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Bet Shōten (FIN)

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Bet Shōten (FIN) Empty Bet Shōten (FIN)

Post by Soma Thu Oct 20, 2022 3:14 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Bet
Clan: Shōten
Alias/Bingo book name: N/a will earn through rp
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Personality: Bet has a difficult personality to decipher. He is a good, moral individual, but his love for fighting often gets him into trouble. He has a few different qualities that make him stand out as an individual. The first, would be his absolute love for a good fight. He would fight any opponent that he feels is strong, because he wants to test himself against those who are more powerful than he is. His second attribute would be his pure heart. He will often go out of his way to help those in need. This was fostered since birth by his father, Yasai. The third and final attribute would be his pride. He believes that he is the most powerful being on the planet and will often come across as purely arrogant. But in the end, he will fight against anyone to show how serious he is about what he believes in. If he believes something is right, he will die trying to preserve it.

First would be his obvious thrill for battle. This thrill runs in his blood, most of the members of this clan boast an increased love for battle as they were practically bred to be warriors. The clan teaches that combat is a way of life, useful not only for survival or growth, but also in fostering positive or negative relationships and teamwork. Any child growing up in the monastery is taught how to fight from a young age. Bet was no different, though he did struggle a bit more than others at first, he was a late bloomer.

Second, we have his pure hearted way of life. This was taught to him from a young age also, though a bit earlier than fighting. He was taught that he was meant to help those in need and protect any who were weaker than himself. His goal in life should be to get as strong as possible in order to build lasting friendships and to protect those who he considers a friend or family. Anger management was also a big part of his training, or keeping a cool head no matter the situation. Though this was something that he had a hard time with, as he fought with his heart a lot more than he does with his mind.

Finally, we have his prideful and headstrong attitude. He is very set in his ways, doing what he says he will do no matter how difficult it may be. This often leads to difficulty if he is tricked into a bet, like the time he had to handstand walk around the village five times. But, this attribute also leads to him being firm in his morals and ideals, willing to take his thoughts of right or wrong to a fight if need be, in order to prove his resolve to any who would question it. He is extremely prideful in his village, his heritage and himself. He believes all are the best, but that he is the most powerful asset not only to his clan and village but in the world.
Loyalty: Shōten Clan, Arashigakure
Rank: Genin
Occupation: Genin
Village: Arashigakure

Physical Profile

Appearance: Bet is the typical male found in the Shoten clan. He has wild black hair that would be standing on end if it didn't seem like it was swept to the side. He has black eyes that can show both a sense of playful innocence, but also a frightening seriousness when the need arises. When he smiles, it can sometimes threaten to take over his whole face, but this smile only appears around those who he considers to be true friends. He has an unusually muscular build for one his age, though it is to be expected with the training he did with his clan from the moment he was able to. His tail is usually kept hidden, wrapped around his waist like a belt, but sometimes if he gets excited it will come out and swish around playfully. He typically wears a red Gi with a yellow undershirt and red pants, tied by a blue sash. His tail is comprised of soft brown fur and is around two and a half feet long. When not in his training uniform, he dons a black hoodie and white pants, his hoodie has the Shoten clan emblem on the back. His feet are always covered by the normal ninja sandals.

Height: 4’10”
Weight: 125 lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Bet, like most members of his clan favors a more direct approach to combat. He enjoys the thrill of the fight, so he often relies on Taijutsu above all else. He was still trained by his clan in some weapon styles, so he has that to fall back on as well as the things he learned from the academy, though he was never quite good at much of their curriculum that didn’t involve fighting.
Elemental Affinity: Lightning
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Kunai
Training weights
Steel wire
Explosive tags

Past Profile

History: Will flesh out in rp
Side Note:
Roleplay Sample:


Posts : 31
Join date : 2021-08-21

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Bet Shōten (FIN) Empty Re: Bet Shōten (FIN)

Post by Ika Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:42 am

Approved 3-4


Posts : 1683
Join date : 2021-08-15

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