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Shiki Clan (Outdated and Null)

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Shiki Clan (Outdated and Null) Empty Shiki Clan (Outdated and Null)

Post by Shiki Fri May 24, 2024 1:09 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: The Shiki Clan
Clan Symbol:
Two Overlapped Diamonds, Representing the two planes of reality and the truth of their intersection with one another. Shiki Clan (Outdated and Null) 0VGpcou
Age of Clan: At least three hundred years old according to written clan records.
Village of Origin: Currently a part of the Village Hidden in The Sand
Kekkei Genkai: Dojutsu- Konkyougan [Soul-Scope-Eye]

Kekkei Genkai

Kekkei Genkai Description: The appearance of each person's Konkyougan is said to uniquely reflect the owner's soul, all coming in different shades and hues of blues. However, they're all uniform in some aspects. The irises' gain a softer gradiating hue of blue. While the pupil themselves constrict extremely and shine with an infamously bright light, giving off a haunting glow even at night. When the Konkyougan is at use, the hair of the user becomes frayed, raising at the ends, like a stalking animal.
Kekkei Genkai Speciality Jutsu and Techniques:

Jutsu Name: The Konkyougan
Jutsu Description: Allows for Shiki clan members who've awakened it to visually perceive the soul of all living things. Konkyougan also grants a heightened range of clear sight, allowing for crystal clear soul perception vision up to 30 meters, even capable of focusing in like a scope on certain souls it perceives with deep concentration. This range can be increased with training as the Konkyougan develops.

As a result this allows one to both view past casted genjutsu as well as see through disguises and the majority of distraction techniques i.e shadow clone techniques/transformation techniques/substitution while activated due to being able to perceive the soul. This Doujutsu also grants the user the ability to see through lies utterly and absolutely while activated. No deceit passes this person's perception, as the lie and impurities of a person are naturally reflected onto their soul, clear for the eye to see.

Upon awakening the Doujutsu, Shiki clan members' other senses along with their sight are awakened to an all new level. Their sense of smell, feeling, taste, and hearing and overall perception advance to new levels.

Clan History

History: Shiki Clan History:

The Shiki Clan was originally a nomadic familial clan of ninjas for hire within the land of Wind. Specifically a clan of for hire mercenary killers and assassins, their main source of fruitful income. Recorded history of the clan reaches back to one hundred years ago before smoldering into a loose collection of similar descriptions and branching historical events that some scribes and researches could weakly tie back to the Shiki clan name. They were known as a clan of death merchants, ninjas well equipped for overwhelming assaults with their large numbers, eagerly charging into battles with intentions to sow death as a clan of reapers for hire. Members of this clan have a hereditary propensity for Yang release. It's said that the clan was one who worshipped death and sought to grow closer to it.

These myths and rumours at those times only grew to be more and more prevalent and believable due to the nature of their Kekeigenkai. A Doujutsu that quite literally allowed them to peer pass the thin veils that cloaked the world that was life and death and view the world in its purest sense. The ability to see the very souls of things, able to do something many can't, observe the soul. The secrets of life and death. Blue Jewel eyed death seekers.

This myths becoming all but solidified when one learns the truth behind how these clan members awaken their Kekeigenkai. As the only possible way for one of the Shiki clan to awaken this Doujutsu is through the horrid experience of being at deaths door. As upon the near death of Shiki clan members, a special form of chakra secretes from their brain and interacts with their ocular nerves as it overflows, igniting a mutation that awakens the Doujutsu known as the Konkyougan. Upon awakening this eye, not only are their physical abilities enhanced, but they gain the ability to observe the souls of living things as if they were as physical as the body itself. Able to perceive the soul and the pure world, immune to numerous forms of Genjutsu as a result, as well as the lies of humanity.

But this of course, comes at the cost. These great powers are only a result of cheating death, and as a result, historical records of the clan have deemed those who awaken the Konkyougan as those chased by death itself. As usage of the eye drains the life away from them at a rapid pace. A day for every second the Doujutsu is in use. There is however, a cure to such an affliction. The transference of another clan member's Konkyougan to oneself. Evolving the eye, halting the life drain, and revitalizing the assailant. Of course...this would only bring the eventual destruction of the clan. As in times of great war, awakenings were plenty. As were afflictions. Resulting in the self destruction of the clan. It's said that those who awoke the Doujutsu and reaped the eyes of their fellow clan members had become monsters who sought nothing but the death.

