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Konjiki Clan

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Konjiki Clan Empty Konjiki Clan

Post by Mitsukai Mon Aug 23, 2021 8:38 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: Konjiki Clan
Clan Symbol: A pair of crossed swords below a Kabuto (helmet)
Age of Clan: Unknown
Village of Origin: Currently Iwagakure
Kekkai Genkai: The Konjiki clan has developed such an understanding of earth release to be able to evolve the release into being able to create and maniupulate metal. More specifically Steel, as such the new release they created is simply known as Steel release.

Kekki Genkai

Kekkai Genkai Description: Steel Release
Kekkai Genkai Speciality Jutus and Techniques: By commbining Earth Release with Earth Release, a new more powerful release is born. Steel release grant's its users the ability to manipulate and create Steel, using it to make armor and weapons on the fly just by converting their chakra to a physical form. The most interesting part of this release, is that while it is made by combining two of the same element, it does not share it's weakness infact by being a natural conductor to lightning it is quite resistant to it.

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Steel Shuriken
Jutsu Type: Nin/Ken
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: D
Jutsu Description: The user molds their Chakra into their hands creating either a pair of Kunai, a half dozen shuriken, or a dozen senbon which can then be used as melee weapons or thrown as projectiles. Other metal based basic ninja tools such as caltrops can also be made with this technique but are done so more rarely

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Steel Spikes
Jutsu Type: Nin
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user feeds their chakra into the ground through their feet causing a line of spikes to to erupt from the ground. The spiky path is about 4 feet wide, up to 10 feet long and the spikes themselves will range from six inches to 3 feet tall.

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Steel Weapon
Jutsu Type: Nin/Ken
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: C
Jutsu Description: The user creates a Steel weapon, be it a sword, a spear, a halberd, whatever suits their fancy out of their chakra. Though they do so by infusing the earth with their chakra collecting and purifying the trace ammounts of iron and other metals that exist there to make their weapon

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Steel Shield
Jutsu Type: Nin
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The user errupts a Steel wall from the ground to block enemy attacks and provide cover, the size of the wall varies but it is durable enough block just about any attack up to A-rank, even Raiton by grounding the electrical current that would normally disrupt flow of earth release.

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Steel Chains
Jutsu Type: Nin/Ken
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: B
Jutsu Description: The user feeds their chakra into the ground causing four chains to burst forth from any stone based surface in the area to attempt to bind their target's arms an legs, before pulling them into an almost drawn and quartered position. The strength of the pulling is equal to the physical strength of the user. Though these chains have another unique trait attached to them, they sustain themselves off of the Chakra of whoever they catch.

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Impervious Armour
Jutsu Type: Nin/Tai/Ken
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: A
Jutsu Description: This technique allows the user to turn their body into jet-black Steel, which they can manipulate to have spikes or blade protrude from any point on it with just a thought. While using this technique the user is immune to most every weapon, and jutsu's of B-rank or below don't effect. However while like this, the user is extra susceptible to heat basted jutsu's causing them to be twice as effective on them, while lightning is practically ineffective unless the armored nin is Airborne.

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Storm of Blades
Jutsu Type: Nin/Ken
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Description: By infusing the air around the user with their chakra, weapons will just start forming out of thin air before flying forward towards the user's target.

Jutsu Name: Steel Release: Abandoned Battlefield
Jutsu Type: Nin/Ken
Jutsu Element: Steel
Jutsu Rank: S
Jutsu Description: The user infuses the ground with massive amounts of chakra causing weapons of various types to sprout out of the ground hilt first ready to be drawn from the ground to be used in combat. However if anyone without Steel release tries to draw one of these blades it will shift growing spikes out of the hilt shredding their hand in the process.

Clan History

History: This clan was originally founded in the land of iron, their members making up some of the strongest samurai in the rankings, but that was all in the past. Not feeling like their potential was being reached the clan packed up and moved to a ninja village where they felt they could truly thrive thus bringing them to Iwa.

Current Head of clan: Mugen Konjiki

Posts : 647
Join date : 2021-08-16

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