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Denki's Jutsu List

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Denki's Jutsu List Empty Denki's Jutsu List

Post by YaBoyShingo Mon May 27, 2024 5:32 pm

The Jutsu Profile
Character Information
Character Name: Denki
Character Tier: 1-2
Character Application: App
Taijutsu: Master
Ninjutsu: Grandmaster
Genjutsu: Grandmaster
Strength: Master
Agility: Master
Endurance: Master

Chakra Capacity: Grandmaster
Chakra Efficiency: Grandmaster
Weapons Mastery: Untrained
Fuuinjutsu: Master
Medical: Untrained
Summoning: Untrained

Selected Perks:
Hybrid Element (⬤⬤)

(List Jutsus Here)

Jutsu Name: Body Flicker
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. Other elements or substances can be used instead to distract the opponent.

Jutsu Name: Bringer-of-Darkness Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Genjutsu
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user places the target(s) that has them believe they have been trapped in a world of infinite darkness, rendering their sight useless. However, it does not negate their other senses.

Jutsu Name: Demonic Flute: Phantom Sound Chains
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Genjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This genjutsu is performed with a flute and due to being transmitted via sound, it is effective over long ranges and can be induced without the user seeing the target. Whoever hears the flute is subjected to an illusion of their limbs being bound, preventing them from being able to move. Then, they are subjected to morbid visions, such as watching their flesh melt from their bones, meant to weaken them mentally.

Jutsu Name: Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Genjutsu
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique subjects the target to visions of their greatest fear, regardless of whether or not they’re aware that they’re afraid of it. This “fear” can be something that the target is actually scared of or merely the one image that they least want to see. The user makes eye contact with their victim as they activate it before disappearing in a swirl of tree leaves.

Jutsu Name: Demonic Illusion: Tree Binding Death
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Genjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The target experiences the illusion of a tree coiling around them, preventing them from moving. Because the target is immobile yet still conscious, this technique is a useful way to perform interrogations. Alternatively, the user can simply kill the immobilized target by emerging from the tree above said target and slitting their throat.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Flying Thrown Stones
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: After slamming their hands on the ground, the user sends a multitude of rocks from the ground to fly at the target. If needed, this technique can be used in conjunction with sealing tags or exploding tags to restrict an opponent's movements or offer an explosive surprise.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Headhunter Jutsu
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique conceals the user underground and drags the object of their attack down into the earth, robbing them of their freedom, leaving them completely unable to move after they're underground. In addition, they can start another attack. This technique is normally used for torture, by cutting into the enemy's neck after it was used. Duration until the target can get free.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Heavyweight Boulder Jutsu
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A technique which enhances the target's gravity at the user's discretion. The enemy's mobility is diminished, as the person is crushed by gravity — and in some cases exhibit petrification-like symptoms and then begins to crumble. Using a desert region to their advantage, the user can easily bury the enemy alive by submerging them in sand. When this technique is applied to the user it decreases their speed, but the increased weight drastically improves their strength. This method makes it possible for even a weak person to land a devastating hit.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Hiding in Rock Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to camouflage themselves with the earth around and move freely through earth's surfaces undetected. The user can be detected via sensory, unless they themselves have hid their presence, through the use of sensory skills. The user can also be detected by those possessing Dojutsu designed to see Chakra etc. The technique itself is more about its capabilities, which allows the user to move about undetected.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Lightweight Boulder Jutsu
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Contrary to its counterpart, this technique reduces one's gravity, making it much lighter. The atmosphere, along with their body, can be lightened in order to take flight and increase their maneuverability. With enough practice, the user can control their flight through the sky with specific bodily movements. However, a consequence of using this technique on oneself or another individual is a decrease in the physical force of the affected person's attacks. Masters of this technique are able to also manipulate the weight of other targets. By touching their targets, they could instead take their gravity away and regulate just how much is taken.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Opening Earth Rising Excavation
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: With this technique, the user can bring up on the surface something that is deep underground. The targets are launched in air with great strength and speed, the result of which has the appearance and nearly size of an erupting volcano. It can force a large number of soldiers hidden underground to resurface all at once. This technique is most proficient when two people use it simultaneously, though a single user can perform a smaller version just as easily.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Rock Armor
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user flows earth-chakra through their body, absorbing the properties of earth around them to form a skin-deep armor that is transparent and is only visible when light reflects off it. The armor is shown to be able to defend from all forms of blunt-force trauma. At the same time, it enhances the user's strength, allowing them to deliver powerful strikes and break free of restraints. Because this technique works by constantly absorbing earth properties, it requires no extra chakra after initiating it, yet still needs a sufficient amount of stone to be performed.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Rock Shelter
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user surrounds themselves with earth, taken from the immediate vicinity and creates a formation of rock that is capable of protecting both the user and others in close proximity, if desired. Doing so, seemingly leaves the surrounding terrain unaltered, even when the quantity of earth used is enough to form a complete dome around multiple individuals. The user can also manipulate the resulting shelter to have openings in it to allow observation of the outside.

