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Nomi Shiki

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Nomi Shiki Empty Nomi Shiki

Post by Thunderbrood Wed Jun 26, 2024 1:25 pm

The Shinobi Profile
General Information

Name: Nomi Shiki
Clan: Shiki
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Personality: The most common impressions that Nomi leaves those who are willing to meaningfully interact with her is that she's a quiet, kind, and overall patient person who seems to lend well to a conversation, never outright pushing people away and seeming content to allow people to approach, but never truly connecting. She doesn't seem to bear any sort of I'll will towards those who may seek to harass or belittle her. Instead only offering a muted, almost practiced smile in return, never one to seek a conflict or feed into provocations. And yet, her gaze never seems to connect, always staring through others. Her demeanor holding an almost tensely strung nature that always seems frighteningly close to snapping, and yet so far, has yet to manage to.

Her mind seems to drift from time to time, giving some the impression of a slight clumsiness or airheaded nature, and yet, her overall demeanor and the way she carries herself never seems to lend credence to this. Especially while on a mission. Almost seeming staunchly dedicated to completing the objective above all else, coldly so even, even despite her pacifist misgivings that refuses to allow her to seriously injure an enemy. Not solely for their enemy's sake, but for the sake of herself. As at the sight of blood, a visceral fear will leave her rattled to her core and sick to her stomach. A rare display of fear and unrest for any who might witness her fall to this phobia and trauma she possesses.
Rank: Gennin
Village: Rain

Physical Profile


Character Appearance:

Height: 4' 5"
Weight: Not disclosed

Combat Profile

General Fighting Style: Nomi was like, most Shiki, acceled in their clan style and art utilizing the body flicker technique in her combat style along with her trusty Twin Karambit gifted to her by her father after her first successful mission. But after a failed mission a couple of years later in resulting her younger brothers death she decided to Abandon the Shiki-Ryu and vowed to never kill anyone again. Researching and trying out many other styles of fighting she ultimately decided to train wind manipulation.

She developed a style where she would be able to push and pull using her wind manipulation and keeping her distance using the clans body flickering technique she's able to keep at a range far enough where she doesn't have to harm anyone directly.

Ninja tools: 4 Metal fans, standard gear, bandages solder pills metal wire spools. Twin Karambit(in which she will never use)
Elemental Affinity: Wind release

Past Profile

Unlike vast majority of the Clan,  Nomi is one of the small handful of Shiki Clan members who aren't of pure blood. Her father having found himself anamored with a fan dancer that he had come across in one of his many missions. And despite the outright disapproval of outer marriage by the majority of the Clan, he would have decided to follow his own whims regardless and solidify their relationship and bring the woman in as his wife. Eventually , this lead to the birth of Nomi, and then, her younger brother Fuji. Nomi of course beginning their process of training at the age of 6, her brother eventually following in her footsteps once he reached age as well, him being three years younger.

Eventually, Nomi was allowed to shadow other experienced clan members at the age of 8. Years would pass, with her father pushing for his son Fuji to do the same despite his younger age once he reached 7. At 10 years old, and experience shadowing, she opted to accompany her brother on his first field outing. Her younger brother, while eager like most young Shiki, had yet to prove himself to be as skilled, tragedy striking as a result upon his first field outing as he threw himself in the line of an attack to protect his older sister Nomi.

Devastated she fell into dismay as the rest of the experience clan members didn't bother stopping to help her brother but instead choosing to abandon him to finish the mission. Filled with hatred as she saw the real truth she in disgust abandoned the clan ways and opted to go a more pacifist route. Taking up her mother's fans, who due to the death of her youngest she fell into shock. It was then and there she abandoned Shiki-Ryu and developed a new fighting style one that would be able to avoid killing.

But due to her father's overuse of his eyes he became cold to the fact of his wife falling into shock and his youngest passing he fell into a workaholic life. Rarely home as he takes more and more missions to prove something. As Nomi was left alone she took the mantle of taking care of things both on taking missions and taking care of her mother.
Side Note:


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Join date : 2024-06-22

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Nomi Shiki Empty Re: Nomi Shiki

Post by YaBoyShingo Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:22 pm

Approved 3-5

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