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Wahei Araki - Sword Saint Samurai - Land of Iron [WIP]

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Wahei Araki - Sword Saint Samurai - Land of Iron [WIP] Empty Wahei Araki - Sword Saint Samurai - Land of Iron [WIP]

Post by Holy Janga Tue Jul 18, 2023 11:56 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Wahei Araki
Clan: Araki
Alias/Bingo book name: Wandering Swordsman, Presence of Dread, Sword-Saint of Chilling Winds
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Loyalty: Shogun, Land of Iron, Tagashikushira, and Araki Clan
Rank: The Silver Blades Mercenary Band Commander and Sword-Saint, Military Leader of his clan.
Occupation: Araki Clan Sword-Saint and Leads the Famous Silver Blades Mercenary Band
Village: Tagashikushira, the Fortress Town of Araki

Physical Profile

Appearance: Despite his appearances, he’s been honing his skills with the blade all his life. Wahei does not wear the usual samurai armor since he is the Sword Saint of the Chilling Winds. His gray eyes give off a menacing presence to those who look at him. His hair turned gray much faster than other Araki clan members because of his fight against a specific Oni. Wahei has massive scars on his back because of that single Oni, but he never backs down from fighting anyone who would get in his way.

His body language shows he’s on a specific mission from his clan to find his older brother, Shichiro Nara. He walks and is always ready to unsheath his Dreki Motzkatzi or Fenikkusu no Namida. The importance of this mission is even more important than his status as a Sword Saint. Wahei has a singular thing around his neck that is even more precious than his two swords or the decorative sword of his father. It is the Golden Araki Clan’s Necklace Family. All Araki Clan members wear this necklace to show who their biological family is and when it is their turn to become the respectable leaders of their clans.

Also, Wahei carries a heavy burden on his back, which he started to carry from Tagashikurshira, the Fortress Town of Araki, to Konohagakure Village. It is an Araki Clan Metallic Samurai Case, and it is top of the line, too, because it’s made from the same steel that the Samurai Wear, but it is slightly more durable than the Samurai’s armor.

Additionally, he wears the Araki Clan’s Symbol on the left shoulder of his clothes. Underneath that symbol is the Shogun’s Clan symbol, which is different from the Araki Clan’s symbol. The Mercenary band he commands from the Iron Country is called the Silver Blades. It is denoted on his right shoulder with two silver blades clashing.

His Appearance:
Height: 6’1”
Weight: 230 Lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style:
Elemental Affinity:
Weapons/Samurai Tools:
[On his neck]
01 x A Pendant Necklace with a picture of his family. [Syuusei Araki, Juria Araki, Shichiro Araki, and himself.]

[Both on the left side of his waist]
01 x Fenikkusu no Namida [Phoenix’s Tears, Reddish Gold Saya]
01 x Dreki Motzkatzi [Green Saya]
01 x Syuusei’s Tantō [Gold Saya, Single Bladed] - Usually wielded by the Swordspeaker, but it is on the Sword-Saint of the Araki Clan instead.

[Right side of his waist]
01 x The Best Saki from the Land of Iron

[Araki Clan, Samurai Case - Back]
01 x Journal
01 x Writing Utensil
01 x Bingo Book
20 x Soldier Pills
02 x Gifts [Sadashika Nara’s Gift and Shichiro’s Gift]
12 x Calligraphy Paper
01 x Calligraphy Writing Tool
01 x Sword Sharpening Tools

Past Profile

Side Note: 1-1, Sword-Saint of the Araki Clan

As a Sword Saint, Wahei has a fierce reputation for never backing away from a mission, no matter the overwhelming superiority of an enemy. He protects other nation’s ambassadors when they are trying to travel around in hostile lands in between their destinations. His clan has some distasteful things to say about the Okamura clan, their village of Shakonagawa, and their lands of Lamenting Springs. Wahei will get heated with Haia Okamura since she’s the leader of Shakonagawa Village, but she also works as a Jonin Ranked Shinobi of Konohagakure Village.

The Silver Blades, Wahei’s Mercenary Band from the Land of Iron, is an S-Ranked Band since Wahei leads it. The command structure of this mercenary band has a 2nd and 3rd commander that takes over whenever Wahei is off on a personal mission. His second commander is Arimi Araki, and she’s from a branch family of the Araki Clan that serves as the Sword Speaker and Sword Saint of the Main Branch. Wahei came from the Araki Clan’s Main Branch, he told his second and third commanders to stay in the Land of Iron unless he absolutely needs them based on specific missions that must be completed at home. Wahei usually asks his 2nd and third commanders to help with the contract work of neutral parties that want to be protected to their destinations or other set distinctive proper missions based around Oni.

Wahei knows one other mercenary band by the name of the Red Cloaks, he does run into them sometimes on different missions. He knows Jinnosuke, their leader and he’s a good fellow but trouble follows him everywhere. There are other mercenary bands in the Land of Iron but predominantly stay in the Land of Iron unless there is money to be made by being put on the side of a war.
Roleplay Sample:

Holy Janga
Holy Janga

Posts : 277
Join date : 2021-08-15
Age : 37
Location : Southwest Misery (Missouri)

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