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Arashi Hoshigaki's Jutsu List

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Arashi Hoshigaki's Jutsu List Empty Arashi Hoshigaki's Jutsu List

Post by YaBoyShingo Sun Jun 16, 2024 1:57 am

The Jutsu Profile
Character Information
Character Name: Arashi Hoshigaki
Character Tier: 0-2
Character Application: App
Taijutsu: Grandmaster
Ninjutsu: Grandmaster
Genjutsu: Grandmaster
Strength: Grandmaster
Agility: Grandmaster
Endurance: Grandmaster

Chakra Capacity: Grandmaster
Chakra Efficiency: Grandmaster
Weapons Mastery: Grandmaster
Fuuinjutsu: Untrained
Medical: Untrained
Summoning: Untrained

Selected Perks:
Kekkei Genkai (⬤⬤)
Eight Gates: Up to Third (⬤⬤⬤)
Eight Gates: Up to Fifth (⬤)
Eight Gates: Up to Eighth (⬤)

(List Jutsus Here)

Jutsu Name: Body Flicker
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent.
Jutsu Name: Drill Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user coats their weapon, usually a sword, in chakra and anchors it at specific points along the weapon. The end result is causing the coating to spin rapidly, creating a drill-like effect with nearly any weapon, for a total of 21 rotations in a period of 3 seconds. This technique requires no hand seals, but must be used again to keep the drill going, by paying the full chakra cost.
Jutsu Name: Dynamic Entry
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Taijutsu
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This is a flying kick directed at an opponent, typically their face. The kick serves two simultaneous purposes: as a surprise attack, for which reason the user may first throw a kunai to distract targets from the approaching kick; and as an act of self-sacrifice, with the user's exaggerated stance, confident expression, and the sheer inconceivableness of the attack combining to intimidate the opponent, in the process enhancing the kick's offensive potential.
Jutsu Name: Flash
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A swift ranged attack where the user swings their sword at a target after coating it in chakra, releasing a sharp crescent of chakra in the arc that the blade was swung.
Jutsu Name: Kai (Release)
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Kai, or Release, basically allows the user to disrupt their own chakra flow to the point of breaking Genjutsu placed on them, assuming they can even realize they are in one, however this is still limited by the users own chakra pool and chakra control. You can determine whether or not you can detect a Genjutsu to break it based off of your characters skill in Genjutsu and your opponents skill.
Jutsu Name: Pulse Strike
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user puts an orb of chakra at the location of impact, whether it is their body or their weapons. When this orb comes into contact with anything else it pulses outwards and attempts to massively knockback an enemy. While this doesn't do a lot of damage by itself it does have a very strong knockback effect meaning even strong or heavy opponents may get sent backwards by this jutsu.
Jutsu Name: Quick Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique requires a weapon which is sheathed. The user creates an invisible line of chakra along the point where they will swing, grabs their sheathed weapon, and then in one motion at lightning speed unsheathes, attacks, and sheathes again. This technique requires intense chakra control as the line of chakra must be perfectly aligned, as even a millimeter off from the actual arc of the swing will cause the entire technique to fail. The use of chakra causes the strike to be at lightning speed, allows sensory types to acknowledge the incoming attack, and allows the user to be extremely precise in how and where they slash.
Jutsu Name: Rupture
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user violently swings their chakra-enhanced sword with the intention of striking an approaching opponent, releasing a wave of chakra to cut a target.
Jutsu Name: Ryoudan - Bisection
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user holds their weapon with both hands and raises it above their head, channeling massive amounts of chakra into their arms. When they swing the weapon downward, it's performed faster than the speed of sound, causing a shockwave to follow the slash itself. No A-Rank or lower jutsu is capable of defending against this technique.
Jutsu Name: Samehada (Shark Skin)
Jutsu Type: Weapon (Greatsword)
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: Hoshigaki
Jutsu Description: Samehada drains chakra from everyone, including the wielder. The wielder of Samehada receives a -1 penalty on their Maximum Chakra Capacity. All A-Rank and lower Ninjutsu that come into contact with the blade are also absorbed, unless used by the wielder.

Attempting to wield Samehada when it rejects you causes spikes to portrude from the handle, and the weapon will always attempt to travel back to its current wielder. However, due to the weapons own sentience, its "current wielder" can change at a moment's notice.

