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Scarlet Empty Scarlet

Post by Alysstrasza Thu Oct 05, 2023 1:06 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Scarlet
Clan: -
Alias/Bingo book name:
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Loyalty: Konohagakure
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Shinobi
Village: Konohagakure
Personality: In her quiet and unassuming demeanor, Scarlet possesses a rare and enchanting talent that sets her apart from others. With the ability to shape intricate and lifelike sculptures from the glistening depths of amber, she is a true artist at heart. Yet, despite her remarkable skill, she carries with her an overwhelming shyness that often veils her in a delicate, translucent shell. Her introverted nature doesn't stem from arrogance, but rather a deep-seated fear of rejection. She yearns for companionship and connection, craving the warmth of friendship like a fragile, golden thread in her life.

Her unwavering dedication to her craft is evident in every piece she creates, each one a testament to her boundless creativity and determination. Her ultimate aspiration is to become a renowned artist, to have her amber creations admired and cherished by the world. Though she may be hesitant to step into the spotlight, the desire to leave an indelible mark through her art serves as a powerful driving force. She dreams of a day when her sculptures, borne from the heart of her timid spirit, will stand as enduring symbols of her passion and as bridges to forge the connections she so deeply craves.

Physical Profile


Character Appearance:

Height: 4'6" (137cm)
Weight: 80 lbs (36kg)

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: In the world of ninjutsu, this 11-year-old girl is a remarkable prodigy. Her primary expertise lies in the mysterious art of Amber Release ninjutsu, a unique and seldom-seen talent that allows her to create and manipulate amber with astonishing precision. In addition to her mastery of this esoteric skill, she possesses a keen proficiency in traditional weaponry, particularly with kunais, and she's no slouch in taijutsu, the art of hand-to-hand combat.

Despite her young age, what truly sets her apart is her unorthodox combination of skills. She's a paradoxical blend of weakness and resilience, making her a formidable opponent on the battlefield. While her physical stature may seem frail at first glance, she employs a tactical approach that emphasizes endurance and outlasting her adversaries. Her nimble evasive maneuvers and clever use of amber-based defensive techniques make her a tricky target to pin down. In battle, she becomes a living testament to the power of strategy and determination, often emerging victorious by wearing down her opponents until they succumb to exhaustion and defeat.
Elemental Affinity: Earth, Water, Fire, Amber [Kekkei Tota]
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Standard ninja tools

Past Profile

History: She was born with the ability to manipulate Amber. This got her treated weirdly as it was very sticky and hard to deal with at first. Family disowned her and told her to never reveal her family name to anyone as they wanted nothing to do with her. Eventually she graduated from the academy and became a Genin so she could earn some ryo and buy a room instead of living homelessly like she did through her academy days.
Side Note: Possesses an extremely rare Kekkei Tota allowing her to create and manipulate Amber release.


Posts : 525
Join date : 2022-08-05

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Scarlet Empty Re: Scarlet

Post by Ika Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:14 pm

Approved 3-4


Posts : 1683
Join date : 2021-08-15

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