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Fuse Amefuru

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Fuse Amefuru Empty Fuse Amefuru

Post by Thunderbrood Wed Jul 03, 2024 11:55 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Fuse Amefuru
Clan: Amefuru
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Personality: Fuse as one would describe him polite, mindful of others and tends to keep to himself only due to the fact he cares about weapons more than people. Most would find him within a weapons shop, Or his clans forges tinkering with his weapons he makes. Some might find him a bit crazy as he would always describe the weapon having a soul or it can talk to him when to Most it's just another tool for killing.

Though during combat his entire mood starts to shift. Fitted with a weapon of choice he can tend to go a bit overboard becoming sadistic yearning for his opponents blood to feed his weapon. A trait he himself dislikes very much when he snaps out of it.
Rank: Gennin
Village: Mist

Physical Profile


Character Appearance:

Height: 5' 6
Weight: Dunno

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: As a member of the Amefuru Fuse is adept in most weapons but his main line of choices would have to be polearm related weapons such as Glaives, Spears, Scythe, ect as he finds them much more interesting than a normal katana or sorts.
Elemental Affinity: Fire

Past Profile

Side Note:


Posts : 3
Join date : 2024-06-22

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