu: Untrained
Strength: Novice
Agility: Expert
Endurance: Adept

Chakra Capacity: Adept
Chakra Efficiency: Expert
Weapons Mastery: Adept
Fuuinjutsu: Untrained
Medical: Expert
Summoning: Untrained

Selected Perks:

(List Jutsus Here)

Jutsu Name: Body Flicker
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yang
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent.

Jutsu Name: Shiki-Ryu: "Phantom Hunt"
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Element: Yang
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Shiki
Jutsu Description: Utilizing a potent form of Body Flicker in perfect conjunction with split second timing. This technique is best utilized with a short blade/a kunai or any other form of short dagger. Zeroing in on a single point upon an enemy the user bursts forward, closing in on close to mid-ranged enemies in a blitzing strike at blinding speeds. The sheer speed of the assault resulting in an after image that ghosts harmlessly through the target as a distraction, while the actual Shinobi has in actuality taken their flank, unleashing a slashing attack upon their exposed back or side, aiming for vitals. The deceptive and split second nature of this attack are even more effective when employed as a sneak attack or at night.

Jutsu Name: Shiki-Ryu: "Deathstalk"
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Element: Yang
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Shiki
Jutsu Description: Utilizing a potent form of Body Flicker in perfect conjunction with split second timing. This technique is best utilized with a short blade/a kunai or any other form of short dagger. Utilizing swift movements, the ninja charges and aims for vitals, landing a focused, and well aimed slash/stab in a soaring dart like fashion, sweeping in a sharp, linear path and immediately blurring by and away from possible incoming counters all in one smooth and consecutive motion. While utilizing this technique the Shinobi's visage becomes notably blurred due to the high speed, making their movements deceptively difficult to track to those hoping to defend against the oncoming attack. Especially when this attack is used in a nightly setting or ambush scenario.

Jutsu Name: Healing Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user gathers healing chakra into a white orb and moves it over injured areas. This can only heal wounds inflicted on the outside of the body, such as: cuts, abrasions, and other open wounds. It cannot heal internal wounds and the larger the wound, the longer it takes to heal.
Jutsu Name: Medical Ninjutsu: Anasthetic
Jutsu Type:
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: This medical technique collects chakra over the palms of the user. This can be used to apply numbing within the area of contact with a patient, sending a small pulse of chakra to constrict the nerves, rendering the immediate area numb as a form of temporary anesthetic before traditional medicinal anesthetic can be provided. This comes in handy especially during emergency surgical operations. This technique can be used offensively, temporarily numbing body parts of the target. However, due to the temporary effects of the ninjutsu and the precision required, it rarely ever is.
Jutsu Name: Medical Ninjutsu: Blood Coagulation
Jutsu Type:
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: A simple healing technique that initially consumes little chakra but requires constant output of chakra if steady use of the Jutsu is required. The user uses their chakra on a wound to make the blood there coagulate and stop bleeding. This is primarily used as a preliminary treatment option until more effective medical treatment can be used, as it does not close wounds. The bleeding from superficial surface wounds like cuts and scrapes can easily be stopped but deeper wounds can require several minutes to stop. This technique is ineffective upon internal wounds however. In cases such as this, constant repeated output of the Jutsu only serves to slow the bleeding, not halt it.
Jutsu Name: Medical Ninjutsu: Chakra Stitching
Jutsu Type:
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: This medical technique channels chakra through either a medical sewing needle, or a Senbon needle, enhancing the stabbing power of the tool, while also creating a thin thread of chakra attached to it, the longer and more tensile the string is the more chakra output is required to create it/maintain it. With this, the user, threads the needle through the patient at a rapid pace, quickly reattaching limbs or sewing closed open wounds exceptionally quicker than one could if they were doing so with their hands. This however, of course takes immense concentration and focus to do, nearly impossible to operate this level of surgery within the middle of combat as it requires high levels of chakra control, on top of the fact that in order to maintain the stitches, a constant output of chakra is required less the stitches fade and the wounds reopen. This technique can also be used to sew together/through most substances save for metals as long as the user pours enough chakra into the needle and chakra thread to reinforce it.
Jutsu Name: Medical Ninjutsu: Diagnosis
Jutsu Type:
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: With this skill a shinobi uses their hands shrouded in chakra to carefully probe a patient for problems. This technique is preformed by slowly running both hands over a patient's body, looking for subtle signs of affliction. It can detect things such as improper heart rate, non-apparent bone fractures, poisoning, and disease. A ninja of higher rank (Jounin) can learn use this technique to perform a rudimentary examination of a body to determine cause and time of death. A Genin using this skill takes several minutes of work to determine the nature of a problem, a Chuunin takes less than a minute and a Jounin requires only a few seconds. While this Jutsu can be seen as inferior to Medical Ninjutsu: Ultrasound, it has its uses in the fact that it can determine poisoning, illness, as well as other more subtle afflictions that wouldn't be visibly evident internally.
Jutsu Name: Medical Ninjutsu: Extraction
Jutsu Type:
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: Focusing chakra into ones hands the Medical Ninja brings their palms towards the surface of affliction, drawing the poison out through their glands or local orifices'. This technique does not cure a poisoning; it simply extracts a portion of the poison and prevents it from settling in immediately, slowing down the effects of the poison, which is especially useful for offering a highly experienced Medical Ninja extra time in order to prepare an antidote for the poison or time to make an escape. A patient will still die from a lethal poison even if this technique is used if the poison is not treated. This technique is less effective against highly advanced poisons.
Jutsu Name: Medical Ninjutsu: Ultrasound
Jutsu Type:
Jutsu Element: Medical
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan:
Jutsu Description: This medical technique forms one's chakra into the palms of their hand in a white glow before pressing it to the surface of a patient's body. Upon contact, the user sends concentrated, high frequency pulses of chakra throughout the body of the patient, scanning the internals of the target with vibrating chakra that offers a blurry but adequate mental view through a form of sonic imaging. This Jutsu requires a constant output of chakra in order to keep it activated.
This Jutsu also has its usages in scouting, as if one were to place their palms on a surface/terrain of sorts, they'd be able to gather a blurry image of what lays beyond said surface. Jutsu is effective through wood/drywall, dirt and sand. Works extraordinarily well on water. But any surface as dense or denser than solid stone will mute the Jutsu and render it absolutely useless. Effective range is only a radius of three feet. This increases to a radius of ten feet when using on a water based surface.


Last edited by Shiki on Wed Jun 26, 2024 6:16 pm; edited 11 times in total

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Join date : 2024-05-24

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Hisui Shiki's Jutsu List Empty Re: Hisui Shiki's Jutsu List

Post by Ika Sun May 26, 2024 3:41 pm



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