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Inei Momochi

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Inei Momochi Empty Inei Momochi

Post by Inei Momochi Thu Nov 10, 2022 12:06 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Inei Momochi
Clan: Momochi Clan
Alias/Bingo book name: N/A
Age: 12
Gender: Male
Personality: Due to his upbringing, Inei is typically rather cold and serious. He has learned to suppress his feelings, and appears to have excellent control over his emotions due to this. Though not the most outwardly expressive, this does not mean he is unfeeling. However, he can struggle to relate to people on an emotional level due to casting aside emotions regarded as "unnecessary" for much of his life. Inei hasn't had much experience interacting with others outside of those in the Momochi clan. He tends to keep quiet, observing his surroundings before acting based on them. He has been taught to trust no one, and can often be overly cautious around others. Should he grow to trust someone else he lets his guard down, attempting to interact with them unnatural as it may feel at first.

Around his clan, he embodies everything he was taught to become. He values his clan above all else, and doesn't wish to disappoint them. How he presents himself is often a concern of his be it in public or only around them… His every action reflects on his clan, be that for better or worse. This is an ever present fear of his, which often guides his actions even if he truly wishes to do otherwise. In the heat of battle, he moves without hesitation. His overall demeanor becomes colder, attempting to act with the bloodlust and brutality the Momochi clan is often associated with… Their cruelty is their greatest strength… To his dismay, this cruelty does not come naturally to Inei.

Truth be told, Inei is not a violent person by nature. He is able to act as "a demon" because he fears letting down his clan more than he fears hurting others. His emotions, supposed to be eliminated entirely, are merely bottled up and thrown aside, out of sight out of mind until its contents begin to spill over… Inei of the Momochi clan, a ticking time bomb that's yet to set off.

Loyalty: The Momochi Clan, Arashigakure
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Shinobi
Village: Arashigakure

Physical Profile

Appearance:  Inei has short black hair and pale skin grayish white in hue, not uncommon amongst the Momochi clan. His eyes are a deep and dark blue appearing black upon first glance. His attire consists of a dark sleeveless shirt and dark pants, streaks of silver accenting both. His clan’s crest, a circular mark sporting the kanji for demon (鬼, oni) is present on the back of his shirt. He typically covers his arms, be it with wrist warmers or simple bandages. Inei also dons a piece of blue cloth around his neck, decorated with white clouds. He wears a black hip pouch, along with black sandals. (Weird glove in the reference isn’t present).

Character Appearance:

Height: 152.4 cm (5'0")
Weight: 45.4 kg (~100 lbs)

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: The Momochi Clan are masters of physical combat, training their members in Taijutsu and Bukijutsu, especially Kenjutsu, since the time they can stand up and hold a blade. Inei is no exception, learning the fighting style perfected by the clan despite not being exclusive to them, Silent Killing. He uses his great physical condition combined with his close combat prowess to overwhelm opponents with quick, and powerful strikes, utilizing stealth whenever possible to catch them by surprise. Ninjutsu takes a lesser role in how he fights, simply seeing it as another tool in his arsenal as opposed to his primary means of battle.

Elemental Affinity: Water Release
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Standard ninja tools, Tantō,

Past Profile

Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Inei Momochi on Mon Nov 14, 2022 5:58 pm; edited 4 times in total
Inei Momochi
Inei Momochi

Posts : 3
Join date : 2022-11-07

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Inei Momochi Empty Re: Inei Momochi

Post by Ika Thu Nov 10, 2022 12:08 am

Approved 3-3


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Join date : 2021-08-15

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