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Arisu Ryugami (Shogun)

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Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) Empty Arisu Ryugami (Shogun)

Post by Mei Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:05 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Arisu Ryugami
Clan: N/A
Alias/Bingo book name: The Tyrant, The Shogun
Age: 27
Gender: Female

Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) IMG_7657

Regal, collected, formal, and royal are all words that could be used to describe Arisu at a glance. In the company of others, she does her best to meet appearances and conduct herself in a professional manner. Of course, her style of ruling is nothing as comparable. Arisu rules with an “Iron” fist (pun intended) and doesn’t tolerate the slightest insubordination. Her word is absolute and she does not sway from her decisions. Her heart is as cold as her icy stare, finding the peasants of her kingdom disgusting. Nobility, power, and position are everything in Arisu’s eyes and the common people are only there to support her status, no matter how she decides that shall be.

On the other hand, behind closed doors, Arisu can be quite empathetic and caring toward her younger twin. Her only allegiance is to her family, so Tadashi is always considered the most important in her life. Tadashi has always been on the doting side of his older twin, receiving gifts beyond need. As much as it goes against everything she has ever built, she has been rumored to show mercy on her youngest sibling by not having the heart to kill him for disobeying her orders. Arisu might find Kizo a blemish on the family name, but he’s still her brother.

Loyalty: Family
Rank: Kage-Level
Occupation: Shogun
Village: Land of Iron

Physical Profile

Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) IMG_7660

Height: 5’9”
Weight: 145lbs

Combat Profile
Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) E7ad9c6f3ac778cba0ff65831b0a36d4

General Fighting Style: Arisu has the heart of a samurai from years of combat training under her father. A sword is the only way to kill an opponent, although an added fire/wind element is always welcome to turn up the heat.

Elemental Affinity: Fire and Wind
Weapons/Ninja Tools:
Twin Katanas

Past Profile

Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) IMG_7658

Arisu was born into the Ryugami bloodline minutes before her younger twin. This automatically added the title of heiress to her head. Since the day she was born, her father started planning her life to the letter, while her brother, Tadashi, was guaranteed a position as her personal guard. They were trained day in and day out. Arisu was given extensive lessons on mannerisms, culture, customs, courtesies, finance, and building an empire. Growing up, she never had the desire to be Shogun and spent countless hours planning how she could get out of ruling.

However, every time the twins failed a mission or disobeyed their father, one would receive beatings while the other watched. If Arisu had her way, she would take her younger twin’s beatings 100% of the time. She would do whatever it took to protect her precious sibling. On the other hand, Kizo never fell under their fathers gaze, which planted a seed of hate in Arisu’s heart. Still, there was a part of her that was relieved he would never have to understand their suffering.

In the end, their father was poisoned and Arisu was forced to the throne, changing her entire life. She would take up the mantle her father had worked so hard to maintain. She would take after him, ruling with absolute word, except her seething rage would spill out much further. Taking the lives of peasants was a requirement and anyone who refused this order would meet the same fate. Anyone who dared question her was tortured, until their last breath. All she had to do.. was turn her eyes to her twin and he would do whatever it was she asked.

Side Note: SHOGUN
Roleplay Sample: N/A

Last edited by Mei on Mon Nov 27, 2023 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total

Mei's Roster

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Join date : 2022-08-05

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Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) Empty Re: Arisu Ryugami (Shogun)

Post by Ika Thu Nov 02, 2023 3:19 pm

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Arisu Ryugami (Shogun) Empty Re: Arisu Ryugami (Shogun)

Post by Ika Tue Jan 16, 2024 6:17 pm

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