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Kizo Ryugami

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Kizo Ryugami Empty Kizo Ryugami

Post by Starboy Wed Nov 01, 2023 11:37 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Kizo Ryugami
Alias/Bingo book name: The Shoguns Shield
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Personality: Kizo despite being part of the notorious Ryugami Siblings is incredibly down to earth. He likes to be at eye level with whoever he is talking to and shows his respects to everyone. Kizo is modest and humble being though he does tend to be a rascal at times. Kizo considers himself a leader. He often takes the bull by the horns and while his talents have propelled him this far, he has been known to be trampled by self defeat and doubt due to turning on his family. He isn't beyond associating with untouchables if the end justifies the means, and in fact he revels in the filth. Kizo has a wild streak in him that can sweep him away with toxic ideals of pride and a pattern fueled by wrath.

Kizo does not hide his past, in fact he embraces it. Although he abandoned his siblings and their murderous ways he still cares for the both of them very much and longs for the day that they decide to call of their feud.
Loyalty: The Land of Iron | Himself | His Team | His Sibling(to an extent)
Rank: Jonin-Level Shinobi
Occupation: Nomad
Village: Land of Iron - However no real deep affiliation as he goes wherever he's needed

Physical Profile

Appearance: Kizo is a fit and relatively tall shinobi, with spiky dark-blue hair, and has dark-coloured eyes. He wears a custom variant of Konoha Ninja as he feels their attire looks the coolest, with a kunai pouch on his right leg. He wears black opened toed and open heeled sandals.

Character Appearance:

Height: 5'10
Weight: 175lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Kizo is a strong defensive ninja. Being known as "The Shoguns Shield" when he was with his siblings Kizo specializes in Water Style Jutsu to create powerful barriers and crushing waves.
Elemental Affinity: Water
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Kizo carries the standard ninja array of kunai, shuriken, ninja wire, and smoke bombs

Kizo also carries around two Chokuto Swords that were gifted to him by his sister. Etched in the blades of the swords are the words "power" and "control" two values he and his siblings lived by for the longest.

Past Profile


Kizo is the youngest of the famed Ryugami Siblings. Growing up he did nothing but follow his big sisters orders and no matter how cruel and evil the intent he carried out the order without question. throughout the years his twin siblings molded him into their defense system. Where Tadashi was the "hand" of Arisu, Kizo was considered the "shield". Kizo lived a pretty comfortable life, for all it was worth he mostly never wanted for anything and if he did he went and took it. Big sister Arisu ruled with an iron fist and would punish her brothers whenever they failed to meet their kill quota. Typically she'd make up for these cruel treatments by bringing her brothers gifts.

Kizo was trusted with the same number of kills to obtain as Tadashi from the moment he was able to wield a kunai properly. Although he tried to not miss his quotas Kizo could not help but feel deep down that most of the people sacrificed to his sister did not deserve their fates. However, Kizo knew not to question his sister and carried on her wishes and demands. That is until a certain village changed Kizos perspective forever.

Upon entering a small village to obtain a kill Kizo encountered a monk who trapped him in a genjutsu and forced him to live out the horrors he inflicted on so many others. Kizo returned to his siblings kill-less and was punished by Arisu. However, this time Kizo struck back. Stuck between apologizing but accepting a crueler punishint and leaving Kizo chose the latter of the two options. Kizo expressed his sentiments to his siblings and made his departure. Kizo began traveling the lands atoning for his sins and figured what better way than to become a ghost and do things for the sake of good.
Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:


Posts : 17
Join date : 2023-10-12

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Kizo Ryugami Empty Re: Kizo Ryugami

Post by Mei Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:10 pm

Approved 1-5

Mei's Roster

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