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Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2]

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Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2] Empty Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2]

Post by Holy Janga Mon Sep 19, 2022 5:13 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Kotone Zenigata
Clan: Zenigata Clan
Alias/Bingo book name: The Vibrant Spear
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Personality: Kotone acts like nothing is bothering her because of her role in the Storm Empire. She treats everyone with the kindness they deserve, no matter where they live. As the Zenigata Clan's Second Spear, who co-leads the Zenigata clan with her husband, Izumi Zenigata. The Traditionalist faction in the Zenigata clan is pretty much a headache; all she wants to do is dote on her daughters in public but has to keep it private. However, the Traditionalists and the Reformer Faction agree with the clan leaders in wanting to free their village from the Storm Empire.

Kotone doesn't ever want to cause a scene, but she's been tormented for a long while now by a clan from the Storm Empire's Storm Village. The clan's name is the Dogami clan, which hates her clan for its poor standing in the Storm Empire. She has to deal with every single type of harassment under the sun. Still, she allows it to happen, or enormously bad things will happen for Chirigakure Village by the Storm Empire's Retaliation. Kotone believes sooner or later, this degrading behavior by these bastards will cause them immense pain in the future, but she won't lift a finger against them.

Kotone has been dealing with depression because of these incidents of being harassed, but she tries to stay vital for her clan and Chirigakure Village's future. She never wants to seem weak, or her Vibrant Spear bingo book title would mean nothing. Kotone is a friend of Noa Kojima and knows how powerful she is and how much she would kill those bastards who have done this to her. The one rule the Dogami clan broke was never to interact with or mess with Chirigakure Citizens. However, they were trying to get a rise from everyone in the Zenigata Clan, and the clan vowed they would not start it but will finish it instead.

The only thing keeping her not overly depressed is her two children. She loves them deeply and would do anything to protect them. Kotone had to deal with enormous harassment from the Storm Empire's Emperor and his most loyal soldier. She disliked the conversation but tried not to harm her position as Jonin in the Storm Empire or her children. It was explicitly the Operation that Kotone and her husband thankfully stopped before it could have happened. If anything, her two children are why she has been so stubborn and reckless most of the time, interacting with her friend. She endured the punishments from the Dogami clan to protect her children.
Loyalty: The Zenigata Clan, Chirigakure, Storm Empire
Rank: Jounin
Occupation: Zenigata Clan's Second Spear, Wife to Izumi Zenigata and mother to Imasagi Zenigata and Akakana Zenigata. A Storm Empire Jounin.  
Village: Chirigakure

Physical Profile

Appearance: Zenigata's Clan Tattoo is on Kotone's back in an intricate design of twelve spears surrounding a single dragon's claw. These glow in different colors based on the elemental affinities or the activation of the clan's Hijutsu. Six spears glow various shades of green, the other six glow different shades of red, and the Dragon's Claw glows a brightish red or orange. Roses connect the floral tattoos that cover Kotone's arms. In addition, sometimes Kotone wears high heels, but most of the time, she doesn't.

Kotone has a greenish-red hair tie that keeps her hair in a ponytail. Also, she places it in a bun when cooking for her daughters and husband. Usually, in some cases, she wears her hair in a straight style, only when she isn't on a mission or training her eldest daughter. Kotone's clothes style is similar to Chirigakure Village's style before the Storm Village annexed it. She wears brownish colors over yellow because she wants Chirigakure Village freed from the Storm Empire.

Kotone's body language follows orders from the Storm Empire, but she speaks quietly of wanting to distance herself and her clan from them. She worries for her children's safety, but as a Jounin, she is willing to put aside her differences with the Storm Empire until Chirigakure Village can separate from it.

Character Appearance:
Height: 5'8" (In heels, 5'10)
Weight: 138 lbs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Kotone uses the Hijutsu that has been passed down in her clan for generations, which is called Zenigata bo Hoten Hijutsu or it's another name Spear Dancing Style Hijutsu. She wields the Melokuto Spear with a dangerous efficiency, and it is her relic weapon since the clan's relic weapons refused her to wield them. The Melokuto Spear is crafted, but it has grown with Kotone's mastery of the spear since it was crafted.

Kotone helped her daughter to follow the footsteps of Yuuna Zenigata, which included getting used to the Belkuto Spear too. She knows everything about the Zenigata Clan's history as the Zenigata Mercenaries because those who are the leader or co-leader learn many distinct things about everything. The Zenigata Mercenaries used a glove with a wired mechanism to be attached to their spear so they could quickly retrieve it. It is all the Ninja branded wire is used for since it is part of the Zenigata Clan's way of life, to hold on to their spears no manner what.