• The following Abilities require Weapons Mastery at Grandmaster
Samehada can extend itself via the handle by up to 20 feet. Samehada is also capable of eating 1 S-Rank jutsu every 3 posts. Samehada will grow larger the more chakra it consumes. Samehada will also urge the wielder to go in the direction of the strongest source of chakra nearby, as it's always hungry for more. The wielder can also heal injuries and restore chakra by fusing with Samehada, causing them to be able to absorb the chakra directly, portrude spikes from their body, and sense chakra through their skin. Exceptionally strong chakra signatures can call Samehada and its wielder from hundreds of miles away.

• The following Abilities require the Wielder be a Member of the Hoshigaki clan
The wielder gains the ability to Absorb Chakra, albeit not as effectively as Samehada can do so, even if they're not actively holding the weapon. The wielder's and Samehada's chakra signatures become indistinct from one another. Members of the Hoshigaki Clan also do not pay the chakra cost to wield Samehada regardless of their weapon affinity. Finally, the wielder can also hide inside of Samehada, indistinguishably.
Jutsu Name: Sensing Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Chakra
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Sensing Technique allows sensor type shinobi to mold chakra and change it to the sensor type. This enables them to detect and track down targets through their chakra signatures. The range of this technique varies between sensors and the rank of this jutsu used will increase the range as well. D-Rank starts with your immediate area, and S-Rank could cover an entire village. The more range you try to give to the technique the more chakra is consumed, the longer the technique is used the more chakra is consumed, and the more targets the user tries to track at once also increases chakra consumed. It is more practical to only track up to three targets or less at a time because of this chakra drain drawback.
Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 1st Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The first activation turns the user's eyes completely white as their body gains a yellow aura, though this doesn't actually affect their vision and color variations of the aura based on the individuals chakra can exist. With the bolstered physique dulling sensations of pain and ones instinctive fear of self-harm, it becomes far easier to push towards the body's natural limits, much like the first gate of Hachimon. This by no means actually prevents self-harm however, so going all out will still severely damage the body from over taxation.
Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 2nd Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The second activation causes the users body to expand slightly, even normally faint if not invisible musculature gaining visible (if temporary) definition. In this stage the user will also begin to recover faster, as the activation stimulates the body's natural healing above the normal rate. Though minor wounds such as, but not limited to, cuts, bruises, and scrapes will heal within moments even mid-battle, more dire ones such as gashes and broken bones remain unaffected. Other sources of recover/healing are also unaffected by this, remaining at their usual potency.

Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 3rd Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The third activation turns the user's skin red, much like when the Gate of Life is opened. In this stage more severe wounds will now heal faster as well as natural recovery rises further, bleeding stemmed while gashes and the like will gradually close, provided they are clean enough to not require outside help (e.g stitches). Minor fractures can be mended as well if the user remains stationary, but compound ones and other more major, potentially lethal injuries will require proper medical attention. The most the technique can do against such heavy damage is improve chances of survival, if it can be upheld; further activations (4-7) can not boost the body's recovery rate any higher. Due to this quickened recovery rate, the user can now reach 100% of their physical potential, but only in brief, sporadic spurts. Prolonged and too frequent usage alike will overwhelm the hastened recovery, resulting in significant self-harm.

Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 4th Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The fourth activation sharpens the user's eyesight to allow complete clarity even at a distance, though by no means distances the Byakugan can see to, and will not restore degradation (much less blindness) brought on by advanced age or disease. By now the physique is so notably improved ones maximum power exceeds their body's normal 100%, the brains risen performance having also reached a level the users reflexes have been similarly heightened to keep up with the new-found prowess as well. As the power grows, so does the aura expand to take on a fiercer appearance.

Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 5th Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The fifth activation further increases the user's speed and strength, the aura now fierce as a bonfire from how much air has been infused into the body. With practice it is possible to control this blazing radiance of power from ones cells to a degree, by it by focusing to specific points for release in bursts to make even simpler strikes explosively powerful, or wrapping it around the body to protect it from attacks. Both measures do however require a draining, focused expenditure of power, thus naturally shortening the duration of the state.

Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 6th Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The sixth activation may initially appear weaker than prior ones, but is far from it; the uncontrolled bonfire-like aura now compresses around the body visually akin to wind release armor, though as one might guess from the sporadic eruptions imperfections still remain. This new density of power gives rise to a lesser passive version of the prior focusing techniques, the ongoing breeze shrouding the body not only capable of somewhat hindering strikes and redirecting projectiles, but also slightly expediting the user's attacks for greater impact. The actual focusing techniques can still be used and at far greater potency too, the offensive one in particular as it may also opt for a cutting force instead of an explosive one due to the auras windy nature, though as one might guess from the imperfections they remain as taxing to perform as before. A final outwardly invisible effect is improving the brain's perception of time; the user views the world in slight slow-motion akin to a massive adrenaline overload, but due to lack of sharingan-like foresight it is still up to him/her to respond in time. If the user overwhelms the granted recovery rate of the method with over-usage, besides the usual muscle/bone damage one may also experience painful breath from exhausted lungs and fractured ribs, extreme lightheadedness, even patches of skin littered in bleeding cuts if not peeled away altogether.

Jutsu Name: Seven Heavenly Breaths: 7th Breath
Jutsu Type: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The seventh activation is the final breath, set apart from the others even by its activation. While still enhanced by the sixth breath, the user strikes two specific pressure points near the lungs simultaneously, triggering a chain reaction that stimulates every tenketsu in the body. This enhances the chakra network's activity to the point it draws the aura's outwardly radiating power within the body completely, which when coupled with a last lungful of air elevates the body to super human levels; a state known as Zentai Kaigan [full body awakening]. The aura now reforms with deadly calm and absence of outbursts, wreathed around the user as if they were a furious wind elemental due to their blazing eyes and steaming flesh still visible beneath the shroud. Besides contributing to their monstrous speed and power, it turns throwing weapons largely useless as most are simply blown spinning away, melee hits no easier to land due to the brains improved ability to view the world in slow-motion. Focusing techniques even more potent as well even if no easier to perform, with the option for even higher form of offense available; by releasing a large portion of the aura shroud during a punch or sufficiently straight kick, a blast akin to a highly concentrated horizontal hurricane is fired. A method of destruction never named, for anyone who faced the devastating air cannon comparable to 'Evening Elephant' of the inner gates is typically left hoping to never encounter it again. Unsurprisingly this incurs a significantly higher cost, not only weakening the aura considerably for a time but also draining so much power 3-5 uses will use up anyone's supply, forcing the user back to base state if every bone in their arm breaking from such rapid multi-usage did not give them pause first. Lastly, significantly skilled users may utilize the shroud to slow their fall or temporarily halt it entirely; coupled with high leaps and bursts of air for directional change, a measure of flight is attained [not as free-form nor sustainable as the Light-weight rock technique however]. Despite everything, the final breath always comes with inevitable consequences, with even shorter usages causing severe dizziness if not loss of consciousness, large areas of skin littered in cuts and gashes if not peeled away or burnt from friction. Majority of the rib cage is also bound to fracture if not shatter, along with any number of bones overwhelmed by ones own strength. Needless to say the final breath should never be attempted twice without a period of significant recovery in between, or it will kill you once it's duration has expired.

