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Hisui Shiki

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Hisui Shiki Empty Hisui Shiki

Post by Shiki Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:36 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Hisui Shiki
Clan: The Shiki Clan
Age: 12 Years Old
Gender: Male
Personality: The most common words used to describe the young boy is simply 'sweet and thoughtful'. The boy isn't the most rambunctious, actually quite well behaved for his age and usually can be found either studying or attempting to find some way to help someone. While the boy himself may not be explicitly extraverted, he always seems to take the extra step that most might not necessarily think to or even care enough to take. As he can be found to be rather empathetic towards the emotions and needs of others. Perhaps this is why, outside of his desire to learn, he so often volunteers at the medical facilities of the village when he has the time to outside of his disciplined schedule of training.
Rank: Gennin
Village: Land of Rain

Physical Profile

Appearance: Hisui is a youthful yet somewhat soft faced boy. his neutral resting face giving an almost pouty expression. His tendency to avoid direct eye contact not particularly helping with any assumptions one might tend to make about him from a distance. And yet his gentle smile could melt ice with just how warm and gentle it is. His voice is soft, gentle, almost as if he were consciously attempting to calm with each word that he spins from his lips. His skin, like much of the Shiki Clan, tends to have a paler complexion than most who originate from the land of fire or wind. His skin soft to the touch, but having a pale glow like porcelain. His hair follows the same trend of hereditary lineage, raven wing hair that wields a black color but dances with a shimmering blue hue to it within light. It's texture being straight with sharp edges. His hair cut so that the edges reach just ever so slightly past the bottom of his cheeks. His eyes, again, like most Shiki Clan lineage, are sharp and hazy, having an appearance that borderlines on tired with irises they reflect a deep midnight blue.

He sports a high collared black shirt of light fabric that's been embroidered the crest of the Shiki Clan upon the front of the shirt, right upon the front of the neck collar. He wears matching black shorts, along with standard issue shinobi shoe wear. Beneath this upper layer of clothing he sports a set of standard issue underfarmer wire fishnets, complete with undershirt and leggings that reach to his ankles.

Character Appearance:

Height: 5'0
Weight:  120 Ibs

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Hisui's approach to combat revolves heavily around his mixture of ever developing medical knowledge along with very well disciplined close quarters combat. As a result, Hisui is extremely skilled at both hand to hand combat, utilizing his budding medical knowledge to suppliment the frighteningly precise nature of an assassin.

On missions he usually attempts to scout and carefully analyze his opponents before making any attempts to confront them in face to face combat. Preferring stealth, utilizing careful observation to take them out through carefully timed, concise attacks that aim to cripple the opponent decisively and end the fight as soon as possible. Especially when in conjunction with his exceptionally well trained usage of the body flicker technique that the Shiki clan specializes in, coming in handy when it comes to swiftly closing distances when necessary between himself and mid to long range opponents. When at long range, aiming for non lethal points to attack with Senbon Needles, utlizing his well studied anatomical knowledge to puncture and cripple opponents from a distance.

He shines in utilizing his medical skills and knowledge in conjunction with his short blade kenjutsu, using these skills in tandem in order to deliver swift and deciding blows in close range combat, aiming for tendons and muscles or other non lethal points of interest in order to avoid outright killing a target. As after all, Hisui, whether naively or not, has no desire to kill anyone.
Elemental Affinity: Yang Release

Ninja Tool Load Out: Senbon Needles, Smoke Bombs, Flash Bombs, Explosive Tags, Blood Increasing Pills, and 2 Scrolls containing Fuma Shuriken.

His main weapon a chakra sensitive short blade, in a Tanto configuration. This Chakra Blade due to it's chakra sensitive metal can absorb chakra funneled into it to enhance it's slicing power, leaving blue streaks of light in its wake. The blade is a family heirloom, and has many wtritings along it's blade, although these writings serve no purpose outside of sentimental tradition.

Tanto Blade:

Past Profile

History: Hisui is the first and only child of the current Clan head, Kusari Shiki. As a result, Hisui himself, has been naturally slotted as being the next head of the clan as well as the eventual successor of his Mother's role as leader of the Hidden Rain. A responsibility in which he seems resolute in eventually inheriting as his mother wishes. Albeit, for not so obvious reasons. As the boy wishes to alter the bloody culture of the clan's way of life. The boy being conflicted with the nature of their clan's nature and its history. A part of him believed that in a world full of so much death and destruction, their clan was only continuing to reap and throw the world deeper and deeper into pain with their work. Profiting and chasing the deaths of others for their own personal benefit and borderline amusement. By all means, the boy is a pacifist, in a world where he simply can't afford to be.

Of course his mother was of a wholly different opinion. And while his mother wasn't a war monger, she whole heartedly disagreed with her son's motivations, and conflictions and friction would of course eventually develop between the two as time for his training would begin. Originally, when Hisui told his mother of his intentions to train as a medic, his mother vehemently and firmly disagreed with it and deemed it to be a selfish, self indulgent waste of time. And counter productive to the benefit of the Clan, and as a result, the land of Rain itself. It was only after months of heated debate between the two, and eventual compromise, that his mother would agree for him to study medical ninjutsu in full. Under the condition that he couldn't simply be a healer. He HAD to be a well and fully trained shinobi in regards to his offensive measures as well, more so even, as his mother wouldn't accept mediocre results either. This of course, while being stone walling conditions, forced a determined Hisui to try to overcome them through his disciplined study and dedication. As well as his harsh studying of the young concept of medical ninjutsu. But in a world where medical ninjutsu is only at the dawn of development, his search for an effective answer or his development of one is seeming only more and more like a pipe dream...
Side Note: The Shiki Clan have a hereditary affinity for yang release, their key technique they exceptionally excel in better than most ninja being the Body Flicker technique, their fluid use of the technique in combat to blitz their enemies in onslaughts of quick unrelenting attacks being well trained within their Clan, which Hisui seems to have taken to as a natural. This "Shiki-Style" becomes extremely dangerous when used in conjunction with bladed weapons.

Due to the sheer speed that's brought out through this style of combat, it's rather difficult to utilize it to its fullest capacity for those in the Shiki-Clan who have yet to unlock the advanced perception of the Konkyougan.

Last edited by Shiki on Mon Jun 17, 2024 12:58 pm; edited 2 times in total

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Join date : 2024-05-24

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Hisui Shiki Empty Re: Hisui Shiki

Post by Ika Wed Jun 12, 2024 11:38 pm

Approved 3-4


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