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Suki Ano-Hundai

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Suki Ano-Hundai Empty Suki Ano-Hundai

Post by dustii Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:27 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Suki Ano-Hundai
Clan: Hundai
Alias/Bingo book name: Ano
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Personality: His upbringing, while uneventful at home, lent Suki to witnessing many horrors of the ninja, and he learned to keep his emotions in check. Suki is calm, though little shallow at first. This doesn't help him make many friends, but his work keeps him busy anyway. Suki is a jokester, and is a strict no-swearing guy and is accustomed to being the "always prepared" of the friend group (when he has one).

His anger is slow to build, and simmers until he eventually pops. This is a result of his carefully curated emotional stability, however this is harmful to mental health, as often dissociating from his emotions lead to a certain detachment from life. He prefers the busy and fast-paced environment of the hospital, because it gives him much to do and not much to think about. His practiced medical skills also lent him to accompanying ninjas on retrieve missions and often requires him to perform procedures and wound dressing onsite.

He is generally well-liked and respectable to all, even ninjas from other villages, however his internal biases and prejudices break through every now and then. He is actively aware of such and works on his own moral beliefs.
Rank: Chounin
Occupation: Medical Professional/Emergency Nurse
Village: Chirigakure - Village Hidden in the Dust

Physical Profile

Appearance: Standing at 167cm Suki still has height to gain. 19 year old Suki wears short, bleached curly hair (usually it is dark brown). He has brown, almond shaped eyes, and freckles on every inch of tanned olive skin. His lithe body is thanks to his mother's line of men. He has scars along his forearms and calves from the time spent foraging and trekking through the valleys and mountains in the Dust region. Suki wears a multitude of diverse earrings, ranging from hanging chains to gold rings, and some with a capability to store small amounts of medicine. Suki sometimes can be seen sporting glasses or goggles.

Suki's training outfit consists of volleyball-like knee pads, elbow pads, ankle shoes, and a full-body suit. His usual carry-on gear is a leather belt with his tools, a ninja-pack on his left thigh, and optionally a storage scroll or a small leather backpack.

His casual outfits usually consist of baggy harem-style pants, hoodies, and large t-shirts he most likely picked up from the first shelf in the first store he visited.
Suki's village headband is worn around his neck or waist.

Character Appearance:

Height: 5'6 (167.64cm)
Weight: 130lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Suki prefers ranged weapons such as senbon, kunai and shuriken. He is fast and agile, and prefers tiring out his opponent before gassing them to sleep (or death). However he isn't bad at hand-to-hand. Suki will wield his thumb-knives or icepicks most often. He has sticky fingers and can pickpocket weapons at close range. When faced with a difficult situation, he tends to create a diversion with a smokescreen so he can regroup in a distance away from his apart.
Elemental Affinity: Wind
Weapons/Ninja Tools:
10x Senbon / ninja throwing spikes with retrievable jutsu (15cm)
4x Thumbknives/push daggers (5cm)
2x Twin palm knives (large) (20cm)
2x twin palm knives (small) (15cm)
5x Throwable chlorophyll/smokescreen gas bombs (3in) (to be jutsu-fied)
2x poison pills
5x  Icepick style knives (20cm)
10x Shuriken
10x Kunai

Misc Arsenal
1x Small matchbox + emergency candles
1x Plant journal + 2.3mm led with grip
2x Air filtering mask so he’s not affected by his own equipment
1x Goggles
2x Medical gloves
1x Advanced medical kit

Scrolls for storage

Belt storage + back storage
Knee pads / elbow pads

Past Profile

History: Suki was born the youngest in the family line to an older, deaf patriarch. Suki and his young mother learned sign language as a result— the household was very quiet during his childhood years. The patriarch of the family had a few wives and Suki was merely a product of which, yet his occupation was always certain. Before he passed the chounin exams, he usually accompanied his mother in taking care of the injured ninjas from the exams, and often worked in the hospital as a result. His colour blindness poses as a disability that he had to overcome young. With the development of glasses with lenses that offer some colour correction, he can now work full time.

Though he was witness to many exam events, it wasn’t until he competed that he truly understood the way of the ninja. He had counted on using his chlorophyll gas bombs to knock out his opponents in the combat section, however his father called him cowardly for thinking of such a strategy. Without a plan B, Suki lost function of his right arm in battle, however he recovered himself enough to match his opponent as he could use his left hand just as well. His family training gave Suki a leg up in battle -- hand to hand was useful after all. Throughout his genin schooling he also studied medicine and was apprenticed to a jounin master of medicine. He became very close to them, and worked alongside them well even through the horrors of the most grotesque wounds that ninja endured on missions. He unfortunately lost his current mentor to a mission.

Though his main occupation is a medical nin, he does want to be assigned a team.
Side Note:
- Medical arts (anatomical and identification)
- Ninja Sign Language
- Foraging and plant identification

- he has tritanopia, a rare colourblindness
Roleplay Sample: boom boom boom boom I want you in my room, lets spend the night together, for now and forever

Last edited by dustii on Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2023-07-22
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Suki Ano-Hundai Empty Re: Suki Ano-Hundai

Post by Ika Sun Jul 23, 2023 7:35 pm

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Suki Ano-Hundai Empty Re: Suki Ano-Hundai

Post by Ika Fri Mar 15, 2024 11:43 pm

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