Jutsu Name: Strong Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user coats their weapon in chakra, building up the potential energy from their next attack. The result is an attack which can turn stone to dust, as all of the potential energy is released at the point of impact. This technique can only be performed once per post, and the user can only swing their weapon once in that post in order to correctly build up the energy.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: A Thousand Feeding Sharks
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A much more powerful version of the Water Release: Five Feeding Sharks, the user creates one thousand sharks out of water that enter into a wall formation and rain down to attack the opponent. The sharks can attack in different ways, during their fins, biting etc. Requires being in Water.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Bloody Mist Absorption Technique
Jutsu Type: Nin-Kenjutsu
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: Hoshigaki
Jutsu Description: The user swipes their blood across Samehada, creating a contract. The blade unleashes a thick red mist on the battlefield, gradually and continually absorbing chakra from all opponent's open wounds.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Cold Sky Water Attack
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user shoots numerous amount of extremely large jets of water from their mouth at high speeds which can easily shatter rock. This technique is especially useful as a short to mid range attack.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Dustless Bewildering Cover
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Dustless Bewildering Cover technique utilizes water vapor to bend the light around the user essentially making them invisible. This technique allows the user to completely erase their presence, causing them to have neither a physical form nor detectable chakra while the technique is active. As such, they cannot be detected through traditional means such as chakra detection or through heightened senses.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user spits out a great volume of water from their mouth, swallowing up and crushing the enemy with the advancing surge. The user can ride the wave, allowing them to move at high speed, and attack the enemy, now swept off their feet. The amount of water created is proportional to the amount of chakra used; when used with Kisame's enormous chakra, even a dry wasteland can become a small ocean. Afterwards, the excess water can be used for additional Water Release techniques.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Five Feeding Sharks
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user puts their hand on the surface of a body of water and from the tips of five fingers, chakra is released into the water, changing it into the form of five ferocious sharks. The sharks circle the target with high speed, creating a raging stream that takes away their prey's freedom of movement and their sharp teeth tear into the enemy with each consecutive attack. In the anime, these sharks can regenerate from surrounding water, making them difficult to destroy.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Great Shark Bullet Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a gigantic shark out of water and, by thrusting both hands forward, sends it to attack the opponent. This technique differs from the original, since this is able to absorb the chakra from an opponent's technique and in turn, use that chakra to grow larger and more powerful. Therefore, the stronger the opponent's technique is, the stronger this technique will get.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Great Waterfall Flow Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By mixing a source of water with chakra, the user can create a whirlpool of differentiating sizes in order to drown their opponent. Can combine this technique with other already existing water sources
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Great Waterfall Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique extends water over a large scale, surges and rises up to several dozens of metres high. Then it streams down to the ground in one big cascade, much like a gigantic waterfall. In doing so, it resembles a huge wave, with tremendous power that can hollow out the ground. What remains after that technique's utilisation is reminiscent of no less than the aftermath of a natural disaster. This is a considerably advanced ninjutsu, and activating this technique requires a fair amount of chakra. The water can also be produced from the mouth.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Heavenly Weeping
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A technique in which chakra is kneaded in the user's body, transformed into water and then shaped into senbon in the mouth before finally being expelled at a high velocity. The needles are shot in an attempt to catch the enemy off guard, while also aiming at their vitals.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Hidden Mist
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Hidden Mist Technique is a speciality of the shinobi from Kirigakure, where one causes a mist to spring forth either by using a pre-existing water source, or expelling it from their mouth. They can then go in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It cannot fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan and Rinnegan-user will see the mist colored by their opponent's chakra — which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Rising Water Slicer
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique will create a fast jet of water running through the ground that is powerful enough to slice through solid rock. However, it can easily be avoided by jumping upwards. The water blades can also be sent above ground level to strike down jumping targets. The water blades can rise up to twelve meters to catch someone jumping.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Starch Syrup Capturing Field
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user expels high viscosity water to cover the ground. This stream of sticky liquid can be used to form an adhesive trap that will inhibit a person's mobility. One can effectively reduce their enemy's area of activity with this technique, giving the user an advantage on the battlefield. The normal scope of this technique is normally just a few meters, but it is possible to make an entire pond of starch syrup. The syrup can be manipulated to move after it is created, being able to stick and travel up surfaces.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Thousand Flying Water Needles of Death
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user gathers water from the air and surrounding environment to form them into a multitude of long needles. they then directs them to a specific target at high speed. While the needles do surround a target from all sides, they don't appear above the target, creating an escape route.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Tornado of Water