Jutsu Name: Earth Release: Tunneling Technique
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Earth
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This is a technique that allows the user to create tunnels in the ground, which can be used for infiltration purposes. This technique can also be used to set traps in the ground.

Jutsu Name: Exploding Tag
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fuuinjutsu
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This seal, when inscribed on a piece of paper, allows the paper to explode like a bomb. Infused with chakra, they will explode after a set amount of time, remotely, or after being ignited by flame. The tags can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy. They are very versatile and one of the basic ninja tools. Ninja can confuse their enemies by obtaining fake explosive tags. They work even under heavy rain. When an explosive tag is detonated remotely, ninja tend to use the Snake hand seal. Similarly, when used remotely, explosive tags can be detonated in sequence, allowing them to be used to trap opponents.

Jutsu Name: Kai (Release)
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Yin
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: Kai, or Release, basically allows the user to disrupt their own chakra flow to the point of breaking Genjutsu placed on them, assuming they can even realize they are in one, however this is still limited by the users own chakra pool and chakra control. You can determine whether or not you can detect a Genjutsu to break it based off of your characters skill in Genjutsu and your opponents skill.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user can utilize her magnetic abilities to magnetize any source of metal, even those that wouldn't be magnetic normally. They can infuse their magnetic properties into the sand around them.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Air Sand Protection
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: Making use of metallic sand, the user raises it above him to create a thick barricade in order to block incoming aerial attacks, whilst using hand gestures to dictate the shape that the barrier adopts.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Armour of Sand
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: As the name implies, the user covers his body in a layer of metallic sand, wearing it like armour. Wherever part of the Armour of Sand is struck, that section of it crumbles away. The sand itself also weighs the user down, slowing him and placing greater strain on his movements. Only protect against up to C rank attacks.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Desert Suspension
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user uses metallic sand to create a platform capable of supporting their weight, which they keep suspended in the air with their chakra. One of the simpler purposes for this technique is as a defense, lifting the user out of reach of attacks. This technique can also be used for transportation, enabling the user to travel around quickly.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Magnified
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user can utilize their magnetic abilities to infuse any metal weapon they are using at the time. This in turn makes the weapon magnetic drawing in other metallic items.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Quick Sand
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user infuses the sand around them to shift from the center moving up towards the surface. As it does this, anything up to a 50M diameter can be buried up to their necks in sand or until it stops.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Rock to Sand
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: Using the magnetic force of metallic sand, the user is able to crush and break apart rock to condense it down to a sandy material. The user can then use the newly created sand for their jutsu.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Clone
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user creates a clone out of metallic sand that can be used for diversionary tactics.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Dome
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: This technique traps the victims inside a self-repairing dome of hardened metallic sand which is almost instantaneously able to reform, the user is able to absorb the chakra of anyone trapped inside.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Drizzle
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: It is a gunshot-like attack which uses metallic sand hardened into minuscule grains to attack simultaneously across a vast range. The bullets are so fast that they are difficult to see. Using the repellent force of magnetism, the speed of the bullets is rapidly increased after they are shot. Furthermore, the user can also use an attack pattern where the sand bullets are shaped into sharp needles, increasing their ability to wound or kill the opponent.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Gathering Assault
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: A technique which gathers a great volume of metallic sand and compresses it into a high-density shape. Can be used to create weapons with steel-like properties.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Needles
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: Utilizing their magnetic abilities, the user can form the sand into 24 three inch needles. They puncture the same as a normal needle.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Restraining
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user immobilizes and restrains the target's movements with metallic sand. It's almost impossible for the target to escape from the technique unless the user exerts the same amount of chakra used to create the jutsu.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Sensing
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: By dispersing chakra-infused metallic sand into a specific area, the user is able to discern the presence of moving bodies that come into direct contact with it. This sensing metallic sand can be spread across a wide terrain, or even float in the air allowing aerial foes to be detected. Once the metallic sand comes in contact with a person, it will wrap itself around them, rendering even invisible targets visible.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Storm
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: Through the use of chakra and metal, the user can create a sand storm that only they can navigate through leaving everyone within a 100M diameter able to see only 25% of what they normally would. It also has the ability to create 1 inch cuts anywhere on the body that the sand touches.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Wall
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user shapes their metallic sand into a wall to protect against attacks or to block an enemy's path. Protects against up to C rank jutsu.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Sand Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: A wave of metallic sand descends upon the target and can also use this technique to bind a target and crush them.

