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The Shiki Clan (Up To Date)

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The Shiki Clan (Up To Date) Empty The Shiki Clan (Up To Date)

Post by Shiki Tue Jun 11, 2024 4:12 pm

The Clan Profile
General Information

Clan Name: The Shiki Clan
Clan Symbol: Two Overlapped Diamonds, Representing the two planes of reality and the truth of their intersection with one another. The Shiki Clan (Up To Date) 0VGpcou
Age of Clan: Unknown
Village of Origin: Originally Nomadic, have settled in The Land of Rain for the past 25 years.
Kekkei Genkai: Doujutsu- Konkyougan [Soul-Scope-Eye]

Kekkei Genkai

Kekkei Genkai Description: [The appearance of each person's Konkyougan is said to uniquely reflect the owner's soul, all coming in different shades and hues of blues. However, they're all uniform in some aspects. The irises' gain a softer gradiating hue of blue. While the pupil themselves constrict extremely and shine with an infamously bright light, giving off a haunting glow even at night. When the Konkyougan is at use, the hair of the user becomes frayed, raising at the ends, like a stalking animal.]

Name:  Konkyogan
Type:  Doujutsu
Stages:  2
Effects: - The Konkyougan (魂鏡眼, Literally meaning: Soul-Scope-Eye) allows for Shiki clan members who've awakened it to visually perceive the soul of all living things. Konkyougan also grants a heightened range of clear sight, allowing for crystal clear soul perception vision up to 30 meters in new awakeners, even capable of focusing in like a scope on certain souls it perceives with deep concentration. This range can be increased with training as the Konkyougan develops.

- Allows one to both view past casted Genjutsu as well as see through disguises and the majority of distraction techniques i.e shadow clone techniques/transformation techniques/substitution while activated due to being able to perceive the soul. This Doujutsu also grants the user the ability to see through lies utterly and absolutely while activated. No deceit passes this person's perception, as the lie and impurities of a person are naturally reflected onto their soul, clear for the eye to see.

- Upon awakening the Doujutsu, Shiki clan members' other senses along with their sight are awakened to an all new level. Their sense of smell, feeling, taste, and hearing and overall perception advance to new levels.

Kekkei Genkai Speciality Jutsu and Techniques:

Name:  Konkyogan
Rank:   D | C | B | A
Range:  30M | 50M
Type: Doujutsu
Element: N/A
Effects: Allows one to both view past casted Genjutsu as well as see through disguises and the majority of distraction techniques i.e shadow clone techniques/transformation techniques/substitution while activated due to being able to perceive the soul. This Doujutsu also grants the user the ability to see through lies utterly and absolutely while activated. No deceit passes this person's perception, as the lie and impurities of a person are naturally reflected onto their soul, clear for the eye to see. The eye's enhanced vision can be focused over  expanded distances like a scope, in a range of 30M, with an upper limit of up to 50M maximum depending on the strength of one's eye and their training. The soul perception of the eye allows for a small degree of penetration. Allowing one to perceive the souls of living creatures even through physical obstructions. Of course, this gives users of this Doujutsu a certain expected level of resistance to vision obstructions such as smoke screens and weather, however, things such as specialized ocular jutsu blocking smoke bombs as well as barrier ninjutsu prove to block the Konkyougan's visual abilities much like the Sharingan and the Byakugan. This Doujutsu also grants the user the ability to see through lies utterly and absolutely while activated. No deceit passes this person's perception, as the lie and impurities of a person are naturally reflected onto their soul, clear for the eye to see.

Clan History

History: The Shiki Clan have resided on the Island of Rain for some decades now and have managed to maintain a firm foothold over the land, dominating any and all other ninja or populace who may have resided there and firmly asserting themselves as the dominant power within the land. Their immense skill in combat as well as an almost frightening knack for assassinations and the art of killing has made their main form of trade an extremely fruitful endeavor. Known for their trademark talent for implementing the Body Flicker Jutsu, culminating in their signature style of kenjutsu and taijutsu known as "Shiki-Ryu". Their hereditary Clan Doujutsu only serving to make them even more desired for their for hire killings and mercenary work. They've come to be known as one of the "bloodier" clans, known to be willing to take on dirty work that others may not be so willing to steep to, all for a very fulfilling price that's seen their settlement in the Island of Rain grow healthy and strong. Their Clan known for producing killers who view assassination work and war as simple acts of life, many even relishing it, and actively seeking it out, as many of the younger clan members eager to begin to take on work at the tender age of 7. Their occupation as death merchants blended and intertwined deep within the Clan's culture at a steep, structural and interpersonal level.

The Shiki as a Clan currently hold no binding allegiances but makes a business out of loaning their formidable strength to those in both the Land of Fire as for hire mercenaries and assassins for Daimyo and would be Warlords, their reputation steadily growing as a reliable force of natural killers.

Their Doujutsu, especially in recent years, growing somewhat infamous in the shinobi world. But this Doujutsu of course, comes at the cost. These great powers are only a result of cheating death, and as a result, historical records of the clan have deemed those who awaken the Konkyougan as those chased by death itself. As usage of the eye drains the life away from them at a rapid pace. A day for every second the Doujutsu is in use. There is however, a cure to such an affliction. The transference of another clan member's Konkyougan to oneself. Evolving the eye, halting the life drain, and revitalizing the assailant. Of course...a ritual such as this requires the eyes of a fellow clan member. Incentivizing betrayal. As in times of war, awakenings are bound to be plentiful. As are afflictions. It's said that those who awake the Doujutsu are bound to become monsters who seek nothing but death.

The more you use the eye, the more clear your soul perception grows, the stronger those eyes grow, the closer you march to death, and the closer one is to death, the less one starts to appreciate the weight of life.

The Shiki Clan have a hereditary affinity for yang release. Specializing in a special brand of taijutsu and kenjutsu. Their key technique they exceptionally excel in being the Body Flicker technique, their uniquely fluid and offensive usage of the technique whilst in combat to blitz their enemies in onslaughts of quick unrelenting attacks being well trained within their Clan, this "Shiki-Style" becomes extremely dangerous when used in conjunction with light bladed weapons, and is primarily trained in the usage of such weapons. When short bladed weaponry isn't in use, the effectiveness of this technique lessens.

Current Head of clan: Kusari Shiki

Side Notes: The Shiki Clan have a hereditary affinity for yang release. Specializing in a special brand of taijutsu and kenjutsu. Their key technique they exceptionally excel in being the Body Flicker technique, their uniquely fluid use of the technique whilst in combat to blitz their enemies in onslaughts of quick unrelenting attacks being well trained within their Clan, this "Shiki-Style" becomes extremely dangerous when used in conjunction with light bladed weapons.

Members: - Kusari Shiki (Cody)
- Hisui Shiki (Cody)
- Kushi Shiki (Jason)

Last edited by Shiki on Tue Jun 25, 2024 6:59 pm; edited 2 times in total

Posts : 5
Join date : 2024-05-24

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The Shiki Clan (Up To Date) Empty Re: The Shiki Clan (Up To Date)

Post by Ika Mon Jun 24, 2024 7:52 pm



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