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This is a technique that utilises water to create a spinning water vortex around the user. The water vortex acts both as a barrier and an attack mechanism. The power of the vortex is enough to knock an opponent unconscious.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Typhoon Water Vortex Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This cooperation ninjutsu uses the wild rotation of the thrown Wind Release: Rasengan to swallow up the water current created by the Water Release: Tearing Torrent, creating a large quantity of water vapor. Once invoked, a strong wind whirls around inside the highly concentrated mist, turning it into a solid barrier. The mist created by the violent rotation of the Rasengan also has the effect of taking away the enemy's field of vision. Of course, the mist can be used as a smokescreen when escaping, but the confusion it creates can also be used, for instance, to launch a surprise attack. If one can use multiple natures, it is possible to perform this technique alone.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Attacking Gordon
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique will summon a large amount of water that will then be used to strike at the opponent in several versatile ways. Shizuku has been known to transform it into a dragon with a gaping mouth to attack. The water used will be stationary till it is sent offensively toward the opponent.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Clone Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones that are made out of water. Also, unlike shadow clones, water clones hold only one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert to normal water.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Colliding Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to make a spiralling vortex of water. The vortex then proceeds to explode from the top in the form of a wave. The user can also control the direction the wave goes with hand movements. The water carries with it a great deal of force. Sweeping opponents away, while also causing damage.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Fang Bullet
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user manipulates water to target an enemy in a drill-like motion. This technique is especially useful when battling on water, able to attack from any direction of the enemy.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Formation Pillar
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A defensive technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into water and then expelled from the mouth in a dense, curved torrent, near-instantaneously creating a circular barricade that can be used to intercept incoming attacks.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Formation Wall
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This defensive technique creates a wall of water around the user. Enemy attacks are completely intercepted by a fence of water blown out from the mouth, and is raised from below with tremendous might. The water is blown out in the form of a circle around the user, and it makes for a defence without openings. It is also possible for the user to control the amount of water and duration at will. The wall's strength and resistance change following the quantity of chakra poured down into the water, so a skilful shinobi will be able to build a sturdy one. Furthermore, because the field of vision is maintained even while defending one can easily go on to the next move, which is a great advantage. The wall can also be formed from a pre-existing water source.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Prison Shark Dance
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: Hoshigaki
Jutsu Description: After using Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave, the user forms the water into a gigantic prison. Because the user acts as the center of the dome of water, the dome alters its position in order to reflect the direction of their movements, making it difficult for the target to escape as long as the user remains in pursuit.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Prison Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This technique requires a sufficient amount of water, which can be provided by expelling it from one's mouth. Once trapped the target is unable to move or breathe while within it due to the heaviness of the water. Because of the density of the water it can be used, to a limited extent, for defensive purposes if performed on oneself. It can also be stored in scrolls as traps. Water clones can be used in preparation for the technique, which block an opponent's attack and trap the attacker in the prison using the clone's own water. A Hyuuga was able to use his ability to release chakra from all of his tenketsu simultaneously to disrupt the flow of chakra and break the prison.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Severing Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A technique in which the user blows a stream of concentrated water from their mouth, for as long as they are in contact with water anywhere else on their body. This is powerful enough to pierce through stone without pause, and is very focused and straight.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Shark Bullet Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user shapes water into a large shark, and by thrusting their hand forward, sends it hurtling towards the opponent at high speed, resulting in a powerful impact. The user can also ride inside the water shark to dramatically increase their swimming speed.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Shuriken
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a large amount of shuriken, made out of water, and throws them at the opponent in quick succession. The user can create up to twenty shurikens at a time.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Whip
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a whip made of water that can wrap around the opponent. The user can also channel lightning chakra to shock anyone wrapped in it. Is extremely versatile, useful in both straight offensive attacks and tactical outmaneuvering.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Watercutting Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A secret technique that allows the user to manipulate water into the form of a sword. While usually used for close quarters, this technique can be used for ranged assaults as well. This sword is also shown to be very resilient as it is able to withstand and cut through some Fire Release techniques. The sword is 27.5 inches long, similar to most Katana.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Waterfall Basin Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This is a technique which creates a waterfall by developing spring water in a place without water veins and manipulating the resulting water current to form a wave. This is a very convenient technique as it can be used for training or relaxation. On the other hand, because it changes the environment on a large scale, it also has the effect of hiding one's location from the enemy by confusing them. The width of the water source, waterfall, and basin can be expanded as long as the user continues to send chakra in.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Wild Bubble Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user spits out a large volume of foam-like bubbles which covers the ground and reduces its friction, considerably limiting the opponents' movements. The bubbles are spit out with violent force that is capable of washing away most attacks, such as oil and fire. This technique can also be used as an effective smokescreen.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Wild Water Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Water Release: Wild Water Wave is a basic Water Release technique which has many variations. Water gushes from the user's mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount of chakra one releases.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Blade of Wind