Jutsu Name: Magnet Release: Third Eye
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Magnet
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: Kazusa
Jutsu Description: The user creates an eye out of metallic sand that hovers in the air wherever it's created.The user connects the eye with his optic nerve using chakra, allowing him to see whatever is in the Third Eye's field of vision. The eye gives the user a useful method of performing surveillance without being noticed.

Jutsu Name: Sealing Technique: Release
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Fuuinjutsu
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: This technique is a countermeasure that can be used to undo fūinjutsu that may be binding the user. By placing their hand atop the seal, it activates, nullifying the effects of the fūinjutsu casted on them. This can scale up to S Rank.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Gale Palm
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A simple technique whereby when the user clasps their hands together, wind is compressed and transformed into a powerful gale. This technique, when used as an isolated attack, has the power to easily knock over a human. Though the true value comes from using it together with projectile weapons like shuriken or kunai. Their speed, power, and ability to wound or even kill are all increased several times.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Great Breakthrough
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The Wind Release: Great Breakthrough is a technique that creates a gust of wind, whose scale and usage varies depending on the user. If used by a superior shinobi, it has enough destructive power to knock down a large tree. The wind from the squall can blow away all things in the user's line of sight. The technique can also be used in the form of a devastation stream of wind expelled from the user's mouth. There is also a variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Great Task of the Dragon
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user creates a current of wind which descends upon the target as a giant tornado. This technique can be set up as a feint, as it has a delayed activation of one post. The technique alters weather conditions temporarily and attacks from the sky rather than from the person. The storm clouds that create the attack dissipate immediately after the tornado begins, while the tornado continues in a highly concentrated state.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Great Sphere
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: A stronger version of the Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere technique, where the user instead chooses to compress the entirety of the previously inhaled breath into a single large, crushing sphere of wind chakra that they then proceed to expel from their mouth.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Sphere
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user takes a deep breath and then exhales several small blasts of wind chakra in such a manner that they are dispersed over an expansive range, enough to make it difficult to avoid them entirely without taking any damage. Due to the properties of this technique, the expelled blasts are capable of piercing into and potentially through an opponent's flesh when they collide with it.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Vacuum Wave
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user takes a deep breath and spins while exhaling, compressing the released air into a solitary blade of wind that covers a substantial area around the user, due to their circular motion. The resulting sharpened blast is large enough to slice through multiple targets located at a significant distance from the user, causing grievous injuries to those hit.

Jutsu Name: Wind Release: Violent Whirlwind
Jutsu Type: N/A
Jutsu Element: Wind
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Clan: N/A
Jutsu Description: The user produces a powerful stream of wind from their mouth. This technique is powerful enough to pierce through up to an entire foot of rock and continue going.

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