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Ashina Clan

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Ashina Clan  Empty Ashina Clan

Post by OnyxLockdown Thu Aug 19, 2021 12:35 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: Ashina
Clan Symbol:
Age of Clan: Predates founding of Mist Territory
Village of Origin: Jusanzakura
Kekkei Genkai: 8 Lightning Gods of Yomi

Kekkei Genkai

Kekkei Genkai Description: By harnessing the power of ancient pact, select members of the Ashina Clan can allow a number of the 8 Lightning spirits of the underworld partially possess them in exchange for  a boost in offensive and defensive power, increases speed, and destructive capability. There is a limit to this power, as allowing more than 4 of the spirits causes the user to lose control, effectively becoming the vessel of all 8. This is irreversible and usually ends with the user's death.
Kekkei Genkai Speciality Jutsu and Techniques:

Jutsu name: Ōikazuchi (Head) - Grown Thunder
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Upon activation, the user's eyes begin to glow and glowing symbols resembling Kabuki paint appear on face, as well as across the body. The design is unique to each user. This Jutsu is required to use the rest of the associated techniques, as it effectively unseals the power within the body and allows the other spirits to take residence in the body. Increases the potency of lightning related jutsu by 20%, and increases speed, durability and strength by 25%.

Jutsu name: Honoikazuchi (Chest) - Blazing Thunder
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Through concentration and solid breathing, a high level of lighting chakra is stored in the chest. Upon release, the chakra can be fired from the chest or hands in the form of a deviating wide beam of lightning that tears through the environment before reaching it's intended target and explodes.

Jutsu name: Kuroikazuchi (Stomach) - Darkening Thunder
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Defensive Jutsu, serving 3 purposes. For starters, it grounds the user from the power of lightning jutsu. Secondly, it cloaks the user in a thin veil of black fog that acts as a second skin, absorbing damage and reducing the amount taken. Upon reaching a specific threshold or by the user's command, it detonates the absorbed energy in a radial blast.

Jutsu name: Sakuikazuchi (Core) - Splitting Thunder
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Calls forth a manifestation of chakra resembling a 6 arms extending from the back. Can be used as either ninjutsu or Taijutsu dependant on application. It can either fire a bombardment of weaker lightning blasts while the user prepares another jutsu or be used in tandem with the user's arms to clobber opponents physically. Uses chakra quickly.

Jutsu name: Wakaikazuchi (Left Hand) - Young Thunder
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Creates a swirling field of red lightning around the right hand, taking the form of an arm mounted blade. The field has the strength of enhanced steel,, and has defense penetration capabilities. Upon impact, the user can detonate the weapon in a massive blast, dealing more damage to whatever or whoever it is embedded into.

Jutsu name: Tsuchiikazuchi (Right Hand) - Earthen Thunder
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Creates 4 chains made of lightning from glowing lines on the left arm. Chains target wrists and ankles of the target, thou it can target other places if needed. Can also be used to target 4 individual targets, but with reduced efficiency. Ensnared targets are shocked for the duration of capture.

Jutsu name: Nariikazuchi (Left Foot) - Booming Thunder
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Muscles are directly charged with lightning, giving the user a temporary boost in speed, as well as a great boost to jumping speed and height. Movements are traceable, though each leap creates a sonic boom and an accompanying shockwave.

Jutsu name: Fusuikazuchi (Right Foot) - Bowing Thunder
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Creates a 50' diameter cage of blue lightning that damages anything that tries to escape except the user. Difficult to escape from, cannot be damaged with anything below B rank Jutsu.

Other Jutsu:

Jutsu name: Splitting Thunder Point
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
User can quickly accumulate a large quantity of lightning infused Chakra at the top of their fingers.bfrom there, the energy is fired from the fingertips and sent out in the form of multiple arcing balls of lightning. All arcs Target the same general area, but the jutsu is almost impossible to fine tune the aim of beyond the direction the fingers are pointing. Usually used to either make incoming does take cover and suppress movement, or at point blank range on unsuspecting foes.

Jutsu name: Sea God Uproar
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Ninjutsu
Technique that weaponizes moisture in the ground, nearby plants, and air to set a localized trap around the user. Said moisture assimilates into spikes on command and comes down on the target like the jaws of a water dragon. Can also be deployed defensively, forming a shield instead of spikes.

Jutsu name: Wheel Slashing Spite
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Shadowy chakra cloaks bladed weapons. Can be used to deplete 10% of opponent's current Chakra once a battle, or aimed at the shadow of the individual for 5%. Chakra drained in this way is more difficult to replenish.

Jutsu name: Ashina Blade Technique: Biting Lightning
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Description: Blade is charged with lightning, which can lash out 10 ft. The Lightning can wrap around an opponent's limbs to pull them towards the user or throw them off balance. It can also imitate a whip.

Jutsu name: Ashina Blade Technique: Liquid Splinter Blade
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Type: Kenjutsu
Jutsu Description: Water coats the blade, forming an undulating form that is difficult to track. Upon swinging the blade, parts of the water sheath spray out like needles at close range, piercing the target.

Clan History

History: Originating in the town of Jusanzakura, a town of craftsmen in the mountains. While not craftsmen themselves, they had become the defacto defenders. Though they'd fortified the town into a fortress, amplifying it's already formidable natural defenses, the town became a target to more and more warlords who saw it as a tactically advantageous location. After the death of her husband, Hifumi Ashina attempted to performed a ritual allowing her access to the underworld in an attempt to bring him back. What she found there wasn't her husband's soul, but 8 powerful spirits offering her a different kind of power.

Sharing this gift with a few select trusted family members, Hifumi rose to prominence in the clan as her and her disciples leveled their goes, turning what was once a group of decently trained mercenaries into a force to be feared in the region. The area would maintain independence from all invading forces to the very end, only joining the expanding must territory upon request of a peace treaty from the Mizukage at the time.

Ever since that time, the Ashina Clan has enjoyed a position in the upper crust of society, serving the Mizukage (and now Arashikage) with distinction, even being trusted with one of the 7 swords, Kiba.

Current Head of clan: Shiori Ashina
Members: Chiaki Ashina (genin second round)
Ushio Ashina
Haruka Ashina
Nameless assorted members

Posts : 119
Join date : 2021-08-16

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