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Itsuku Kaguya

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Itsuku Kaguya Empty Itsuku Kaguya

Post by Bisket Mon Aug 16, 2021 1:10 pm


The Shinobi Profile

General Information
Name: Itsuku
Clan: Kaguya
Alias/Bingo book name:
Age: 15
There is a real duality in Itsuku's temperament. Generally calm, secret and sentimental, he can quickly become nervous and agitated; in fact, Itsuku is always between two states, he constantly needs stimulation even if he himself can show stability. Itsuku can be affectionate and very possessive without really showing it, his emotions can be as sudden as they can be long in appearing. An introvert, often timid, Itsuku finds his inner world far more interesting than that of the outside, so much so that he can be decidedly headstrong if this is not the same as his mental image. Itsuku can also be easily influenced if that brings him to a neighboring world where he doesn't impart his own judgement. He possesses a lively intelligence and excellent memory, this is due to him being more of an introvert than the traditional shinobi in a sense. He'd rather ruminate on an idea or thought for days until he reached a decision than "blindly jump into the fray in the moment" when it comes to making a decision. Itsuku tends to focus on the philosophical, or the metaphorical substance in something rather than the objective substance of an object or action, and as a result can found becoming lost in his train of thought, which to some can be very irritating, even if its as simple of a task as ordering food from a menu.

Loyalty: Arashigakure, Kaguya Clan, Arashikage
Rank: Genin

Physical Profile

Appearance: Physically, Itsuku stands about average height to those of his age group. Fitting toward a more lean physique, many underestimate his strength for what it really is, heavy hitting. Whilst on missions, Itsuku can often be seen wearing his traditional Kaguya facepaint, as well as a black t-shirt covered by set of grey or slate colored fishermen's overalls that are cropped with a black and red jacket. On days that he is off duty, he can be seen around the village without his make-up but still continuing to wear his usual outfit without his black beanie and ninja gear. He possesses pale blue/grey hair that is styled into an undercut. Unlike standard Kaguya who possess the Shikotsumyaku, Itsuku's eyes stand in a far paler contrast. It's said that on a night of a full moon, when the mist is settled, his eyes seem to refract the moonlight, appearing to illuminate in the darkness.

Character Appearance:

Height: 5 ' 10" | 177.8cm
Weight: 123.5 lb | 56 kg

Combat Profile
General Fighting Style: While preferring to stick to more convert tactics, relying on any jutsu in his arsenal should it be deemed necessary. Itsuku is no greenhorn when it comes to bringing the fight to them, able to hold his own against even the average Chunin in a one on one brawl. While being more of a resourceful fighter, using the terrain to his advantage, Itsuku prefers to stick to using his Shikotsumyaku while in heavy combat. Using his knowledge of the human anatomy, he is able to attack pinpoint locations with surgical precision and continue to pressure that weak spot throughout the duration of the bout in order to bring down a stronger opponent.
Elemental Affinity: Raiton (Lightning Release)

Weapons/Ninja Tools: 3 Smoke Bombs 1 Blood Pill 20 Pre-rendered Bone Senbon (Created by his Shikotsumyaku)

Past Profile
History: Hailing from a clan as noble as the Kaguya in a country whose history relishes in bloodshed, one could imagine the difficulty of a normal childhood. Then again, in this world what was considered a normality? Born to a family whom had already been judged for marrying outside of the clan, one could say Itsuku had it rough even before his beginning. As early on as a toddler, he was often ridiculed for his grey hair and silver eyes and was widely believed to never be graced with the clan's acceptance, that was until a few years later, when the legendary Shikotsumyaku would begin to exhibit traits within the "forsaken child". As customary, those who were acknowledged by the clan leader were granted the eligibility to wear the recognizable face paint of the Kaguya Clan.

Roleplay Sample: While in and out of his trains of thought, Itsuku would notice a white haired boy and canine pass across the shop's window, the sheer size of the animal would peak the man's interest, lifting an eyebrow, Itsuku's gaze would be cut off by the server bringing out a platter filled with prime slices of beef, onions, peppers, and mushrooms, a platter with condiments such as sesame seeds, scallions, wasabi, cabbage, and crushed garlic. The aroma's of the platter would coax Itsuku's full attention as he began to prepare his meal before him. The sizzling of the meat on the grill, the fat liquifying from the slices and dripping onto the open flame, before instantaneously burning in an amber micro-explosion. The flavors of meal, the quality of the food, nothing could compare. Perhaps in another life he could become a chef of his own restaurant and prepare meals for- Itsuku's daydreaming would come to a halt as he looked up, to see the white haired boy from before now having entered the shop, however this time he was alone. Was his "companion" outside? Why did he have a wolf following him around anyway. More details were beginning to pile up as Itsuku silently, and discreetly divulged into reading this boy from top to bottom. His white hair, the Kaguya Symbol on the back of his summer coat. Was he not freezing in that attire? Why was he brandishing a katana in a restaurant? They allowed open carry? How was he going to pay for all of this? Where were his parents? The questions kept piling up and up before he'd caught himself staring the boy down. Itsuku's eyes would widen at this self-revelation and return to see that his slice of beef that he had prepared on the grill was now burnt to a crisp. A sigh would audibly exit his lips as he picked up the stiff chunk of soot and eyed it despairingly. The smell of smoke now wafted throughout the nearby area, as Itsuku remained diligent in completing his meal before continuing to inspect this curious character. (Well for him to have that Yukata, he's got to be a Kaguya Clan member, and I'd reason to guess that ivory sword upon his hip is actually bone, it wouldn't be too farfetched, after all, I'm always making and carrying around senbon I've fashioned from my own bones... Though the craftsmanship is far too intricate for a kid as young as him. Perhaps it was given to him? or perhaps he's just that talented? I'm sure if that were the case I'd have at least seen him around before though? After all, a boy with a wolf is kind of a hard thing to miss....?

Posts : 33
Join date : 2021-08-16
Age : 28
Location : Arkansas

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Itsuku Kaguya Empty Re: Itsuku Kaguya

Post by Anna Nanashi Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:06 pm

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Anna Nanashi

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Join date : 2021-08-16

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Itsuku Kaguya Empty Re: Itsuku Kaguya

Post by Ika Fri Sep 30, 2022 8:04 pm

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Itsuku Kaguya Empty Re: Itsuku Kaguya

Post by Ika Sun Oct 16, 2022 1:10 am

Reapproved 3-2


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Join date : 2021-08-15

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