As the clan fell into disarray as a result of a discord inducing chase for a 'cure', brother turning on brother. Parent on child. Child on parent. Until eventually, nothing remained. As the life drain of the Doujutsu was not the only result of usage of the horrid eye. As the brain itself is altered with the awakening of the Konkyougan, resulting in a lowering of empathy with the continued usage and strengthening of the Doujutsu. The more you use the eye, the more clear your soul perception grows, the stronger those eyes grow, the closer you march to death, and the closer one is to death, the less one starts to appreciate the weight of life. Resulting in people with low empathy, desperate to avoid their own deaths, killing each other and anyone else it took for a chance to halt their own impending dooms.

As a result, the clan for over 30 years fell into a self fulfilling vortex of self destruction, killing and maiming themselves as they fell to their own Kekeigenkai. A bloody familial war that raged on in a state of utter anarchy within the clan. Some even forcing their own loved ones to the brink of death to awaken the Konkyougan just in order to harvest it. Utter discord continued to befall the clan until eventually, their numbers had completely dwindled compared to their peak. As a result, clan leaders enacted a cleans. Hunting down those who wielded the Konkyougan, and reinstating order in the clan. Repainting their image and clan philosophy. No longer would the clan race towards battlefields to chase death and sew it.

With this "rebranding" of sorts and rehabilitation of their clan, they've since attempted to move past their previous model of mercenary work, thanks to the passionate and thorough cleansing and reeducation lead by at the time clan head, Jogi Shiki, but only after a strict assault on all of those wielding the Konkyougan at the time. It's said a major part of his success was his rumoured 'evolved' Konkyougan that made him a force truly to be reckoned with. Him being a major factor in the ending of the Fifty-Year Blood War through his passionate and level intense leadership throughout the cleansing process. As well as his thorough uprooting of those who clung to their self destructive desires and beliefs. Restricting access to records concerning the Konkyougan and insisting the clan take a new approach to sustaining themselves financially. Many times, the clan was offered a chance to return to their roots as natural born killers, chances at work to sustain the clan and themselves, which Jogi consistently refused. Some members of the struggling clan agreeing with his steadfast nature while others believing his obsession with avoiding the past to be a crippling fear that threatened to leave the clan to wither away into dust. But, death would come to claim him, as he would eventually come to pass, leaving his only son as his successor.

Soon after his placement as the new Clan head, he would begin leading the clan in migrating further north in search of that way before eventually entering The Land of Earth. Where they would be offered a conscription at the personal behest of the Daimyo. Offering them a chance to serve not as killers, but as his personal guard. Many members of the clan outright wishing to refuse such an offer, as they feared it would be lingering too close to their horrid beginnings that lead them down a path of death and despair.

The son himself believed the Clan's failing to be their obsessive fear with the past. Believing that the clan's self inflicted scourge was due to lack of leadership, restraint and discipline, which he was now hell bent to instill. That the clan's continued suffering was due to their now numerous years of attempted running away from their past. But still, was hesitant to accept the Daimyo's offer due to the wishes of his late father, the previous clan lead. As well as the inevitable backlash from numerous of the more pacifistic turned Clan members. Having to weigh the cons with the undeniable pros, as accepting such an opportunity would breath back into their all but extinguished clan. As well as the security it would bring to his new born son. Regardless, he would eventually make his decision, finally accepting the conscription and taking his place as the head of personal guard for the Earth Daimyo's court. The family as a whole serving directly under the Daimyo, and strictly the Earth Daimyo to serve as his personal protection service, loyal to him. The Shiki clan only accepting the conscription under the agreement that they were not to be underneath military control or direction, and were not to be utilized, recognized, or serve as a military force in any capacity under any circumstances.

It's been Generations since the Clan's acceptance of this role, being formally folded under the control and authority of the Earth Daimyo, with current Clan head Ikari Shiki taking lead of the Daimyo's guard. Not as conscripted killers that they were historically rooted in believing they were born to be. But a chance to be defenders. Protectors of life. Not reapers of it. Today the clan's current numbers remain a little over a few hundred, all residing within the Earth Daimyo's kingdom. Slowly recovering from their own self inflicted purge. But far and away from the population the clan once had in their heyday.

Current Head of clan: Ikari Shiki (Yet To Be Made)
Members: Hisui Shiki
Side Notes: The Shiki Clan have a hereditary affinity for yang release. Specializing in a special brand of taijutsu and kenjutsu. Their key technique they exceptionally excel in being the Body Flicker technique, their uniquely fluid use of the technique whilst in combat to blitz their enemies in onslaughts of quick unrelenting attacks being well trained within their Clan, this "Shiki-Style" becomes extremely dangerous when used in conjunction with light bladed weapons.

Last edited by Shiki on Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:58 pm; edited 5 times in total

Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-05-24

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Shiki Clan (Outdated and Null) Empty Re: Shiki Clan (Outdated and Null)

Post by Ika Mon May 27, 2024 12:53 pm



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