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Yamarashi Kaguya Jutsu List

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Yamarashi Kaguya Jutsu List Empty Yamarashi Kaguya Jutsu List

Post by Ika Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:17 pm

The Jutsu Profile
Character Information
Character Name: Yamarashi Kaguya
Character Tier: 3-2
Character Application: App
Taijutsu: Novice
Ninjutsu: Expert
Genjutsu: Novice
Strength: Adept
Agility: Expert
Endurance: Adept

Chakra Capacity: Novice
Chakra Efficiency: Adept
Weapons Mastery: Expert
Fuuinjutsu: Untrained
Medical: Untrained
Summoning: Untrained

Selected Perks:
Kekkei Genkai (⬤⬤)

(List Jutsus Here)

Jutsu Name: Body Flicker
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent.

Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Bone Bomb
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This is simply put, a round ball of bone is released into the area and it explodes with very sharp bone needles up to 10M in all directions.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Bone Cage Snare
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Using the rib cage of the person it wraps around their target. The person can either pull them back or crush them. Target has to be at least in a 5 foot radius.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Dance of the Camelia
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The second of the Kaguya's five dances, which they perform by modifying one of their upper arm bones to create a short, bone-hilted bone sword. They then stabs chaotically and continuously which causes the opponents eyes to lag behind. The speed resembles afterimages, the hand with the sword is again and again visibly projected. And yet the movement is irregular which makes it difficult to predict. With each thrust the sword's track is very capable of changing. The attack comes from unexpected angles, causing a person's delicate defense reaction to come off guard. Though one can have great reflexes and moving ability, it is next to impossible to keep dodging the fierce attack until it stops. Thus if one showed an opening, a finishing blow will be dealt by one stab in an instant.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Dance of the Clematis: Vine
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The first half of the Kaguya's fourth dance. With the Shikotsumyaku, the user can modify and pull out their own spinal column, and regrow a new spine to replace it. Between the bones in the gaps there is cartilage that allows flexibility, which makes it possible to bend it as if it were a whip. With average estimation skills along with the impossible range it stretches, dodging is difficult. The protrusions on the vertebrae are modified to make them stronger and sharper. Users tend to follow up with Dance of the Clematis: Flower to pierce the immobilized opponent.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Dance of the Holly
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user will twist and weave the composition of a bone sword so that all but the held area spin like a drill.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Dance of the Willow
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The first of the Kaguya's five dances. To perform this dance, the Kaguya grows several long bone blades from their body for use as weapons. There isn't any set form for the Dance of the Willow. Just like a willow that is shaken by the wind, the opponents attacks are simply parried and countered. Uncharacteristic of a willow, the hardened bones puncture and damage the opponents body. Though they primarily use two blades grown from the palms of their hands, he also uses several secondary bones grown from their elbows, knees, and shoulders. This dance form is incredibly acrobatic, using spins, charges, and long sweeping slashes to make the strikes more effective and to evade opponents' counter strikes. Users can also extend his bones to attack his opponents without having to adjust their own movement.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Harden
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user will condense and solidify their bones outside of their body resulting in much more dense attacks. It should be noted that this can be applied to any bone that was once within the user's body and used as extra armour.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Magnum Drilling Shot
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user forms a fist and aims at their target. At any given moment, they will fire the bones that compose their hand at said target. As the bones fly through the air, they begin to rotate which allows them to drill into their target once they make contact.
Jutsu Name: Bone Release: Ten-Finger Drilling Bullets
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Hardened bones from the fingertips are shot at the enemy, with a spinning motion added to the skeletal bullets. A direct hit will excavate skin, flesh, and bone. Since the bones of the user can be regenerated, the rate of fire from the user's arsenal is limitless.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Gunshot
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: After kneading and converting their chakra into water, the user will shoot one or more condensed blasts of water at the target. The size is dependent on how much water the user can store in their body.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Hidden Mist
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Hidden Mist Technique is a speciality of the shinobi from Kirigakure, where one causes a mist to spring forth either by using a pre-existing water source, or expelling it from their mouth. They can then go in and out of sight at will from within the pearly-white realm. The mist's thickness is controlled by the amount of chakra kneaded into it. It cannot fool the Byakugan, but, due to the mist being created with the user's chakra, any Sharingan and Rinnegan-user will see the mist colored by their opponent's chakra — which will effectively hide the user from the dōjutsu.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Clone Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Water Clone Technique is similar to the Shadow Clone Technique except it creates clones that are made out of water. Also, unlike shadow clones, water clones hold only one-tenth of the original person's power. Like other solid clone techniques, the clones can be used to perform tasks the user is unable or unwilling to do for themselves. The range of the clone is limited however, as it can not travel very far from the original body without losing control. Like other clone techniques, if the water clones are injured enough they will revert to normal water.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Water Prison Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique is used to trap a victim inside a virtually inescapable sphere of water. The only downside to this technique is that the user must keep at least one arm inside the sphere at all times in order for the victim to remain imprisoned. This technique requires a sufficient amount of water, which can be provided by expelling it from one's mouth. Once trapped the target is unable to move or breathe while within it due to the heaviness of the water. Because of the density of the water it can be used, to a limited extent, for defensive purposes if performed on oneself. It can also be stored in scrolls as traps. Water clones can be used in preparation for the technique, which block an opponent's attack and trap the attacker in the prison using the clone's own water. A Hyuuga was able to use his ability to release chakra from all of his tenketsu simultaneously to disrupt the flow of chakra and break the prison.
Jutsu Name: Water Release: Wild Water Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Water
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Water Release: Wild Water Wave is a basic Water Release technique which has many variations. Water gushes from the user's mouth like a waterfall and washes away the enemy. One can freely control the power of this technique with the amount of chakra one releases.

Jutsu Name: Bone Sword
Jutsu Type: Weapon
Jutsu Element: Bone
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Kaguya

Last edited by Ika on Sat Mar 30, 2024 3:05 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Yamarashi Kaguya Jutsu List Empty Re: Yamarashi Kaguya Jutsu List

Post by Mei Sat Mar 30, 2024 2:19 pm


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