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Byashi Seto

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Byashi Seto Empty Byashi Seto

Post by Alysstrasza Sun Aug 07, 2022 5:36 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Byashi Seto [Born: Sōryo Seto III]
Clan: Sōryo [LINK]
Alias/Bingo Book Name: The Phalanx
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Loyalty: Sunagakure, The Storm Empire, the Sōryo Clan, The Greater Good
Rank: Jōnin
Occupation: Shinobi, Diplomat, Ambassador
Village: Sunagakure, The Storm Empire

Jōnin Personality:
Seto is cold and detached, never wasting more words than absolutely required. Efficiency is key. He cares not for other people's feelings about a situation, just the facts. Everybody lies, all conversations are warfare, and his metaphorical guard is always up. Due to these traits, which are ultimately a result of Yui's death, he is a distant and untrustful person who gives nobody the benefit of the doubt. He harbors a deep resentment towards himself and secretly longs for his own death, but holds out mostly due to their being a tiny, tiny, tiny part of him that wonders if Yui is still alive.

Physical Profile

Byashi Seto FNHyI2f
Jōnin Appearance: [Click Picture for Full Size]
Height: 5'7" [170cm]
Weight: 129 lbs [58.5kg]
Slightly short but athletically built, Seto wears a unique white cloak made by his wife Yui to keep out the desert heat, a sand-colored flak jacket, and otherwise standard shinobi clothings. He has a large scar on the right side of his face, which he doesn't talk about much but is the result of his first mission and involves a pack of bearsharks.

Combat Profile
Elemental Affinity: Doton [Earth Release], Suiton [Water Release], Fūton [Wind Release]

Jōnin Fighting Style:
A Grandmaster of Genjutsu and Medical Ninjutsu, Seto is capable of not only killing you but making it hurt the whole time it takes you to die, which can be a very very long time if he wants you to suffer. When he does fight with full fury, he utilizes the Sōryo Clan techniques without filter or mercy, able to string them together very effectively.

Weapons/Ninja Tools:
[Stored in Pouch on Right Leg]
10 x Kunai
10 x Senbon
05 x Smoke Bomb

[Seto's Cloak]
The white cloak that Seto wears is lined with chain links and fabric. It weighs approximately 50 pounds, is resistant (though not immune) to all forms of slashing, piercing, and blunt damage, is made of fire-retardant materials, and lowers Seto's Speed by 1 stage while worn. It also has a hood that can be raised over his head, but his lower legs and arms can't be protected by it.

Past Profile
History: [Will be Expanded Upon Later]
Sole child of Sōryo Seto II, the Third was never given very much lee way in his childhood. Everything was handled for him, and freedom was not something he was privy to. When instructed to attend Sunagakure's Shinobi Academy, Seto III experienced freedom for the first time, which is where he met Byashi Yui. As his first friend, Seto III spent every possible moment with her, whenever Seto II allowed it.

After having spent several years with Yui, Seto III began to fall in love with her. He expressed his feelings to his father, hopeful of an outcome where he'd get to spend his life with her. His father, seeing things differently, locked him into his room and forbade him from ever seeing the girl again. The Third was to study the clan's techniques and be their new leader so the Second could go into retirement and get away from the desert heat.

For two years, Seto did nothing but master the techniques of his clan, hoping that one he was the leader of the clan no one could tell him otherwise from seeing and even marrying Yui. On the eve of his Seventeenth Birthday, Seto's father passed away from a terminal case of coughing up blood. The Clan elders wasted no time in naming Seto III as the new Leader of the clan, and gave him but one order as "the elders" collectively: he was to marry Sōryo Setsuna, and continue the Seto bloodline.

Seto took offense to that.

He left the clan immediately, and sought out Yui. Without explaining where he'd been for the past few years, he begged her to marry him, stating that he would take her name as a symbol that he would protect her forever. She hesitated for a tenth of an attosecond before saying yes and jumping into his arms.

The two of them got married that week, and gained minor fame amongst Sunagakure as the married couple going on missions together. Every once in a while, though, their individual talents would lead them to go on separate missions at the same time. For six years they enjoyed their time together and tried for a family, with Yui planning to settle down once it got started. They were given one last separate mission before Yui was going to stop entirely and work on their home, thinking she was finally pregnant. Yui was to investigate Konoha while Seto investigated Kiri.

Seto returned. Yui did not. Four months later, the rest of the village joined in the search for her. Five years had passed before the Kazekage stated they simply couldn't afford to keep looking anymore, though Seto himself was permitted to do as he pleased. Her body was never recovered, so she was presumed dead.

Having failed his one and only promise to Yui, Seto exiled himself from Suna and vowed to protect it from the outside, fearing what would happen if he let anyone get close to him again.

Ten years later, Seto was contacted by a Jōnin of the Sand, who explained that he was to report to the Storm Empire, and all would be explained later. Growing slightly tired of the desert scenery, Seto obliged, and headed off towards the Storm Empire.

Side Notes:
• Tier 1-1. Reached his peak already and will not improve any further.
• Loyal to Sunagakure even if he won't enter the village due to personal reasons.

Posts : 525
Join date : 2022-08-05

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Byashi Seto Empty Re: Byashi Seto

Post by Ika Mon Aug 08, 2022 1:48 am

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Byashi Seto Empty Re: Byashi Seto

Post by Sojourner Wed Dec 27, 2023 9:56 am


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