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Inuzuka Clan

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Inuzuka Clan  Empty Inuzuka Clan

Post by Mei Mon Aug 29, 2022 11:01 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: Inuzuka
Clan Symbol:
Inuzuka Clan  48cb6ba597c57ed30f74bf0ce3a8e58d
Age of Clan: As Old As The Other Originals
Village of Origin: Konohagakure
Kekkei Genkai:
The Inuzuka clan is renowned for their dog companions, which they get at birth. The Dog is very much an extension of the Inuzuka themselves, and thus an Inuzuka is never alone.

Inuzuka are also uniquely skilled in Cooperation Ninjutsu. Cooperation ninjutsu, called collaboration techniques, is the combination of two or more jutsu to create a new jutsu with a strength greater than the sum of its components. This "strength" can be measured in terms of the new jutsu's range or destructive power.

Kekkei Genkai

Kekkei Genkai Description: The members are given their own canine partner(s) when they are born. Thereafter, the shinobi and their dog(s) are practically inseparable. The shinobi and canine allies fight using Cooperation Ninjutsu, such as the Fang Passing Fang or Fang Rotating Fang techniques amongst others, that take advantage of their teamwork and their sharp claws and teeth. The clan members are also able to communicate with canines even if unlike Kuromaru, the dogs cannot talk. The members of this clan, much like their canine partners, have greatly enhanced senses, especially their sense of smell. By concentrating chakra to their noses, this sense is amplified to an even greater extent allowing the user to be able to detect, track and monitor targets from a fairly long distance away.The clan's fighting style primarily revolves around their enhanced speed, strength and agility granted by the Four Legs Technique and other canine-based attacks, in conjunction with the tactical advantages granted by their heightened senses.

Kekkei Genkai Speciality Jutsu and Techniques:

Jutsu Name: Enhanced Smell
Jutsu Branch: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Name: D/C/B/A/S
Jutsu Description: The unique style of sensing technique allows Inuzuka Clan Members to enhance their senses through manipulating their chakra into their noses. This enables them to detect and track down targets through their different smells. The range of this technique varies between members and the rank of this jutsu used will increase the range as well. D-Rank starts with your immediate area, and S-Rank could cover an entire village. The more range you try to give to the technique the more chakra is consumed, the longer the technique is used the more chakra is consumed, and the more targets the user tries to track at once also increases chakra consumed. It is more practical to only track up to three targets or less at a time because of this chakra drain drawback.The rank of the jutsu also allows the user to better pinpoint a certain scent or set of scents.

Jutsu Name: Beast Human Clone
Jutsu Branch: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: This technique transforms a ninken into their Inuzuka partner. By doing this, the Inuzuka gains a copy of themselves that serves the same practical purpose as a shadow clone but without a shadow clone's steep chakra requirement. Even though they look identical, the ninken - because it's an animal - is likely to give away which of the two is which from how it moves and acts. To counteract this, the Inuzuka typically uses an Imitation Beast Ninja Art, causing them to act more feral and thus make it harder to tell them apart. As with any transformation, the ninken will revert to their original form if they're knocked out.

Jutsu Name: Dynamic Marking
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: While spinning through the air, a ninken starts urinating, scattering the urine across a wide area. Any opponents that the urine sprays are likely to be confused, embarrassed, and, if it gets in their eyes, temporarily blinded until they can flush it out. More useful to the ninken and their Inuzuka partner is that they can easily track the urine's scent, allowing them to locate anyone who has been marked by the urine regardless of where they are or where they go.

Jutsu Name: Four Legs Technique
Jutsu Branch: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to move in the same way as an animal. By surrounding their body with chakra and moving about on all fours, the user's speed and accuracy are significantly enhanced, which in turn makes their attacks more damaging. Hit-and-run tactics are the most effective form of attack while using this technique, as this ensures the user is constantly moving, thus making it difficult for opponents to follow their movements.

