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Shishi, The lion of the storms

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Shishi, The lion of the storms Empty Shishi, The lion of the storms

Post by Mitsukai Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:41 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Shishi
Clan: N/A
Alias/Bingo book name: The Lion of the Storm
Age: 30
Gender: Male
Personality: Shishi is noble and physically overbearing. He is not pragmatic, but is a person who lets history run its course and acts according to his impulses. While he is wild and somewhat inconsiderate to others, and is always jovial, values friendship highly, and he regards the bond with all of his fellow shinobi as his greatest treasure. Shishi admires people who treat friendship with sincerity and is compassionate to those with whom he bonds, even going as far as as telling them that it is natural to be sickened by the atrocities that some commit and that he would strike anyone who would feel nothing from the sight.

He is adventurous and has the goal of travelling all over the world during his life, and he strives to help conquer it in it's entirety for his village. He is not overly cruel as would be expected from a tyrant, but tries instead to keep bloodshed to a minimum despite his love for battles and destruction. Shishi is fine with not actually winning the battle outright, so long as it is fought honorably, and will even give enemies a chance to join should he feel that they live up to that standard. He prefers to conquer his enemies by winning without killing and controlling without humiliating them. He is seen as a unique individual with strange ideas unbefitting of his legacy, but those who know him are able to understand the meaning behind his conquest, because that which he strives to conquer most is not lands or material wealth, but the hearts of people, the toughest conquest that can be undertaken by anyone.

His way of the shinobi is his greatest pride insisting that a shinobi and a leader should be setting vivid examples to be followed, bond with their subordinates, and the masses at personal level, and their way of living should be something inspiring to and envied by all under their rule. He feels that shinobi should not be a distant ideal or martyr whose deeds would be praised yet whose path is so full of sorrow and pain that it would only inspire a sense of dread. To Shishi, a selfless shinobi who isolates himself from his people to die for ideals is nothing but a fool, which is worse than a tyrant. He is also in opinion that a shinobi should be vibrant, a figure who is inspiring and leading his people, instead of being a distant loner who concerns himself only with protecting and saving his people. Ultimately, he would grieve and weep over his losses and mistakes, but he would stay true to himself and never regret decisions made as a ninja.

Loyalty: Arashigakure
Rank: Jounin
Occupation: Shinobi and Teacher
Village: Arashigakure

Physical Profile

Gaze upon his glorious form:
Height: 6'11"
Weight: 286 lbs
Physical Traits: A mountain of muscle and scars.

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: I pick them up, and slam them back down... HARD.
Elemental Affinity: Raiton
Weapons/Ninja Tools: Basic stuff, aside from the gladius at his waste which is more for show than use.

Past Profile

History: Shishi, is a mountain of a man, loyal to the cloud village, but he wasn't always that way. When he was young he was quite scrawny like so much so that no one would be able to see the man he is now in them. But over the years of training and fighting, as well as mastering the cloud villages overwhelming taijutsu he bulked up quite huge. Thoug mastering the fighting style was not enough for him, no he had to expound upon it, and make it grow into something that was not only devistating to face but quite entertaining to watch.

The missions he went on in his life as a ninja were the rather standard fare, you know escorts, bandit crushing, quelling uprisings, border defense. The works. And while his skills were no joke he was just your standard joe shmoe in a fight until it came down to taking a beating. That is where he shined the brightest, he would take what was dished out at him and send it back harder, faster, and more brutally than he received though even that was not enough to win him every fight.
Side Notes:
Roleplay Sample: [This helps us get a taste for your style and your character.]

Last edited by Mitsukai on Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Join date : 2021-08-16

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Shishi, The lion of the storms Empty Re: Shishi, The lion of the storms

Post by Ika Mon Aug 23, 2021 10:43 pm

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Shishi, The lion of the storms Empty Re: Shishi, The lion of the storms

Post by Mitsukai Tue Jul 18, 2023 9:59 pm

okay ready to roll, appearance fixed


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Shishi, The lion of the storms Empty Re: Shishi, The lion of the storms

Post by Mei Tue Jul 18, 2023 10:33 pm

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