Kotone uses Shuriken and Kunai in a similar aspect of distraction to make the enemy think that's all she has. Like most other clan books, the Zenigata clan's traditions book is usually highly regarded. Her clan's book primarily focuses on telling the clan members the best recourse for any combat situation. In addition, it shows the past and current training methods to show the differences between the two styles. The Eternal Spear and his wife, the Docile Spear, Hiroyuki Zenigata and Yuuna Zenigata co-wrote the clan book.

They give hints on whether you can use Medical Jutsu or become a medical ninja, which uses a spear or not. Kotone's way is like Yuuna Zenigata's healing method using a spear instead of touch. She spins her spear over a wounded person, and it heals them. The clan book is encrypted in code, and the Zenigata clan knows about it, and no clan would wish their secrets to be leaked.

Kotone has mastered almost all the Spear Dancing Style Hijutsu techniques but will continue to refine them because of how she needs to use them. Like all Zenigata Clan Members, their spear is an extension of themselves, but the Melokuto Spear is unique because it is a divergence from the Sokuto and Sketi Spears. It is because of its Vibrancy, incredible sharpness, and whatnot that caused her to create two techniques. In addition, it has access to what all crafted spears have, which is the Spearmaster's Focus, but hers lets younger generation Zenigata Clan members understand what she wants to do.

The Melokuto Spear can allow her to cause two other intangible clones to appear, with replica spears in their hands.
Elemental Affinity: Wind, Fire, Water, and Earth.
Weapons/Ninja Tools:
[Zenigata clan's pouch, on her waist's left side]
01 x Zenigata Clan's Book of Traditions
12 x Shuriken
03 x Kunai
01 x Bingo Book
01 x White Orb
06 x Soldier Pill
04 x Zōketsugan

[Zenigata's clan pouch, on her waist's right side]
01 x An Professional Made Zenigata Clan Glove placed on the dominant hand.
01 x 500ft worth of the Most Substantial Ninja Wire known to the Ninja World.

The Zenigata Clan Glove and the ninja wire go hand in hand and serve the same purpose. The Glove goes on the Spear wielder's most dominant hand, and the wire will slowly wrap around where the dominant hand has to stay while the non-dominant hand will spin the spear. Its precise mechanism allows the wielder to retrieve the spear from any distance that an enemy tossed it out of the wielder's hands. Kotone's dominant hand is her right hand.

[Chirigakure Village, Left Arm Pouch]
This pouch is for Kotone Zenigata's Stress and Depression Pills, which she takes secretly from her children, but her husband knows the truth. In addition, she also carries additional herbs and remedies for coughs and illnesses.

Kotone's Back:
01 x Melokuto Spear

It is covered in Ornate Wrappings, which are beautiful and are specifically colored similarly to the spear.

Jutsu List:

Past Profile

Side Note: 1-2, Jonin

Kotone even has a younger sister, who always wears red clothes no manner the occasion. Her sister's name is Nanoka Zenigata, and she is called the Jovial Spear. Nanoka abides by her sister's and husband's rules, even if she's less festive than usual. In addition, the Jovial Spear is usually present around Kotone when she is sad and depressed by those who cause her pain. She wears bright red Kimonos, which shows her outlook on life compared to her sister's, always seeing red. Nanoka Zenigata sees red mainly because her birth chakra nature is Fire, compared to Kotone's, which is Wind Chakra nature.

Nanoka's Appearance:

Kotone has two children, Imasagi Zenigata and Akakana Zenigata. She loves these two so much that she risked her own life over anything, but Noa Kojima outright yelled and bopped her on the head for being incredibly stubborn and reckless. Only because of the Operation: Windswept Destruction, since she stayed quiet on that subject. It didn't help that her sister was in charge of a Traditionalist Faction.

In addition, Kotone taught Imasagi everything she knew since Imasagi was the next in line to become the 2nd Spear of the Zenigata Clan after she found herself a clan member that passed Kotone and Izumi Zenigata's expectations. Kotone doesn't want to fall into the trap of having an awful son-in-law to her daughter when she becomes her mother, Teruko's age.
Roleplay Sample:

Last edited by Holy Janga on Thu Jul 13, 2023 9:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
Holy Janga
Holy Janga

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Join date : 2021-08-15
Age : 37
Location : Southwest Misery (Missouri)

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Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2] Empty Re: Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2]

Post by Alysstrasza Mon Sep 26, 2022 9:14 pm

Holy wrote:

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Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2] Empty Re: Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2]

Post by Ika Mon Jul 17, 2023 9:15 pm

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Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2] Empty Re: Kotone Zenigata [Dust Jonin, 1-2]

Post by Mei Mon Oct 30, 2023 2:24 pm

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