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A pinpoint slashing strike, where the user emits wind-based chakra from their fingertips and materializes it into an invisible blade that assaults the enemy in a gust of wind, leaving their body mutilated.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Cast Net
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates multiple narrow currents of wind that form a large net of sorts. The winds generated from this technique are extremely sharp and powerful enough to inflict massive damage to several targets at once. The technique can also be performed with the aid of shadow clones.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Wind Release: Great Breakthrough is a technique that creates a gust of wind, whose scale and usage varies depending on the user. If used by a superior shinobi, it has enough destructive power to knock down a large tree. The wind from the squall can blow away all things in the user's line of sight. The technique can also be used in the form of a devastation stream of wind expelled from the user's mouth. There is also a variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Great Sickle Weasel Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique is a more powerful version of the Sickle Weasel Technique: many air currents collide to create vacuum pockets that slashes the opponents, with enough power to slice down many trees in a forest. This technique can deflect both physical and sound wave attacks and attack at the same time, making it both an offensive and defensive technique.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Passing Typhoon
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a large gust of wind that travels upward and outward, blowing away weather conditions in lieu of clear skies. This technique has been shown to be powerful enough to dispel the Hiding in Mist Technique that Kirigakure is famous for, but has limited use in regards to combat.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Pressure Damage
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This tornado-like mass is compressed until it has a very high density and is then released. The wind pressure is raised to its highest limit, and once the technique hits the target, the resulting blast sweeps everyone off their feet. If the technique is used by someone who has mastered wind nature transformation, the blast can hit a vast range, inflicting massive damage on both the target and their close surroundings. This technique can be combined with the Fire Release: Intelligent Hard Work, to increase the flame's potency in a great scale, causing a massive fire-storm.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Sickle Weasel Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Using this technique the user freely manipulates the air in front of them, usually using their hands a fan or something else to create the initial air flow, before the jutsu causes it to become many air currents which collide and create vacuum pockets. The person enveloped by this induced gale is assaulted by countless invisible blades, carving up their body. Also, the strong wind power will blow away all incoming projectile weapons and will even make the opponent unable to stay on their feet. Advanced users have also shown the ability to manipulate the form of the gale, creating a tornado to envelop and lift an opponent, while also cutting them several times. Masters are skilled and accurate enough to cut away the armor of a samurai without injuring the wearer.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A stronger version of the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere technique, where the user instead chooses to compress the entirety of the previously inhaled breath into a single large, crushing sphere of wind chakra that they then proceed to expel from their mouth.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user takes a deep breath and then exhales several small blasts of wind chakra in such a manner that they are dispersed over an expansive range, enough to make it difficult to avoid them entirely without taking any damage. Due to the properties of this technique, the expelled blasts are capable of piercing into and potentially through an opponent's flesh when they collide with it.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user swings their sword and a gust of wind is released in the arc that it was swung in. The technique is strong enough to stop projectiles that are thrown at the user.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user takes a deep breath and spins while exhaling, compressing the released air into a solitary blade of wind that covers a substantial area around the user, due to their circular motion. The resulting sharpened blast is large enough to slice through multiple targets located at a significant distance from the user, causing grievous injuries to those hit.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Violent Whirlwind
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user produces a powerful stream of wind from their mouth. This technique is powerful enough to pierce through up to an entire foot of rock and continue going.
Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Wind Cutter Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Using their chakra or a ninja tool such as a war fan to manipulate or create an external source of wind, the user can create one to several blades of wind, which are capable of slicing through their target with ease.
Jutsu Name: Windcutter Sword
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A variation of the Quicksword technique, this technique requires a weapon which is sheathed. The user creates an invisible line of chakra along the arc of their arm rather than the weapon, and in one motion unsheathes, attacks, and sheathes their weapon again. This technique is just as fast as Quicksword, at Lightning Speed, but is 500% easier to perform, as the user is following a guide rather than a strict line of attack. This essentially makes Windcutter the safer, less accurate version, while Quicksword is the faster, more lethal version. As opposed to Quicksword, due to the variance allowed, this technique can actually interfere with sensory types expectations of the attack, as it no longer follows the chakra line perfectly.

Posts : 537
Join date : 2022-08-17

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