Jutsu Name: Passing Fang
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: The user moves at a target at high speeds and delivers a body slam. Because of how quickly they move, the user travels in a fairly straight line, necessitating that they anticipate the target's movements in order to ensure a successful strike. As they move at the target, the user spins rapidly in order to pierce targets, drilling even through stone. Unlike the Fang Passing Fang, this technique is performed alone; users therefore require additional training to raise its attack power enough to compensate for this.

Jutsu Name: Fang Passing Fang
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu/Cooperation
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: An Inuzuka and their ninken companion both perform the Passing Fang, whereby they rotate their bodies and deliver a series of rapid body blows to a target. In order to coordinate their attacks, thus ensuring targets have no opportunity to defend themselves, Inuzuka and their ninken synchronise with each other as much as they can: breathing in unison; using the Four Legs Technique; using the Beast Human Clone. As the users cross back and forth for this attack, the surrounding area is damaged as well, crushing rocks and shaving sections off the ground.

Jutsu Name: Fang Rotating Fang
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu/Cooperation
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user and their ninken partner roll at a ferocious speed in a buzz-saw like shape, and deliver many powerful beast-like attacks when contact is made with the target.

Jutsu Name: Fang Wolf Fang
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu/Cooperation
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: After an Inuzuka and their ninken combine into a Double-Headed Wolf, they begin spinning extremely rapidly towards their target. Because of how fast they spin, they are not able to see while using this technique, necessitating that targets be marked beforehand so that they can be tracked by smell. Regardless of how targets may try to evade them, the Double-Headed Wolf pursues them until it's finally able to strike. Even without a direct hit, targets will receive extensive cutting damage from the vacuum vortex that's created by the Fang Wolf Fang's rotation.

Jutsu Name: Human Beast Combination Technique: Double Headed Wolf
Jutsu Branch: Ninjutsu/Cooperation
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The Inuzuka and their ninken companion perform the Combination Transformation to take the shared form of a two-headed wolf. Because of the transformation's size, its strong claws, and its two sets of fangs, its standard attacks are quite powerful. This is especially true of any other jutsu performed while using this form, which are far more destructive than what the Inuzuka or the ninken are ordinarily capable of. These attacks and jutsu are most often performed against targets that have been cornered, fitting their wolf form.

Jutsu Name: Passing Fang
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: Man and beast transform into a single two-headed gigantic animal by the Human Beast Combination Transformation: Double-Headed Wolf technique, and just like its parent technique, have their body spin in a violent assault against the enemy. The power is great enough to break through three Rashōmon gates without losing its power. In addition unlike its parent technique it does not first require the use of Dynamic Marking first.

Jutsu Name: Human Beast Mixture Transformation: Three-Headed Wolf
Jutsu Branch: Ninjutsu/Cooperation
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Description: Following the principles of the clan's use of ninken partners. After creating a shadow clone, the user fuses with this clone and their ninken companion into a gigantic, three-headed wolf. This drastically increases their size and power, whilst also gaining them sharp claws and canine teeth. In their direct attacks, they demonstrate considerable efficiency. Furthermore, using techniques in addition to this gives birth to an extraordinary destructive power.

Jutsu Name: Tail Chasing Fang Fang Rotating Fang
Jutsu Branch: Taijutsu/Cooperation
Jutsu Element: N/A
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Inuzuka
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Description: After the user transforms into a single, three-headed, gigantic wolf with their shadow clone and ninken, the user curls into a ball and rolls at a ferocious speed towards the enemy, as if chasing after their own tail. The ultra-violent rotation created can tear through multiple enemies, rending them apart with ease.

Clan History

History: The Inuzuka Clan (犬塚一族, Inuzuka Ichizoku) or Inuzuka Family (犬塚家, Inuzuka-ke) is a family of shinobi in Konohagakure known for their use of ninken as fighting companions and are easily identified by the distinctive red fang markings on their cheeks.

Current Head of clan: Ryoto Inuzuka
Members: Kita Inuzuka

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Join date : 2022-08-05

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Inuzuka Clan  Empty Re: Inuzuka Clan

Post by Alysstrasza Mon Aug 29, 2022 11:03 pm


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