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Kaguya Clan Jutsu App

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Kaguya Clan Jutsu App  Empty Kaguya Clan Jutsu App

Post by Bisket Sat Aug 21, 2021 2:37 pm

Jutsu Name: Ooku no Mai [Dance of the Oak]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: D
Jutsu Description: Standing flat on the ground, the user will extend four bones from the soles of their feet (Two on each foot), deep into the ground. Still connected to their skeletal structure, they serve as anchors, essentially making the user an unmovable object. Coupled with the Shikotsumyaku's enhanced durability and regeneration, this jutsu allows the user to withstand attacks which would otherwise send them flying. Once they are done, the user can simply detach themselves from the rods.

Jutsu Name: Anzu no Mai [Dance of the Apricot]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: D
Jutsu Description: The user will utilize their kekkei-genkai to create fine, dust-like particles of bone essentially creating bone dust, this is done by making the teeth in the top of the mouth incredible hard and keeping the bottom row at a normal density, the teeth are ground together and regrown until enough bone dust is collected in the mouth. The user will then exhale the dust out. The dust will create a veil across the field and render one’s eyesight useless, unless they are able to escape the "smoke-screen".

Jutsu Name: Shiragiku no Mai [Dance of the White Chrysanthemum] (Drilling Finger Bullets)
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: C
Jutsu Description: Description: Hardened bones from the fingertips, are shot at the enemy, with a spinning motion added to the skeletal bullets. A direct hit will excavate skin, flesh, and bone. Since the bones of the user can be regenerated, the rate of fire from the user's arsenal is limitless and they are easily capable of piercing armor and becoming embedded in stone.

Jutsu Name: Tsubaki no Mai [Dance of the Camellia]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: C
Jutsu Description: The user will modify one of their upper arm bones to create a short, bone sword before extracting it from their shoulder. The user then stabs chaotically and continuously which causes the opponents eyes to lag behind. The speed resembles after-images, the hand with the sword is again and again visibly projected. The movement is extremely irregular and uncoordinated, following no set pattern, the attack coming from unexpected angles, causing a person's delicate defense reaction to come off guard. Though one can have great reflexes and moving ability, it is next to impossible to keep dodging the fierce attack until it stops. Thus if one showed an opening, a finishing blow will be dealt by one stab in an instant. The full extent of this ability lies with the physical capabilities of the user.

Jutsu Name: Karamatsu no Mai [Dance of the Larch]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: C
Jutsu Description: A primarily defensive technique, the user will instantly extend up to two dozen short, sharp pointed bones. The bones can be used to block or trap an opponent's strikes. Often the stronger the opponent's physical attack, the more powerful the counter attack is the worse they maim themselves by the surprise defence. The sudden appearance of the bones, combined with the needle-like bones high killing ability, makes way for a technique which potential his high for battle. In addition to being an unwelcome surprise for opponents, it makes the user virtually, physically untouchable at close range. If an opponent gets to close for comfort, the user can simply start spinning rapidly, turning themselves into a razor sharp shredding machine.

Jutsu Name: Toohi no Mai [Dance of the Spruce]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: B
Jutsu Description: After two hand-seals, the user will slap their hands on the ground, sending roots of bone under. They will then sprout up around the user and shaped as they wish. This technique can be used as a defense against most small scale Katon and Suiton techs, by redirecting the fire and water it avoids taking the full force of the attack.

Jutsu Name: Ringo no Mai [Dance of the Apple]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: B
Jutsu Description: A twist on two techniques of the Kaguya, the user makes use of their entire body to perform this dance. They will grow bones from their knees, elbows, wrists, shoulders, ribs and feet and hands and will begin to perform a variety of flips, spins, summer saults, twists, etc, in a random and seemingly unpredictable order. While doing so, they will begin to jettison these bones as fast as kunai are thrown while simultaneously growing them back as their kekkei genkai allows them to. This technique can effectively be performed at mid to close range. The key is to use the acrobatic movements to confuse the opponent while 'randomly' firing incredibly quick and dense bones to overwhelm and pierce through the opponent. The speed, versatility of movement and flexibility used to do this dance makes the user look like a blur while performed effectively.

Jutsu Name: Kurumi Ki no Mai [Dance of the Walnut]
Jutsu Branch: Kekkei-Genkai
Jutsu Element: Shikotsumyaku
Jutsu Clan Affiliation: Kaguya
Jutsu Name: A
Jutsu Description: The user will expel thick bone from every inch of their skin, coating themselves in what looks like a cocoon of bone. A defensive technique, this jutsu allows them to defend themselves against most elemental attacks. The bone is as hard as stone and is capable of repairing itself, or growing thicker. It will channel most Raiton attacks straight into the ground, but is susceptible to Katon, which essentially turns it into an oven. It is nearly impervious to most physical attacks that are not enhanced.

Posts : 33
Join date : 2021-08-16
Age : 28
Location : Arkansas

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