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Senju Clan

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Senju Clan Empty Senju Clan

Post by Anna Nanashi Tue Aug 17, 2021 7:56 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: Senju
Clan Symbol:
Senju Clan OrZcS8t
Age of Clan: Damn near ancient.
Village of Origin: Konoha
Kekkai Genkai: Wood Release

Kekkei Genkai

Kekkai Genkai Description: Wood Release is a nature transformation kekkei genkai, a combination of earth and water. at its simplest, Wood Release allows the user to create wood, essentially converting their chakra into a source of life before, at it greatest, becoming mighty trees f various size and shape. The vegetation can sprout from the user’s body or grow from the surroundings.  Wooden constructs can also be created, ranging in complexity from cages to complete houses. It is also not necessary that the created wood take any identifiable form, allowing users to focus on its inherent pliability to ensnare targets or its durability for brute force attacks.

However, Wood Release is rare and thus, there are very few clan members able to use it. Though, all clan members inherit a large chakra capacity upon birth (Forces at least adept in Chakra Capacity).
Kekkai Genkai Speciality Jutus and Techniques:

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Wood Projectiles
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: Focusing chakra into their hands or the ground, the user will make three small projectiles of wood the size of a kunai and propel them at their target.

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Wood Transformation
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: By focusing chakra and performing the Bird → Dog → Snake hand seals, the user makes wood pillars sprout from the ground and cover their whole body, while using chakra to cover it with precision to produce the desired effect. By covering the wood with their chakra the user is able to transform it into another shape or form with increased detail, by using their wood chakra. This is used to create an effect similar to the transformation technique but to a higher degree of detail and realism.

Jutsu Name: Transmission Wood
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: After turning a wood clone into a seed, the seed can be used to track a target by either planting it on them or having them ingest it. Only the user of this technique can detect the seed’s transmission.

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Cutting Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: A versatile technique where the user can produce sharp wooden spikes from their body to either fashion ishort range weapons akin to a makeshift sword, or use them as projectiles, where the branches growth can be triggered remotely, skewering their enemy as a result.

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Four Pillar Prison
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The user converts chakra into timber under the ground and lets it grow rapidly while forming it into a wooden prison. The size of the prison is based on the user's imagination. From an insect cage to a great prison, one can make it into whatever they want by regulating the amount of chakra used. The timber itself is treated with a chakra coating, making its destruction extremely difficult.

Jutsu Name: Wood Clone Technique
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The user creates clones (2) of themselves made of wood that then sprout out of their body or are created from any nearby source of Wood, Earth or Water. These clones, however, are quite special as they maintain a mental connection to the user, communicating back to him even from long distances. Versatile, these clones can use Wood techniques as well as Earth and Water techniques known by the user. Sometimes used in combination with Transmission Wood.

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Wood Locking Wall
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Description: This technique uses chakra to activate the roots in the ground and, using the user of the technique as a reference point, makes wooden pillars appear from left and right. The wooden pillars join together in a dome-shape with the user at the centre. Usable mainly for defensive purposes, this technique can act as a trap if the enemy is near.

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Nativity of a World of Trees
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Description: The user creates a dense growth of trees, controlling how it grows using their chakra. The trees’ life form is immense enough to split the earth as they sprout and further pierce through any obstruction they encounter. This growth is also fast enough to that it can cpature unprepared targets before they have a chance to escape.

Jutsu Name: Wood Release: Advent of a World of Flowering  Trees
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Description: Taking advantage of the innate properties of wood release which allows the user to force trees to grow on any surface at a rapid pace, the user creates a forest of flowering trees. During the forest’s formation, the user can have the branch restrain any target that tries to attack them before the formation of the forest is complete. The pollen produced by these flowers is then released into the atmosphere and when inhaled, renders those afflicted unconscious.

With enough willpower, it is possible to regain consciousness, however, in order to counter the technique fully, either the tree themselves must be destroyed or the target must remain elevated above the dispersed pollen.

Clan History

History: The Senju clan is one of several noble clans that is credited with the establishment of Konoha. Descendants of Asura Ōtsutsuki, the Uchiha, Uzumaki, Hyuuga, and Kaguya clans are considered distant relatives. Compared to other shinobi clans, the Senju don’t specialise in one area, instead mastering ninjutsu, taijutsu, and genjutsu to give them a wide variety of skills to combat their enemies. Due to this they acquired their name,"Senju" (千手, Literally meaning: "a thousand skills", "a thousand hands"), in reference to their being "the clan with a thousand skills”.
Current Head of clan: Raiden Senju
Senju Elder council: NPCs
Main Family:
Tomomi Senju - Raiden's Daughter
Yuna Senju - Raiden's Daughter

Branch Family:
Nobuyuki Senju
Hiroshi Senju
Ayame Senju

Anna Nanashi

Posts : 121
Join date : 2021-08-16

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