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Yaketsuku Senju

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Yaketsuku Senju  Empty Yaketsuku Senju

Post by HAGANE Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:01 am

Yaketsuku Senju  World_1


General Information

Name: Yaketsuku Senju
Clan: Senju
Alias: Abathur, The Aberrant Tree of the Senju
Age: 19
Gender: Male

Personality Yaketsuku is a simple person by design. Quiet and unnerving, his cold exterior leaves much to be desired. However there is more at play than what one could perceive with mere appearances. Yaketsuku's appearance is not totally deceiving and as long as you are perceived as an ally, there is little to fear about Yaketsuku. Around others who he perceives as friends and allies he is rather docile and gentle. His movements are never made in any threatening way and he seems to project a very childlike curiosity about things. He shows no ill will and is rather good at taking care of children. If you are perceived as an enemy however, you will receive no mercy nor warning of your incoming demise. Yaketsuku show's an incredible amount of intelligence and control when face-to-face with an enemy.

Yaketsuku is quiet by nature, but isn't against social interaction. However when you do hear his voice, you will hear a deep ashy voice which conveys little emotion. Yaketsuku at times can seem dumb due to his simple nature yet this simply isn't true. Complex thought and emotion are always present but rarely shown, his understanding of things is above that of average people and his calculating mind lets him somewhat predict the actions of others. Although Yaketsuku may have a one track mind when it comes to how he perceives enemies, this can be easily halted momentarily or permanently when they are established as neutral or ally.

Yaketsuku's inhuman exterior and actions seem to leave him more lonely than not. He doesn't like nor dislike the company of others although he'd choose to have company if he had a choice. Yaketsuku's inhuman capability to deal with pain is also a trait that can be unnerving, able to withstand incredible amounts of punishment without falter.

Truthfully Yaketsuku is not a bad individual yet he could be seen that way quite easily. He is very much easy to deal with most of the time and isn't necessarily bad at providing company to those who need it. His Quiet nature allows others to speak more freely and eventually feel comfortable around him. He's understanding, insightful, and doesn't make for an obnoxious team player. All-in-all Yaketsuku is a book that can be judge easily by its cover and by the first few pages of its contents. However if you delve deeper you'll find a much more complex individual than you started with.

Loyalty His Village, and whoever else fits within his view of the world.
Rank Jounin
Occupation Body Guard
Village Konohagakure

Physical Profile

Yaketsuku Senju  Sand_Character_NARUTO


Height 220cm
Weight 108kg

Physical Traits Full body burns and scars. very muscular, defined even through the scars. Bright lavender coloured eyes.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style A calm mind and a strong body build Abathur up to be a freakishly strong and devastating combatant. Powerful physical blows and abilities that form movement across the battlefield create a very scary individual to be on the receiving end of.
Elemental Affinity Earth + Water + Yang = Wood
WeaponsNinja Tools N/A

Past Profile

Yaketsuku Senju  C4b674568fc22ea1df1d1ef23c47b488

History Yaketsuku's childhood is simple and unkind. His family wasn't the purest of the Senju and Yaketsuku was a child that was unwanted upon birth. He was left with a childhood that lacked any real care from his parents. Which in turn made Yaketsuku a very cold and off-putting boy. His moral compass was inexistent, leading him to hurt others simply as a response to even the most simplest of things such as talking.

Yaketsuku had become not just the unwanted child but also a burden upon his family who in turn told the boy he was a monster and a mistake. Yaketsuku's spiralling mental instability eventually left him causing more trouble, even to the point of having to be segregated from the village. A doctor was eventually put with the boy in a attempt to correct his issues. Yet it was apparent that his issues were just a bi-product of an already selfish and broken family.

It got worse and worse, until Saketsuku's family attempted to burn the boy to death in his sleep. The blood curdling screams of the child could be heard echoing as he was burnt to the brink of death. Luckily the doctor was not far from his aid. Saketsuku was left damaged in all ways imaginable. His family were punished and cast out of the village. Yet the pure damage that was caused to Yaketsuku would be left scarred on his body for life, yet his mind still had a chance of redemption. He just needed guidance and nurturing to prevent the unfeeling monster of his soul from becoming the only thing he knew.

Yaketsuku's body would be bound in bandages almost all his childhood, he refused to take them off and used them as a mental barrier to keep his dark side from taking over his mind. It was deemed unhealthy to create such an artificial barrier, however the technique did work.

Although his social abilities would never be his strong point, Yaketsuku had been able to interact with other finally. Though it wasn't uncommon to find him growing, nurturing, or talking among plants. Another coping mechanism the child used to slowly rebuild his mind. Eventually he would hand out flowers to the village, his first stepping stone of rehabilitation.

Which leads to the current day Yaketsuku. His skin is covered in bark and plant life, to keep his body and horrific face from being viewed by others. Above that he wears a cloak and a set of plate armour, to further cover himself up.  

Side Notes I am HAGANE

Yaketsuku Senju  Form_3

Posts : 36
Join date : 2022-08-11

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Yaketsuku Senju  Empty Re: Yaketsuku Senju

Post by Mei Fri Sep 16, 2022 9:15 pm

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Mei's Roster

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