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Yuna Nara

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Yuna Nara Empty Yuna Nara

Post by zerohydreigon Wed Apr 03, 2024 1:41 am

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Yuna Nara
Clan: Nara
Age: 12
Gender: Female
Personality: A-bit cold and sarcastic, she will be often found lying on a tree branch.She is often lazy,preferring to use sarcasm to cover her feelings. She does have a kind heart though and will be found feeding strays. She has a hard time opening up to others, having a lot of pressure on her. She prefers being alone mostly, having a hard time cooperating with others. She has severe anxiety and often will try to cover for it, she will
Rank: Genin
Village: Konoha

Physical Profile

Appearance: She is on the shorter side, skinny and muscular.With short brown hair and green eyes, a scar on her left side of her face running from the top of her head down to her cheek on her left side. She wears a grey jacket with fur around the hood, with front pockets black pants and blue shoes.

Height: 5’2
Weight: 90lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: She perfers long range,being a Nara and all.Though she can handle hand to hand combat,it’s not her specialty and she perfers to use the envioment to her advantage.
Elemental Affinity: Earth

Past Profile

History: 0-5:

Yuna was born to the Nara clan,to two Nara’s Jamia and Yukana Nara.She had a brother about 15 years older,yes she was an accidental baby. Her parents didn’t expect to have a second as they had struggled to have a child before.Though the labor was rough she was born healthy.Her mother nearly died during it,her mother soon recovers and she’s sent home. Her early life isn’t that unusual her brother was a chunin at that time so wasn’t home very often. So she often played by herself,or around the forest.


She met another Nara child named Raemu,he was very shy and quiet. Her brother was often away for days at a time,though when he did come home he would spend time with her. It was nice until he died when she was only 8, killed while he was protecting his genin team. It was painful he had talked about it often saying about how excited he was to be a sensei. He was cut down at just 23 years old,she thought it couldn’t get worse. Then it did her parents began to put pressure on her to be like her brother,pushing her harder then ever,she didn’t get to hang out with friends or well her only friend.She got pushed mostly by her father,she had barely got to grieve herself.Around 10 she got the scar on her face, though she claimed it was a training accident.She didn’t go into more details. It was around then she got into the academy,and the pressure never let up.

She excelled in her classes,being top of the class though she kept up an aloofness around other kids her age. She found it too easy,and often took naps mid lesson,even though her teacher gave her and earful after she just did her work easier then most.Soon at around 12 she would graduate the academy,she felt abit of happiness at becoming a genin.
Side Note: The scar on her face she has was caused by training with her dad she swears it was an accident but won’t go into details about it and will shut down if pushed further for info

She doesn’t like it if people talk bad about her brother and will fight anyone who bad mouths him.

Curses like a sailor and will not apologize


Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-04-02

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Yuna Nara Empty Re: Yuna Nara

Post by Ika Wed Apr 03, 2024 7:28 am

Approved 3-3


Posts : 1683
Join date : 2021-08-15

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